Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Funny you say this because I’m beginning to learn that “I” as the individual witnessing life and directly interacting with it doesn’t always have access to those secrets. It’s not a permanent no, but not everything is wide open doors for exploration. That in itself has been fascinating to me, there are places I haven’t even been granted access to yet.


I know exactly what you mean.

Looking back this is super powerful when you realize what realms you were missing!


Right as I’m starting a new stack :eyes:

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no real concern and- zero judgement

What are the ethical implications of a title we have not run yet causing us recon?

I don’t know the full story so cannot truly comment
in speculation thought that might mean

something being run is effecting us

and/or something that’s been created has caused us to effect ourselves without any direct action on or part

and/or because a future use of said title is effecting our past self in some kind of retrocausality
and/or the ‘hype’ delineates a probability field in which were more likely to be under the influence of another retrocausality


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There are none. If this idea is indeed true, if you don’t plan on running it, you won’t have recon (or results, because it’s not just recon). It’s still your choice.

EDIT: And again, you do realize that if this idea is true, it’s not just happening with you choosing to run a subliminal. It’d be EVERY choice you make. :wink:


@SaintSovereign I really want to run Black Emperor when it comes out but a few weeks back I decided to follow the recommended listening schedule and run Dragon Reborn in it’s entirety. Three 21 day cycles per stage. Two loops every other day . The shift in how I am starting to feel is hard to explain other than I am slowly able to relax more and more as time goes by.
That is huge as I have always struggled with being able to let go of or not allow things to get to me. I am able to just pause , think of a solution, or both.
You have no idea how much I have dreamed of something like this. I have always been so high strung that it always felt like I was about to just emotionally hulk out or something. I’m not a violent person but that anger was always just under the surface and most of the time I couldn’t tell you why is was angry or irritable.
I made the switch back to Dragon Reborn because I watched other people’s reactions when I would sort of snap. I never hit anyone . I would usually just sort of shout the F word and toss a mop or something on the floor. I never wanted to be someone that other people actively avoided but I have been when I was in my twenties out of flakiness, immaturity, or neediness.
I feel like I am now gaining the self awareness I lacked as well as an ongoing journey of mental and emotional maturity.
I’m learning to express how I feel instead of letting myself get overwhelmed.
Have a great weekend



This stack is beyond anything I’ve created for myself. I’m experiencing the most profound and yet unnerving stillness of the mind. I wasn’t prepared for this. I spend most of my day in deep thought and contemplation, and usually my mind is firing off so much that I’ll literally become exhausted from just sitting there thinking.

This stillness, however – this silence, feels like a blanket of tranquility has been laid across my entire psyche. It’s unnerving in the sense that I never realized just how much of my day to day activities, thoughts, emotions, etc. were ruled by fleeting thoughts that peaks quickly, leaves an oft-traumatic mark and then fades away into obscurity, while I remain stuck trying to express a now irrelevant idea into reality.

It almost feels like an overload of the senses, or rather, remaining at the precipice of overload – that place where exhilaration and bliss meets, but you feel like it could all come crashing down the next moment, even though that collapse never comes. It’s a rather pleasant feeling, allowing the present moment to flow through you without the observer casting judgment. It’s hard to explain, given there’s no physical reference point to work from, and honestly, it took a lot of effort to even write this.

I simply felt no need to do so. I guess a picture could explain better:



I think i know what your talking about. when i was running Way of Nature, I would go outside and it would feel like the only sound in my head was the wind blowing through the leaves. so peaceful. then a few weeks after I took a break from my custom (the heart of the sage) there were times I was just staring out the window looking at trees, totally immerse in the present moment. its a whole different way of being.


:muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


Weed does this to me, it’s also one of the reasons I occasionally indulge in that herb.

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@SaintSovereign I have been reading a book called How to Do The Work. At the beginning Hermetic Philosophy was mentioned and I immediately thought of you.
It’s probably not an original perspective but when people mention " The Great Work" or something similar I feel without realizing it they’re actually referring to a journey of deep healing and self discovery


@James from what i understand listening to love bomb for humanity will help you to love yourself its basically an evolution of the earlier love bomb.


Love it, I am quite an over thinker but it’s chaotic, unguided and so I feel disorganized a lot and confused. My intuition is unfocused as well. I feel really drawn to your words above. I’d definitely like to experience that stillness. I crave peace, mental/emotional peace. That’s so awesome.


@Geoff the LBFH experiment has something like that also, stronger than the original LB (Stillness, blanket of tranquility etc.). Since this morning I am in a Zen state. With the original Love Bomb I was in a peaceful state but it is deeper with the experiment file


Nice, when you say “zen” you’re relating it to a feeling of inner peace and stillness?

I’m finishing up washout, but Monday I’ll be starting 2nd cycle and will run it. I hope to experience what you had and that loving feeling as I haven’t felt that using og LBH.

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inner peace, stillness and also observer of my own thoughts, like in meditation. I did not have that last part with the original LB


Really…that’s really interesting, almost like the introspective aspect of cfw? I’m getting hyped now man :slight_smile:


Yes, exactly a mix of LB and CFW but it is my own feeling, I don’t know if I am correct :slightly_smiling_face:
What I know is that it is much deeper than LB


I get that. Something I definitely need to feel more self assured and be self reliant. I added it my stack today. Ran it last night before I feel asleep at around one or two in the morning.


That’s something I crave. I so used to my mind being chaotic