Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Headaches are usually more a sign of overload than recon. So the best thing would probably be to take a few days off (washout) and then start again with micro-loops starting with 30 seconds.

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It was not that. I can listen for more minutes I mean way more minutes to other titles without any issues.
This is not definitely overload but recon. It is also mentioned in the masterclass that recon can be a headache.

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You and I have the same problem.

Recon usually shows up for me in the form of irritation and headaches. The only solution outside of lowering exposure is I have to drink an incredible amount of water, take a very particular type of over the counter pain medicine (and according to my doctor, these are actually migraines – which I don’t get unless I’m reconning, but my entire family deals with).

It’s this – the B.C. / Goody powder. It’s a massive shot of Aspirin, Tylonel and caffeine. And apparently, it’s unhealthy because it stresses your liver and wrecks your stomach due to the Aspirin and caffeine. So, if you normally get migraines due to stress, that’s something you’ll have to consider before running titles and the such.

I have migraine medicine, but I try to stay as medicine free as possible and I pretty much just endure the headache. I would NOT add more healing titles like Sanguine, as that could trigger more recon.

First, I’d go to a qualified medical professional and ensure that these aren’t stress migraines. They may be able to offer the proper pain medicine. As for what you can do to mitigate this – you may just have to REALLY cut back on exposure. I’m talking about 1 minute every other day and the sort until you’ve run the sub for a bit.


Thanks for answering. And yes we are similar at this but you have migraines and I have headaches, both are very annoying. I have ibuprofen based pills which usually work but not this time :frowning: .
I see that the only solution is to just wait to be gone and also lowering exposure.

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You sure there’s not anything under that headache? I’ve found those come on for me when I’m actively repressing something the sub is bringing up or neglecting my needs and trying to power through it. It’s mostly tension in the body in the form of trying to hold back something. I also run WB and I notice it can be very easy to overdo it on that title if I don’t check in with myself throughout the day and release the emotional pressure.

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And if you missed it:

To see some cool “behind the scenes” art, including abandoned box art concepts for BDLM and Nouveau R.I.C.H. (you won’t want to miss BDLM’s.)


This makes me even more excited for Saturday for some reason

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Excitement is good. We just finished the box for one of the NFTW titles.


Whatever could it be???


Still waiting for the clock

The Blur ZP. Turns you into The Flash


Survival instinct x

A wealth sub.


Naw. Dragon Reborn Rebirth


I see a $ sign in the box so my guess is a wealth sub.

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Nouveau R.I.C.H. Trader

I see a naked woman. Both might be projections.


In that case could be Seductress Black.

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I do not have the heart to say this but your graphic designers have a real issue with a blur effect in Photoshop or whatever software they are using.

My guess is Genesis: Mogul. The art has that “let there be light” vibe aka Genesis. And it’s a wealth title aka Mogul.

Maybe it’s the free wealth title.


Looks like Revelation of Body to me