RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

As I posted in my journal I ran one loop of The Executive this morning and managed to get quite a few things done way faster than I expected. I’m a bit surprised but my Wife isn’t. She always says that’s just how I am. Get it done so I can have the rest of the day to myself , focus on other things, or both.
I am thinking that running Dragon Reborn magnifies the execution of Executive or maybe the other way around. Either way shit is still getting done.

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I see Dragon Reborn as a scorched earth for your mental and emotional well being. Total Breakdown is a demolition and excavation company. Dragon Reborn is full on Nuclear Annihilation minus the fun stuff like radiation and nuclear winter


This is apt especially since Game of Thrones used Dragons as symbols for Nuclear warheads.

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I think you are a deep thinker!

Achievement Unlocked: Fidelity to One’s Playlist :+1:

This is interesting because I’ve been feeling this as well, starting a few days ago. This makes sense, and I would think it probably is Blue Skies.

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Could be both. I wonder if DR has The Executive technology or scripting in it.

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I’m thinking this is a good point. I would think there would be a lot of reconciliation, but I’ve experienced little, especially given the scope and depth in the description page. With Regeneration, it could be exhausting or unnerving with all the random memories popping up at the most unusual times! I mean, things I’ve not thought about since they happened… decades ago!

With DR, I do get memories, but it’s like they are happening in a far away location. The tech DR vs Regeneration seems different.


Or longer.
I get that reflecting on and working through trauma can be beneficial but I would just rather have the shit gone
With the scripting for Dragon Reborn I can’t say much but I would think once you eliminate whatever mental or emotional shit was forcing a person to procrastinate or sabotage themselves that accomplishing tasks becomes infinitely easier


I have at times been accused of this. :wink: Though much less since my 30s now that I think of it. Sufficient hours of diaper-changing duty and children’s television programming probably help to temper that tendency. Which reminds me, I wonder how @BLACKICE is doing. Happy First Thanksgiving to your little one, man!

Haha. Thanks. It takes very little discipline because I actually really f**king want what I’m working on right now. (In the same way that waking up each day for a 7:30 AM blowjob would not be able to properly be considered as true discipline.)

The other thing is that the last puzzle piece that slid into place with my current stack was exactly a Healing Custom.

I designed it like this:

Blue Skies
Negativity Displacer
Energetic Development XI
The Flow
Dream Traveler
The Architect
Deep Sleep

Dragon Reborn it’s not. But it does hit the Emotional, Physical, Psychological, Energetic, and even Cosmetic/Attractiveness levels. And I only started using it 2 short months ago. So it’s still just getting started. I actually think this will be a good foundation and platform for what Dragon Reborn will do later on when I use it. Point is, in my personal stack, it’s really not yet time for Dragon Reborn.

On the awesome side, I still get to marvel at the amazing experiences you all are having with it. If there’s one thing I enjoy, it’s seeing Emotional and Psychological Suffering getting its ass kicked or at the very least getting taken down a notch.


How is Direct Influencing Aura working out for you, do you have it in a Custom, and if so, which one?

Its simple.
If DR realy (and I think and feel that) is something like a restart, because it targets your whole being, then you have empty space inside that is receptive for reprogramming.
Pretty simple😁


Have you stopped listening to your Custom that contained those modules when you headed into Dragon Reborn? In that case it seems very obvious you had overexposure and so, the scripting finally came to manifest, once you listened to another script (Dragon Reborn).

My conclusion, I have noticed this pattern very often in the past.

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My hunch is that it’s probably similar to a charisma booster. It does seem to be working, however, I want to give it more time. I’ve been feeling tired lately and I wonder if that might impact these aura modules.

I have it in a Terminus Squared format.

I wonder if this is “DR lite”. :grin:

This is a brilliant thought! I’m thinking you might be right.

No, but…

I have noticed this pattern too.

I sympathize. I love and hate Regeneration. It’s helpful but can be exhausting and disconcerting.


Especially when you would probably be far better off feeling indifferent towards whatever it is. That’s why running Elixir with the first three stages is probably very beneficial.

For my upcoming Custom, I’m looking at something to generate massive sums of wealth and build an Archetype with a profound state of Charisma, Social Ability and Frame.

Mind sharing the details of your Custom or can I look it up elsewhere? I’m personally not so fund of anything above the Q level in Strength… tiredness is possibly due to overexposure as I mentioned and after you sharing those details I’m fairly certain you had major overexposure. With something as Terminus Squared you do not want to go over one loop a week or so.

Dragon Reborn is in Q-strength, different strength levels take longer or shorter to manifest, it was certainly caused by adding those Dragon Reborn scripts, I have personally noticed a similar pattern myself when I was listening to Terminus swapping it out for Q afterward.

Perhaps Stark.

It is possible.

What did you notice when you went from Terminus to Q?