Running subs while sleeping

Thanks for posting this man!

Do you have a blue filter on your screen, or a “night” or “warm” setting to reduce the blue light?

Can you put the phone so it’s more than 6 feet away from your body?

I always use the night light.

I can try for sure.

How do you technically add silence tracks in between? Which app do you use?

You can find it on here:

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@dorfmeister tagged to see if above post might help you.

Yes. I have used silent tracks. Not doing it now as I am only running my subs while at work and usually get 5 to 7 loops without needing to use any silent tracks.

I am not listening to DRST3 at night at this point.

I am hoping to find a way where I can listen to subs while sleeping, I have no idea how to work in my stack otherwise. So two days ago I listend to 1 loop of each track and woke up as if nothing happened.

You know, I thoroughly enjoy myself when I notice new things happening and feel the sub kicking in. So much new possibilities and experiences are waiting :wink: - so it was a bit disappointing to be my old self.

However today I noticed that things did change, my HoM connectability, likeability, and shrewdness showed up in a way where I got everyone to make certain concessions and I kept on feeling that I like people and kept realizing where I put self-placed obstacles in past to achieve more harmonious relationships. Furthermore, I realized that I like money and I can totally imagine you thinking well yes, who doesn’t? But the truth is I never did, having money fall from the sky and showering in it was a big no-no. I realize now that if I can not imagine it how will I bring it frutiion? Glad that imaginging it is no longer the problem

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From what I think might be happening, I think people seem to be more likely to have positive experiences if listening to ultrasonics when asleep. Remember to check the volume.


My experience has been positive and I listen to Masked primarily in my sleep period. I generally have no problem with falling asleep using the current Mask, its very similar to white noise and does good to tune out the outside world which has historically been a good thing for me since I’m usually very sensitive to sound while sleeping I’ll be sad if they get rid of this mask for another I think its very effective. The white noise aspect can at times promote sleep.


Thanks for posting this man!

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Interesting, today I slept for 8 hours listening to 2 subs(EoG and HoM), in total I listened to masked versions of HoM 4x and EoG 4x on a very comfortable volume.

The Qv2 versions are indeed very different, I don’t notice this new behavior at the moment is happening or a new feeling (like the love of money) like with the older versions.

Now I catch myself afterwards as it seems like the new behavior is already me, it is not experienced as something new but something that is just ‘me’.

Verry cool things Fire has been doing!

I actually listen to both masks while sleeping.

Regular and solace.

No issue with either.

I think you get used to it quickly after one night.