RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I think you have more great insights!

What’s the difference between feeling weak and feeling completely relaxed as though all tension in your muscles was just gone?

And make sure you read what @James said below here…

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The first thing that came to mind when I read the first one is some possible underlying obligation based on either guilt or shame. Then again I could be projecting my issues onto you.
The second part comes down to showing vulnerability. I will be the first to admit that I am talking out of my ass here because I struggle with that myself. If you have ever read Mark Manson or Brene Brown both advocate that. Here

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I misread that as misunderstandings and misanthropic. I was thinking " the second part is definitely me".

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Confidence and self assurance. Possibly apathy

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Guilt has been a major emotional hook in my life.

Feel great?
Others don’t. Mom doesn’t, so why should I?
Feel wealthy?
Give it all away (I’ve wondered about this belief–since some people actually do this (do I???)

But the strongest hook was the first: “if you feel good, squelch it so you feel like others do. It’ll keep people from talking about you”

While growing up, being different felt shameful. A lot of my life has been spent trying to “look normal”.

I’m here, so I’m not successful there :rofl: jk

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weakness seems easier to identify.
But lack of tension? Tension has been constant for years. A lack of it–I’d have to remember years back having some major releases. There are 2 I think of, and both were SO VALUABLE to me!

I’d love to identify the Harmonic Singularity module working on me. Tag it with a healing weekend releasing emotional hangups, and I’d be dancing in the streets.

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@subliminalguy The problem with that is you’re allowing someone else to guilt you or think you should feel guilty for possibly their own shortcomings or maybe they’re just a horrible person. It might not hurt to embrace selective apathy

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I’m thinking about this “too many” auras concept.

@TheBoxingScientist what is the highest number of auras you ran simultaneously? what did you notice happening when you did so?

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Unlikely, but even if you did, it would be a name embedded version of the Emperor, which presently doesn’t have a name embedded version on the regular side of the store

I was re-evaluating the results from my subliminals. Rather than listing what I’m running, I’d rather just present some general guidelines for your consideration if you decide to design any aura subliminals or use any aura products from Subliminal Club.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire please comment if there is anything you wish to add.

Proposed Aura Guidelines

  1. Probably the fewer the better. I’ve limited myself to 2 at this point. But may limit myself to just 1.

  2. How focused is the aura subliminal?
    a) Is it a more general one such as Direct Influencing Aura, which could influence in a number of ways.
    At this point, I think a general one such as this seems to work well.

    b) Is it a very focused aura like Aura of Craving, which has one purpose?
    I think a very specific one such as LU seems to work well. However, I’ve wondered if it might be best at some point to run it every other day or every third day.

    c) Is it scattered? Are there a number of topics or modules that are unrelated to each other such as 1 that is spiritual, 2 about relationships, 1 about wealth, 1 about healing, etc.
    These unfocused or scattered builds, I don’t think they work well.

  3. Are the auras used similar or different?
    2 auras with a similar objective might work better than using 2 auras with different objectives
    For example, 2 sexual auras might work well together.

    I’ve been using Direct Influencing Aura and LU and they seem to work well, as Direct Influencing Aura is more general.
    However, I’m not getting the effects as extreme as some people are with LU. So I’m thinking it might be better to just use 1 aura product.

  4. Natural energy cycles. Every person has a daily hormonal cycle. Acupuncturists believe chi is more active in certain energy channels at different times. I’m wondering if such cycles might impact the aura.

  5. Over use. I’m beginning to wonder if daily use after a few weeks is too much and that perhaps every other day or every third day use might be better.

  6. Expectations. When I created aura subliminals, I only expected them to change my energy blueprint. I didn’t expect women to swoon as I walked by or for super celebrity status to be achieved over night. I think of auras as to help with the heavy lifting, to lighten my burden. To make things a bit easier.

To those in the Sibling-hood of the Dragon…

@Sub.Zero @Leandros @James @d1gz @Avengers68 @subliminalguy @DarkPhilosopher @Gemstone @Simon

When @Lion said “running other subs will work better after going through DR”, I think that might be true.

Carpe Diem Ascended and Joie de Vivre were kinda sorta maybe working for me. But yesterday, they really kicked it! It was sudden, and given that I’ve been running them for more than 6 weeks, I think DR did something. Cleared up obstacles or something. Any of you noticed any modules kicking in since running DR?


This is very intriguing.

The plot thickens…

(this has definite implications for where and when in one’s process to schedule DR.)

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Are you running DR?

I believe blue skies actually kicked in for me. In the last few days, I have felt a strong desire and longing for love in my life. But it’s not a needy kind of feeling. It’s actually hinged to knowledge that I need to do some action

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@RVconsultant - that’s awesome. Did you run ST1 of Dragon Reborn before your custom? Or another stage?

Right now, only stage 1 of DR.


ST1: Dragonfire is Absolute Breakdown. Must be why it helped with the custom :ok_hand:

Not yet. And with how my current plan is arranged, it looks like it might be quite a while.

But I am very impressed with what it seems to be.

I’m in Phase I of my subliminals-supported life plan right now. I am seeing it through. Phase II will, I believe, involve House of Medici, among other things. I feel like that transition between phases is the ideal time to run Dragon Reborn. It seems to be an at least 4-month commitment. And that’s just if one speeds through it.

I’ll learn from your experiences here to inform my thoughts about things like stacking Dragon Reborn and what sorts of effects might be expected from that.

(Hmmm…One intriguing possibility is occurring to me right now: Let one’s current stack play to the point where one has reached goals, made major gains, and plateaued. In other words, one has adapted well to one’s stack, taken appropriate action, and had successful results. One is no longer experiencing major reconciliation or huge challenge. Then while one is in the maintenance phase, and before switching to whatever one’s next stack/life project will be, layer in Dragon Reborn and combine it with that maintenance stack. I’m guessing that Dragon Reborn will bring out even more inspiration and results from that stack. And it will drive an integration process of those results in your life.)

Hmm…then, get to that stage 4 Dragon Reborn and DR Ultima, and at some point while continuing to play those, you make the transition to your next project/subliminal stack. In other words, using Dragon Reborn as a layered, connective, transitional program as you move from one life project (and subliminal stack) to the next.

That seems intriguing to me, and is likely what I’ll do.

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