Saint Deadpool 👑


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So doesn’t it make more sense to make a Wanted + Primal custom?

Also why not use LoTS for physical shifting?


It does. In a normal world, it does but in this situation, I want to give more focus to Primal.
I know it is an unorthodox approach but one must sometimes think out of the box. And not a litter box.

I already had LOS before and this time I wanted to feel wanted except for government and tax clerks.


What you mean you can’t look at girls above 5 of 10.? They are just humans with extra nice bodies.

I dated models they are as fucked up as everyone else if not more sometimes. The biggest insight you can have is they are just like other women. Don’t treat them differently.


That was a joke and my English is not as good as I would wish :slight_smile:

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oh haha

But they are more lightweight in general. You can more easily carry them or give them a Piggyback ride.

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Another thing that Wanted has and LOS hasn’t.
Making a bigger peepee.

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how big is your pp with Wanted? and how small was it before?

Same length so far.

Some small observations from the first run of Primal and Wanted.

  • More calm and therefore better speech
  • More optimistic and also more funny and witty.

That is all :slight_smile:


I do not know what Phoenix is doing. So far had 3 listenings of 15 minutes each time.
Once or two times I have felt somehow blue but it lasts only half a day if I recall.
Yesterday was my third time and so far nothing bad happened also I think I am more optimistic, like 5.63% more

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Yesterday I did also 15 minutes of Paragon to battle my sickness.
Before I went to bed It worsened somehow and also in the morning when I woke up It looked worse as well but as the day went on it started getting better and rn I am feeling quite well, not having an increased temperature, just minor coughing and just feeling better than previous two days.
It seems that my cold will be finally gone in a few days, nice.

Also, my appetite is quite back.


I have been using a weighted blanket for some time, since this fall. I am accustomed to it rn.

A long time in the past I used to sleep like eight hours. These days it is only between 6 and 7 hours.

Many times like 6:30, 6:15, and 7:00 but also sometimes below 6 hours. I do not know if it is because the blanket or KB st1 I ran in the past had something to do with it.

Yesterday I tried a normal duvet. Very unusual. I am already not used to having something so light over me through the night. I went to bed around midnight. Woke up at 1:30, did not know why, and felt that the normal duvet was not right to have so I changed it to a weighted blanket and slept normally till 6:40.

Still pondering on running Paragon Sleep sometime in the future.

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Sometimes I feel a little bit odd reading from many users about the shattering of their inner worlds or massive shifts in their lives when nothing is not same as before from their experience with healing titles.
I did Khan st1 in the past, also some other healing subs, and rn doing Phoenix but never had this kind of experience.

I’m curious what you mean, can you explain in english?

I just sometimes see people writing something along lines that after one listening I do not know let’s say Phoenix or something else, that suddenly woke up, etc.
I do not mean it sarcastically, just saying that I have never had any experience of that or even slightly close.

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Lots brother man, Lots! You’re yoked, probably would work wonders for you anyway. Wanted is good for twink ass boys like me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::innocent:

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It is possible, but rn I would like to give Wanted a little more love :slight_smile:
And Wanted is for everyone either for twink buts or non twink buts it does not matter. It can show love to everyone who is interested enough :slight_smile:


Deadpool is using Wanted so he can be handsome again, the experiments made him ugly and full of scars