RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

That has been the most painful realization.

I addressed this in a post recently but worded it differently in that I now understand how and why my beliefs and behaviors caused so much unnecessary drama, headaches, and self sabotage. Not that there is such a thing as necessary drama, headaches, and self sabotage

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Over here so we keep from derailing the thread.

Although I’m leaning to more of your conclusion about Terminus not being draining, I still want to test a few ideas.

If 2 loops of Q is equal to about 1 loop of Terminus, and 4 loops of Q is about equal to 1 loop of Terminus Squared, and if I get benefit from 2 loops of Q, then perhaps I am exhausting myself by listening to Terminus Squared at this point in my development.

So there are a number of factors: aura modules, number of aura modules, format (Q, T, T^2), number of loops, and where I am at my development in listening to subliminals. I think I need to narrow down factors before concluding much of anything.

Could you please tell me more about your use of Terminus, how many loops, how many modules are in your customs, how long have you been running them, etc…


I’m trying to be cautious about my assumptions regarding this, as @Baphomet elaborated on this better than I did.

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I mentioned before I want to learn coding. I just came across this. I can’t say I’m surprised

So I’ve been running my custom for about a month now.The four cores are QL ST4, EF ST4, Spartan, and Survival Instinct, and I have 20 modules total. No auras. The closest thing would be Sexiness Unbound. I do one loop usually M-F but sometimes I take W off. I usually stack it with a regular Q sub (PS, HOM, etc). I didn’t have the perceived liquid funds to buy my second custom (which will include the Q standard programs I have been stacking) yet so that’s been in limbo for about a month now.

Anyways, my custom has worked great so far. I am back in the gym consistently after a 4 month layoff. My diet is on point and I have a real philosophy/plan now instead of just winging it. I have fallen through the crypto rabbit hole and I am constantly learning all of this stuff. 3 weeks ago I had minimal crypto knowledge. Now I am obsessed, learning new things each day, and feel like I have learned and understood of a year’s worth of information, mechanisms, processes of various crypto projects in just a few weeks. I gained 20 pounds in the last 4 months (lol) but I still look in the mirror and feel confident in myself and my looks. (Sexiness Unbound + Physicality Shifter) I have also massively improved my style this month as well. My frame is even more on point (Iron Frame). I was actually pushing myself at the gym today unlike my old lazy bodyweight workouts I was doing months prior. I now truly believe that I will have massive success very very soon (Natural Winner). And so on and so forth; for pretty much every module, there’s something noteworthy I could mention. I believe Azriel mentioned that Terminus cause such deep change that it just feels so natural until you sit down and think about what’s happened and what changed. This has been the case. No real bad reconciliation days (maybe 1 or 2 total). I attribute this to Pragya and Spartan.

Edit: All things being equal, I never feel drained assuming I got enough sleep, etc. I usually wake up extremely motivated (Carpe Diem Ascended)

Edit2: I forgot to mention that some days I will listen to an Ultima. I did True Social Ultima before Thanksgiving (which was actually insane how good it worked. I knew my baseline given my circumstances/situation and it far exceeded my expectations) And the occassional LDU or Elixir. The 1 and pretty much only day I had significant reconciliation was the day I decided to run LDU in the morning, my Terminus custom, HOM, and then a loop of Elixir later in the day. I didn’t feel bad until after Elixir, so couldve just been Elixir doing its work. Had an interesting dream about all of my friends turning on me and not being liked that night


Thank you for the very thorough and thoughtful reply. I will read it several times. It seems Terminus is giving you results. Are there any modules that do NOT seem to be working as of this point, or that you wish were working stronger?

Now you have 2 productivity playlists: one with subliminals, one with metal.:musical_note::drum:

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Derailing your great progress, I guess. I suppose trying it is the only way to get to know that.

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Attempting to expand on it actually.

Yes, I know but there’s that risk I mentioned. Do you really need to expand your results now or you’re just curious what would happen if you tried to employ St2 into your listening?

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@Sub.Zero Of course there is curiosity. I feel that by extending the time I run both allows both stages to do what they are designed to do. I have run Stage 2 now for two loops and outside of being a bit tired I feel really good. I could easily push things and add loops of Elixir

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I see. I was rather thinking about running both stages as transition from St1 to St2, so running both stages for two cycles only, for the last cycle of St1 and the first cycle of St2. Five days per cycle. It’s just an idea I didn’t set my mind on it. I know some users recommend that kind of transition.

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You are taking rest days. And I’ve also found regular Q subs work just fine with custom subliminals too.

So the modules are getting processed in the Terminus format.

What you are writing seems to be in line with what should be happening based on your modules.

Even though you have 4 cores instead of the recommended 3 maximum, you still seem to be getting results I would expect with such a custom.

I’ve found sleep to be very important with subliminals.

Your post has been helpful! Thank you for taking the time to be thoughtful and thorough!


That’s the spirit!


This perfectly sums up the mood of Dragon Reborn. Have been noticing this in other DR journals and had been my own experience too


I also feel more vulnerable now yet solid at the same time. I’m more connected with my inner child, the part of me which is sensitive, vulnerable and gentle. It feels like DR is digging deeper than it has been so far.


I saw this on The Commander page at the main shop:

“What is Ultima? Ultima subliminals are extremely focused, rapid acting subliminals. They will dig deep into a specific issue or value and help you rapidly improve in that area. While it is possible to run solely Ultimas in your stack, it is recommended to have a major subliminal or custom driving the stack because of its wide, all-encompassing, progressive effects, and then supplementing with the focus of Ultima. Use good quality headphones, start with a single loop, trust the subliminal and take action.”

I like “rapidly improve in that area”

People on the forum often seem almost blown away by the results I have experienced so far with Dragon Reborn but the thing is, is that the mental and emotional healing and maturity has been my core goal for as long as I can remember so maybe I was consciously or subconsciously primed for it. Not to take away from anyone else’s progress but I remember reading where @SaintSovereign stated that the subliminals work when you are working towards a goal. This has been my core goal.


It’s also one that generally can take people many years to achieve. In all fairness to you, I think you have achieved quite a lot in just weeks.

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I’m posting this as possible optimistic news.

I’m starting to wonder if one way to deal with stonewalling of a module is to boost it with an Ultima.

Let’s suppose someone is running Inner Circle in their custom sub, but they’re just not meeting people or the people they are meeting are not in alignment with who they want to meet. Putting then Inner Circle in a custom Ultima just might get Inner Circle working much better.

I realize that may sound obvious as Ultima is described as a booster, but more of what I’m describing as an activator … getting a module started rather than a boostor which might be interpreted as increasing the already good results you are getting.

Has any one else noticed if Ultimas are getting modules to work that may not have been working before?

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