RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

@James I was thinking about your egg incident. When I do something like that, I consider taking a rest day. Seems to help clear up my head.

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The way you described Executive is how I would describe AM. On AM solo I felt a desire to be productive and it didn’t feel like a hassle just felt like something I needed to do.
8 day and still feeling the drive from Executive ultima is pretty insane though

I know! It’s just… beyond my expectations!

Yes. Reality Feels way more dream like

I find that if someone has been running and working toward a certain goal for a long time, these results will maintain with less exposure, allowing to grow differents area of your life. For example, I ran Seduction subs for almost two years I was with subclub, and now I find that I respond strongly in terms of results with woman while running my stack, even if my stack is MASSIVE in terms of heaviness.

I think these statement is in line with what I have in mind! :slight_smile: Relating to my seduction experience, a lot of work has already been done, so those affirmation should be aligned with my beliefs!

@King I second this, Khan was really a transformation for me. My main goal was being able to get laid consistently (without being months without sex), and having girls I still find cute that I can meet on a regular basis! Even if Khan is rough, it is really guiding you by the hand to bring you in the right direction.

Are you sure you didn’t listened to like 8 loops of executive hahaha

I can’t remember where I read that, but the fact that you cringe seeing some action you made in your past is a real and concrete sign of internal growth!! Congrats!


Thanks for sharing your insight but I’m afraid we’re not on the same page. I was talking about the number of loops vs. the density. Emperor may be very “dense” for me but not so dense for you since you have more solid foundations or you’re mentally stronger, who knows what’s the main factor in here. If it comes to the number of loops, it’s an individual matter but, bear in mind, the general recommendations encourage to increase the number and see what happens.

Another thing is, Saint said people are too focused on the density instead of setting their goals and choosing their subs accordingly:

I think the major difference between people’s game plan is being focused on one strict field of their life/mindset vs. being focused on general growth (in many directions). If you’re laser-focused on one aspect (like women) no wonder that after a couple of months of using subs oriented to that matter you see more pronounced results and you don’t need as much exposure anymore.

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Yeah, I was focused on woman for a long time. I’m only starting now to add modules for money!

Eh, women. The source of happiness and misery.

So basically, you build a custom based on the “woman” core and some wealth-generating modules around it?

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I also belief that all users should go with atleast Ascension or AM along with Regeneration before looking at any other titles. The above mentioned titles are relatively short and go straight to work.
Running a title like Khan without doing Ascension or AM or even Emperor…one will definitely stone-wall or one will have severe reconciliation.
The amount of power and confidence one gains from Khan can be misused by a new user who is not used to having that kind of power. Therefore taking the steps with small titles teaches one how to channel that power correctly.

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Yes and no, my cores right now are Khan, Medici and SS…!

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Whats the longest title you ran from SC and how long did you run it?

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Hard to say, I would bet on Khan, for at least 4 months the first time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Last summer I was on stark, and then back on Khan since the last few months!

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No wonder seduction subs work so well on you…

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Yup, manifestation is getting stronger and stronger… + I’ve been running SS in my custom non stop from last summer! I want that shit ingrained into my brain!!!

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Hope you got condoms :smiley::grin:

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Yup, but right now I’m having trouble meeting… I’m sooo busy during the day, and at night there is the stupid curfew at 8pm… It angers me! Like, I can’t have a long night with a girl, and I don’t want to sleep to their place.

My roommates has anxiety trouble and he freaks out about covid to the points of panick attack… I’ve got to admit it’s hard for me not to judge him… I see that reaction as weak… And especially the fact that consciously he is scared of COVID… He literally thinks he will die, or lose taste forever. Just looking the stats for people in their 20’s death rate and you can see that those anxiety attack are really an anxiety trouble.

And with that there is my seasonnal depression, which makes my sleep shitty pretty much all winter because I don’t have enough light to regulate my wake/sleep cycle… Which in terms makes me more irritable, lower my self discipline, lower my ability to focus, lower my mood (sadness, hopelessness), and such.

Ok, rant over hahaha I’ll try to focus on positive stuff!

Edit : Because of my insomnia I haven’t slept all night so I decided to do a 40h without sleep to replace my sleep schedule! (explain why I am irritable xD)

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We all going through the same in every country.
Therefore little healing can help in times like this.

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That’s the perfect time for healing or something like Emperor indeed. :sunglasses:

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A big one is coming…

So here’s the deal – the amount of loops equals the amount of change you’re subconsciously perpetrating upon your psyche – meaning, the more loops, the more conscious action you should take in order for them to be in alignment and reduce the risk of encountering massive reconciliation.

As for the density, it is quite similar – imagine your subconscious (inner reality) and your conscious (outer reality) being aligned to the script of Emperor very accurately already; having an international business, working a lot on wealth generation, having astounding alpha and lone-wolf qualities, etc – you’re going to have a much better time coping with the change because your conscious mind is partially aligned with the subconscious beliefs that Emperor will engrain in your paradigm.

Boiling back down to the number of loops one is capable of, ‘excluding’ the action taking component because the conscious reality of that person is already mostly aligned with the newborn subconscious beliefs of Emperor. That being said, to get there he must have taken massive action already, so it really does not matter whether I mentioned the exclusion or not.

For example – it is not advised to hop straight into Khan Complete, even though it contains the two previous Stages, why not? Because there will be such a drastic change in your subconscious compared to your conscious (external reality) that you’ll undergo immense reconciliation as a result. But for a person who has gone through Khan before, and has likely built up various Khan characteristics within his psyche it will be way smoother.

Just ask yourself; what direction am I steering my subconscious into? In regards to the previous comment, you might have gone through Khan entirely, therefore, having subconscious memories stored of the scripts and the experiences you accumulated throughout that journey, which will make it much easier the second time. However, if you’ve embarked on another journey, let’s say Stark for example – your subconscious has taken less of an alpha direction and now you have to reframe those beliefs again, although it may be easier because you have previous experiences of yourself being an alpha that you may relate to.

All of that, plus the capacity of your brain to digest, process, and execute subliminal’s which is especially compounded from your health on all levels of your being; your sleep, food intake, caring of your body through exercise, meditation, and clearness of mind, and so on. For those who’re unable to process scripts efficiently, it is advised to run a Limitless or Quantum Limitless as a preliminary subliminal to any other title.

I can take a massive amount of change more easily because I know of these facts, I discovered them myself through my experimentation phase which often punished me with a lot of harsh reconciliation and straightforwardly just a lot of sacrifice because I could have been much further in my personal life, yet I do not regret doing it for the second because of the wisdom I’ve gained regarding consciousness throughout the process.

For example, I do intermittent fasting, I do not touch processed food ever, I’m taking multi-vitamins and MCT oil – essentially covering everything physical health-related. Moreover, my emotional and mental health is reaching ever new profound heights. I’m taking care of my psyche on all levels of my being, which allows me for a much smoother process of transitioning into a new person. It takes some sacrifice but at the end of the day, it just feels natural. Like, so many people are born, and from the day they’re able to ejaculate they start to watch porn and release that energy into nothingness, unknowingly that this is a very negative addiction slurping your whole sexual energy away, which is the most important counterpart to physical action. I’ve not watched porn in a year or so, probably around the time I started with Subliminal Club and I’m so grateful now that it does not even ever arise in my mind to waste my time in such a nefarious addiction.

It’s all about amping up your energy, the more you have, the higher your frequency will vibrate, the more effective manifestation of subliminal suggestion will become, and the sooner you’ll become the person you want to become. Stack those private victories and public victories will be inevitable.

The best way to cope with reconciliation which is essentially just an incoherence between external reality (conscious mind) and internal reality (subconscious mind) is to take action like a maniac and your reality will shift instantly. Most often, you will not feel like it but you have to push through and make harden yourself because otherwise, you’ll fall into a negative emotional spiral and you want to build momentum moving forward with baby steps depending on your current energy reserve.

‘Day by day, I’m getting better and better’ – It all starts in the here and now, just take action towards your goals – do not be too hard on yourself, reward yourself for all the action you take, and with every day your amount of mental willpower and agility will increase, eventually, turning you in the master of your own thoughts and emotions, thus mastering your own physical reality.

I mean, what’s your excuse? Are you going to wait for another alibi, or false belief to arise in your mind why you cannot do it? Your subconscious is playing tricks on you, it wants to stick to your current self-identity.

I’ve shared the book before but Psycho-Cybernetics explains the self-image in great depth, in that our self-image forms our attitude but also how we shape our reality. Our self-image is like a thermostat, you’ll put it on 30 degrees, some doors in your house are open, decreasing the temperature as a reality, now what happens? The thermostat will execute a process by which your house will generate more heat after which it comes back to 30 degrees warmth. Your subconscious is literally the same thing, it is a cybernetic automation system.

Here’s a good example – someone makes a conscious effort to lose 10 kilos of weight, most often it takes some hard labor to get there, the problem is that the person has not changed their subconscious self-image and they already have a viewpoint over their own body – unless that is changed, the subconscious will make sure the weight is put on again, and honestly, it happens to so many people, it is a big fat trap. Change your subconscious (beliefs) – new thoughts arise in your mind, opening the way for new emotions that render new actions and you become a new person, it really is that simple.

In the past humans had to use affirmations, thousands of them before something entered the subconscious, now you have at your disposal the most profound subliminal scripts ever created by the two most phenomenal minds in the subliminal field @SaintSovereign and @Fire. I mean, truly, what’s your excuse, right? You need those beliefs changed because even though you have astounding tools in your arsenal to change your life, you’ll self-sabotage because your subconscious is not honed in on success and achievement.

Life does not have to be a struggle, it can be full of bliss and amazement but we have to use our subconscious to our advantage. First, change the subconscious, then bring it in alignment with your conscious mind and see things unfold magically. We are taught to do things the other way around – looking at our results (physical reality), telling ourselves if we have these results, I must think and feel this way and it becomes a receptivity cycle of disaster.

Not at Subliminal Club! I’m devoted to be a torchbearer for success and take everyone with me on the journey! We will not be conquered, we will conquer! We will not give in, we will not give up, we will keep going until the destination has been reached and move forward to the next one!

It is more than time people wake up to the power they have at their disposal, we are one of the most intelligently created beings that walk this Earth. Unfortunately, and yes this is true – there is a negatively oriented faction of powerful people who love to mislead us and leave us blind because of the sole fact that they’re scared of our power and use is against us, instead. This is merely an undeveloped species in survival mode – it does not have to be this way. Knowledge is power and now is more than the time to share all the knowledge we can find and implement it to bring Heaven on Earth!

Let’s unite, let’s love each other and be strong, let’s put our minds together and create something awesome – just be loyal and fair to one another, they want us divided but we will stand strong and unite! :green_heart:

Who’s in?


I’m definitely in! Thank you for your post. I just don’t know what else I could add to it, the essence is already there. The best part is here:

I just have one question. Are you doing Love Bomb too? :heart_eyes: