Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

@Eric I highly doubt it’s like that. To paraphrase MJ DeMarco from the Millionaire Fastlane it’s about actually being wealthy vs creating the illusion of wealth.


What @James says applies too, but the real reason was that the X7 just wasn’t worth the money. It wasn’t comfortable, and I hate the way it handled. Just wasn’t worth $80k.

R.I.C.H. doesn’t necessarily make you stop caring about the price tag. It helps you evaluate your financial decisions so that you can build wealth. I ended up buying a new car in cash. No monthly payments, no interest, etc. Much better choice.


Hi @SaintSovereign, besides Kybalion which other books do you recommend for self development (broadly speaking). You have mentioned already:

  • Kybalion
  • 50th Law
  • No country for Old Men
  • The Lean Startup

Is there anything else? Like a top 5 - top 10?


@SaintSovereign Hows running custom Renassiance Man + Paragon?

Are you adding or switching R.I.C.H. Crypto in ?

Also can you share with us your listening pattern that you find works well for you on QV2…


Thailand :smile:

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@SaintSovereign, are Fire and you striving to eventually have the Quintessaince cover full customization – as in being able to convert distinct parts of Khan, Emperor, Stark, and other Titles and merge them into one without all the excessive scripting?

Since technology has become so powerful, whenever one is not exactly working on a Title’s goals, he or she easily submits to reconciliation.

For example – one may deem various parts of Primal Seduction helpful for social environments, even in Business situations but detests being slightly nudged to go out and ask women on dates, or flirt with them and take them out for a night.

Previously, and especially before Q, there was more of an ability to interlace scripting while taking action on the objectives accordingly – whereas currently, we do one loop and it affects us for almost a week on end. Now, if there is a part of the scripting not being taken action on, it’s mostly excessive and using unnecessary brainpower that can be constructively used for another Module.

Imagine, being able to have in a Custom only the absolute necessities for each unique individual; allowing each user to Qv2 or Q+ at full capacity, since they should then be able to determine their objectives and take action while listening to a Subliminal that aligns their subconscious with said goals entirely.

I’m assuming that’s what @Fire and you are doing.

Full personalized according to one’s goals over a prolonged timespan – allowing each user to maximize their usage and experience some of the more glorious results as the manifestation cycle is finished by relentless action taken on all scripting contained within.

Currently, users are adding Major Titles upon Major Titles to neutralize and balance some kind of effects, while those Titles contain even more excessive scripting much like how Ascended Mogul got merged but then while choosing the containments. Allowing users to personalize their Custom even further, gaining increased results as it aligns far greater with their objectives, and allowing for a swift advancement in internal and external results.

I’m assured this would absolutely skyrocket results to another Galaxy.

Like a Khan with Emperor qualities to be totally undisturbed building his Empire at home, without constantly being nudged to take walks outside to be nearby women and interact with them.

Khan contains a lot of outstanding sales and business scripting, yet somehow it feels like on Khan you want to be in a social environment to improve and grow your social skills, especially to be around women and interact with them.

I’m sure you understand what I’m getting at here.

@SaintSovereign, any possibility @Fire and you are looking at this for the future? Much like a personalized Custom with full-automation reducing the production cost so it becomes a tad bit closer to the price range of current Customs.


pog saint, what kind of music do you dj?

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I create whatever comes to mind. Haven’t been able to work on anything in awhile, but right now I’m on a electro-funk kinda thing (see Vin’s Night Out).

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@Fire wants to keep things close to the vest, but I had to report this. I’ve been playing this ridiculously addictive competitive dodgeball video game – Knockout City – at night with the lady in order to unwind. For those who haven’t played, watch a video to get the idea, but it’s basically 3 v 3 dodgeball in a giant, interactive arena. First to 10 (or 15 in a 4v4 match) wins.

Fire sent over an Ultima+ prototype of Gaming Mastery X (because we wanted to test Weapon X in this format in an easy manner) and after TWO LOOPS (across two days), I went from getting washed almost every round, to this:


That’s 17 KOs and a KDR of 17 (meaning, I didn’t get KO’d across two rounds) a single time. I also won VIP this round. Thinking this was a fluke, I kept going. Last night, my team ended up winning around 8 matches in a row (until the matchmaking scaled even higher and we went up against an absolute beast of a team). Here’s a highlight:

That’s 28 KOs (and a KDR of 3.50, but hey, we still won).

That being said, the prototype did drain the hell out of me (if you’re reading any of the new support articles and there’s basic typos, sorry), but development is going great and I’m really happy with the results.


Do you think there is a chance we could get some modules based on gaming mastery in the Q store and also a gaming mastery for like poker or the casino in general?

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This would need to go into the Q Module Requests so it doesn’t get lost here. I love the casino idea!

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Also, I feel as if GMX is greatly missing scripting in the “focus & be in the moment” department. I’ve been using its Q version and I can’t do much with it because I struggle with being in the moment the most – having ruminating thoughts. With Khan, when I would engage in, rather, dare I say, toxic banter in voice calls whilst having an audience – I would become hyper focused. Like a cat fixated on its prey. I would ignore all the audience or any insecurity I may of had, and just absolutely dominate him through pure force (i.e. just saying the most simple of comebacks, like turning anything he said and giving it a “with your mom” spin, the absolute conviction in my voice made him shake (and he’s experienced, with much more wittier comebacks))

My point is, I wish GMX had some sort of surreal “in the zone” thing like that.
This, from Renaissance’s man sale’s copy also sounds really nice: “Renaissance Man guides you to the optimal flow state, as well as mood.”

But overall, yeah. Super stoked because of this new development.

Edit: Starting to play way better now. Realized I need to hold firm intent.


@love Using gmx v2 and i gotta say my focus is pretty intense in most games (with ups and downs of course depending on whether I’m hungry, sleep-deprived etc). It’s a crucial skill and I was working on it by judging my focus from 0-100 after each game over the time span of ~2 weeks. It increased my awareness of how focused i actually was and why I was/wasn’t focused.

There are many factors influencing focus. I either play alone, mute all and hyper focus. Or I am in vc with other people and try to communicate effectively to win the game. Even winning some really tough games where we were behind.


Latest results with GMX Ultima+ Prototype:

19 KOs, 19 KDR, and MVP in 4v4.

21 KOs, 10.50 KDR, and MVP in 4v4.

Had some reconciliation last night and ended up having to stop playing because I started raging at the lady because she wasn’t passing the ball, haha.


Great results! How different is the reconciliation from these subs to the ones in the past. Does it hits deeper, drains more energy, anything else?

Also, a quick help if you don’t mind. I currently am in a rut of sorts, nothing too deep though.

What I noticed is my addiction to fantasizing goes completely under my radar. Fantasizing as in, thinking yourself as a god walking the streets. You know the type, eh?

It creates a lot of vacuum between reality and expectations, which gets filled by negative mental chatter.

What should I do to get rid of this temptation to fantasize, or indulge in any other sorts of mental creation that isn’t connected to reality, basically day dreaming?

Didn’t seem any worse than it always has. I was just really agitated to the point where I had to stop playing the game.

Visualization can be good, as it informs the subconscious as to what you want. It can also be a very powerful alchemical tool. Just try to harness it. Any time you catch yourself daydreaming about a fantasy, bring it down to Earth. Focus it on the current task and how completing that task will get to the fantasy goal. Use it as a tool to take action.


Gaming Mastery X isn’t there???

You’s got sum 'splaining to do.

As for poker and the casino, yes – we’re working on this.


What titles would be a great stack for setting up an online business.
Ie. Dropshipping, Freelancing etc.

Currently I’m using Emperor Q

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Emperor + RICH. Stick with it and take action.


It’s in there I was just wondering about modules that possibly would have been based off of it…

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