RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

I understand your curiosity. I’m reluctant to go into many details, as I went through a mega-T^2 phase and now I’ve gone to Q, and currently on day 12 of a rest day. Long rest day man!

Over all, about 3 years. SC has been the most effective as far as I’m concerned.

Best with SC.

Now that would be a long post. Probably best to say that I’ve prioritized by topics:

  1. Healing and health

  2. Wealth

  3. Sex

  4. Status, and other things I might want.


A) Stick to Q. I know some people like @Malkuth are doing well with T^2, but eventually it burned me out.

B) Take rest days.

C) Journal.

D) Don’t do something because I do it.

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thanks for sharing! I actually don’t really know if I have actual tinnitus. I have a chronic sinus/Eustachian tube that also cause facial pain on my left side. I don’t have a ringing or anything anymore, I have a muffled crickety thing, and occasionally light high pitch tone-they seem only present when that side of my face is closed down/ contracted or when I have tooth pain spasms. It’s significantly better in the last month, and it seems the ‘root’ of the probelm is a root canal that needs retreatment which I’m getting dealt with this week. IF, anything with the ear is still an issue I will look into doing what the article is talking about. Really appreciate your posting it thought.

how is the 12 day rest going.
Are you finding things integrated and/or blooming?

If I had a bad root canal…


wow, cool. Have you used this or something like this?
Never even heard of it, going to review it.

I’m feeling more … well, it’s easier for me to move faster.

And yes, things are blooming.

I’m getting blooming results in the best way possible.


Dope I’m going to do a 7 day wash out soon

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I would encourage it. I was afraid to go this long, but it really seems to be helping!

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@James I was thinking about your egg incident. When I do something like that, I consider taking a rest day. Seems to help clear up my head.

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The way you described Executive is how I would describe AM. On AM solo I felt a desire to be productive and it didn’t feel like a hassle just felt like something I needed to do.
8 day and still feeling the drive from Executive ultima is pretty insane though

I know! It’s just… beyond my expectations!

Yes. Reality Feels way more dream like

I find that if someone has been running and working toward a certain goal for a long time, these results will maintain with less exposure, allowing to grow differents area of your life. For example, I ran Seduction subs for almost two years I was with subclub, and now I find that I respond strongly in terms of results with woman while running my stack, even if my stack is MASSIVE in terms of heaviness.

I think these statement is in line with what I have in mind! :slight_smile: Relating to my seduction experience, a lot of work has already been done, so those affirmation should be aligned with my beliefs!

@King I second this, Khan was really a transformation for me. My main goal was being able to get laid consistently (without being months without sex), and having girls I still find cute that I can meet on a regular basis! Even if Khan is rough, it is really guiding you by the hand to bring you in the right direction.

Are you sure you didn’t listened to like 8 loops of executive hahaha

I can’t remember where I read that, but the fact that you cringe seeing some action you made in your past is a real and concrete sign of internal growth!! Congrats!


Thanks for sharing your insight but I’m afraid we’re not on the same page. I was talking about the number of loops vs. the density. Emperor may be very “dense” for me but not so dense for you since you have more solid foundations or you’re mentally stronger, who knows what’s the main factor in here. If it comes to the number of loops, it’s an individual matter but, bear in mind, the general recommendations encourage to increase the number and see what happens.

Another thing is, Saint said people are too focused on the density instead of setting their goals and choosing their subs accordingly:

I think the major difference between people’s game plan is being focused on one strict field of their life/mindset vs. being focused on general growth (in many directions). If you’re laser-focused on one aspect (like women) no wonder that after a couple of months of using subs oriented to that matter you see more pronounced results and you don’t need as much exposure anymore.

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Yeah, I was focused on woman for a long time. I’m only starting now to add modules for money!

Eh, women. The source of happiness and misery.

So basically, you build a custom based on the “woman” core and some wealth-generating modules around it?

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I also belief that all users should go with atleast Ascension or AM along with Regeneration before looking at any other titles. The above mentioned titles are relatively short and go straight to work.
Running a title like Khan without doing Ascension or AM or even Emperor…one will definitely stone-wall or one will have severe reconciliation.
The amount of power and confidence one gains from Khan can be misused by a new user who is not used to having that kind of power. Therefore taking the steps with small titles teaches one how to channel that power correctly.

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Yes and no, my cores right now are Khan, Medici and SS…!

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Whats the longest title you ran from SC and how long did you run it?

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Hard to say, I would bet on Khan, for at least 4 months the first time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Last summer I was on stark, and then back on Khan since the last few months!

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