Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

@SaintSovereign please take your time and if you need to take breaks please do. Ignore these greedy people who want everything now.

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I just want HOM experimental lol but I would rather wait and have the creator take a breather before I get it and be patient :slight_smile:


Your a funny bloke James :smiley:

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Any updated ETA on ROM/ROS? :slight_smile:


You guys are so funny :joy:

I have returned.

This has been… quite a weekend. A bit of turmoil behind the scenes and everything grinded to a halt. But, we are back at it and will be catching everything up within the next 2-3 days.

Please be patient as I work through the back log.


Take your time! I just started a washout and I can’t run anything right now anyway!!! :joy:


Welcome back!

I hope your small vacation was refreshing and you had some opportunity to have some time with your close ones


Welcome back
Turmoil in sense of recon?

Welcome back Mr Saint !

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Please prioritize QL and RICH crypto if possible

Hope everything is okay, Saint.



I am still struggling with releasing RoS. RoM is pretty solid. Not a single issue. RoS, however… this is a very advanced product. I just don’t think it’s good for public consumption in it’s current state. However, I am open to toning it down a bit to make it viable for release.

I know everyone’s hair stands on end when they hear something being toned down, but trust me, sometimes you want a smooth, but enlightening experience over something that’s ridiculously intense. Ask @Sub.Zero about his experiences with the OG Zero Point. It was powerful, but it was… way too much.


I mean, I’ve seen what harsh recon can do to an individual :man_shrugging:t2:
I am not in for either of them for now🧍🏻‍♂️.
Any possibility of RICH crypro ZPv2 releasing in 2 hours?

Two hours? Probably not. Sometime tonight? Possibly.


@SaintSovereign What about Quantum Limitless?

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Thanks in advance

What I see is that almost everyone is trying to optimize their stacks/customs and crave for more powerful programming whilst one should be more focused on optimizing the way they work with their mind programming. The programming affects our Matrix (our perception) and it’s a very powerful factor, yet it’s not the only one and there are plenty of other factors that affect the Matrix. On top of that, the Matrix is not what we call reality, one always should bare it in mind. We need to take “our” reality into our own hands and shape it with our wisdom and will. At SC club we have great tools to help us do so at our disposal. To use and example: What if you gave a 4 year old kid a carpentry toolbox and ask it to build a shelter? Hmm… you would both sleep under the open sky, most certainly, unless the kid was a genius. What if you gave a penknife to a guy with survival skills? You would sleep nicely that night.


Yes, please! :slight_smile:

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@SaintSovereign any chance of releasing ROM separately ?