Ascended Mogul is a hard one to feel, for sure. It’s focused on internal changes that eventually lead to external results, more than external results directly. We’re talking about tiny little shifts in eye contact, beliefs, ways of thinking and being, responding to social situations, etc.
If you’re comparing subs to binaurals, whatever “crazy” experiences you had, it won’t be anything like that. Sometimes I realize the “crazy” experiences I had on subs were actually experiences I took for granted as normal, and then weeks later, realized the subs changed my beliefs.
I also want to point out that if you’re mixing with other modalities, there’s a good chance what you’re doing might not mix with SC subs. Any other subliminal producers, or hypnosis, kundalini work, or a few other brain-training programs just interfere with the SC process. I didn’t believe it till i experienced it myself.
Ultimately though Ascended Mogul is hard to feel, and, if you don’t know how to notice, celebrate, and multiply your wins, it can be hard to get the most of out of subs.
I’d start with a sub that has a really simple goal to test whether or not you respond to this tech.
The fastest most direct path to this goal is Limitless Executive. It’s just about discipline and being more productive. It’s also one of my all time favorite subs. I’ve had a few people I’ve shared subliminals with who didn’t feel the first sub that they ran, because it was too nuanced and subtle to know how to recognize, so i got them to switch to LE as their second sub, and the results became obvious, fast.
So pick whether you want to continue with just Ascended Mogul again, or just Limitless Executive, or if you want to stack both of them, but, here’s the thing, no matter which sub you pick, run 3-5 minutes of it, not the full 15. Your logic about “microloops only being for those with results” and “if I didn’t get results on the 15 how would I get results on a microloop” are incorrect. The reality of the situation is that listening to less of the script gives you scripting that you’re more likely to be ready to process, and then you process all that very quickly, and then you get results quicker. Once people start seeing results, they increase their listening time slowly and incrementally up towards the full loop. If they feel a LOT of recon at 3 mins, they reduce the loop.
what an excellent post. I really appreciate you brother, excellent insight. As you’ve seen I’ve had another post earlier in this journey, wondering whether is any discernible outcome I can evaluate, as I was feeling nothing at that time as well. Focus & Discipline were things definitely on my mind to sort of get a more streamlined process in place for all I need/do.
I will say though that I’m built a little different, and I’m often harder to influence, whether physically through a substance like alcohol or recreational drug, or something like a “suggestive” product(hardgainer of sorts). Just something I’ve noticed through the years, I have a higher level of tolerance to things and I’m not sure if that observation is relevant to this at all.
I have not run modality for brain enhancement of any sort alongside ascended mogul. This was my only focus, wanted to give it a proper chance. Chose it as It largely fit into what I was trying to accomplish/change/support, and it seemed like a great introductory module to start with according to the user experiences here and my own agenda.
I will look at Limitless Executive again; I remember looking at a while back, and it seemed similar to AM, but may be its simpler/more direct programming will work better for me? Certainly valid suggestion.
Many were describing microloops of 30 sec to 2 min etc that were just “upkeep”, that’s what I was referring to. I just stuck to the guidelines hoping they eventually deliver. One thing I’ll add is that I think I get no recon at all. I will give 3-5 min a try, but reading other experiences, and 4 cycles in, I’m bulletproof.
From the descriptions of many users, the results seemed a bit more pronounced over time. I’ve certainly glazed over any nuances that might have stuck, I cannot tell, they would be very minimal if there at all.
I’ve seen people think that they’re bulletproof and be fully convinced that subs don’t work, and they’re not getting results, despite the fact that as a third party observer, the results were WILD and OBVIOUS.
Humour a premise for me, if you would be so kind.
You don’t objectively know if you’re bulletproof. But, you believe you’re bulletproof.
All you have to do is agree with the logic in theory and then ask yourself, what does a belief that I’m bulletproof really do?
And we know what beliefs do, no matter what they are. They cause us to find evidence to confirm our own beliefs and dismiss possible evidence that could supercede our existing beliefs… usually unless the contrary evidence is so overwhelming that it’s impossible to ignore.
But subs are subtle. If you’re waiting for that overwhelming evidence, you may have to wait a long long time.
It’s the same as any belief, though. Someone who thinks he’s bad with girls will always think that he messed up a conversation, unless the “external result” is so obvious that the girl is giving him HUGE signals.
("What's "bulletproof" anyways?")
One interpretation could be non-responsive to the tech. But, deep down, this could be a deeper belief, a belief that you lack a strong internal locus of control - ie, the belief that you are powerless to implement and create the changes that you want to create in your life. That’s a dangerous, harmful belief to building the life you want. If you research beliefs related to internal locus of control, you’ll find that one of the highest indications of successful thinking is BELIEVING that you are able to change yourself. So, chipping away at this “bulletproof” belief might be in your best interest. Sure, now, you’re bulletproof, but do you still want to be bulletproof in 10 years? Or would you rather be responsive?
Now that you believe you’re bulletproof, which you probably are in some ways, you are going to look for evidence to confirm that. That’s just where the logic takes us.
Ambiguous possibilities will be interpreted as not convincing enough to shift the bulletproof belief.
So… here’s the question. Does that belief serve you? Do you WANT to be bulletproof?
What I can say with near-certainty is that in the past, that belief probably did serve you, and served you quite well. Maybe you had bad influences who you didn’t let influence you growing up. Or you built a belief that you are 100% in control of everything in your life. Idk. I’m not your therapist. Don’t care where it came from, honestly.
But what you don’t have the option of doing is holding on to this belief that you’re bulletproof AND getting sub results as fast as some of the people on this forum. They all believe that they’re extremely receptive to subs. If you want results like that, you need beliefs like that.
In part, it just takes time.
I’ve been on this subliminalclub journey for almost five years now. A LOT of people are OG’s here. And it’s really common for people to really flounder for their first 3-6 months. So really just keep on doing what you’re doing, address the bulletproof belief, and play around with your subliminal selection and listening time. All of the people here who believe that they’re the type of belief who get sub results believe that so deeply that if they’re not getting results, they don’t make it mean anything about them, they just assume they need a different subliminal or listening schedule.
So… this is why people are saying to you to try different subs. They believe that it’s not that you’re unresponsive, it’s just that you haven’t found your ideal sub/time.
You’re listening to a subliminal from the previous generation of subliminals, not from the “new” generation of technology, first of all.
Second of all, you’ve only really followed mainline listening instructions, which are outdated, and even the founders don’t really recommend that to people on the forum anymore.
I don’t know when they’ll actually update the instruction manual, which is frustrating, but what they say on the forum is to start with 30s, and then raise listening time by 30s each loop until you find your sweet spot.
You can look at the Stark Black sales page, which directly recommends the microloop method for people, the first time they run this sub.
And, seriously, this may be why you’re not getting results. 15 mins might just be way too much for your brain. It’s too much for mine, that’s for sure, and i’m one of those “super-responders”
The other big thing that you aren’t doing, that you need to do if you want to get really good results with subs, is “noticing, celebrating, and multiplying” your results.
You’ve “glazed over” nuances that might have stuck. You failed at step 1. You failed to NOTICE tiny, tiny, tiny little results. Because you failed to notice them, you failed to CELEBRATE them, and because you failed to celebrate them, you failed to chip away at the belief that you’re bulletproof. And because you failed to celebrate them, you failed to MULTIPLY them - because every celebration is a signal to your subconscious to “send me more of this.”
When you notice a tiny result, and then celebrate a tiny result, you multiply it. That gives you something bigger to notice, celebrate, and multiply. That snowballs. The results go from microscopic to overwhelming.
So, whatever sub you end up running, notice the little wins, celebrate them, and they’ll multiply. On your journal, offline or online, you should invest massive amounts of energy into journaling all the good things that are happening in your life. Attribute them ALL to sub results. Or just be extremely grateful for everything. And when we say “journal” we mean multiple times a week. I wasn’t sure if you said you journaled once, on day 15, or what you meant, so I just wanted to clarify…
For example, my offline journal yesterday included a lot of the lessons that i learned that day that I was grateful for. But, I had a really crap day. So I went from “i was a loser at this party” to “wow i got to totally acknowledge, witness, and observe myself being socially awkward at a party, and now i’m walking away with more resolve and lessons on how to show up better in social settings with strangers.”
I’m running Chosen, a social sub. So, just telling myself “i was a loser at the party” is telling myself that the sub didn’t work. But all I need to do is take 2 extra seconds to extract a lesson from the event, and now it’s a win.
I’d recommend an NSE sub. AKA updated. That’ll help with hardgaining too. I would probably recommend Emperor, because it’s upgraded to NSE, and is usually what people run after Ascended Mogul.
You could also consider Limitless, which is all about brain enhancement, which would extend to discipline and focus, although take into account the nature of the work you’re doing and if it would fit.
And if you want to try creating “overwhelmingly positive” results to shift the belief that way, try Limitless Executive.
PS: The friend that was “impossible to influence” was a friend of mine who had a business, and wanted to become a public speaker. After 2 weeks of running Stark Black, which is designed to EXACTLY do that (enhance fame), he got 4 speaking contracts, collectively worth $50,000. People literally messaged him out of the blue. He didn’t think it had anything to do with Stark Black, even though he had been trying to get the goal to happen for 6 months beforehand, and it never did, until the sub was introduced. To this day, he doesn’t think subs helped, and he hasn’t been able to replicate the result, largely because he stopped running subs.
Very different processes indeed. One can have a mind-blowing experience that doesn’t change anything in one’s life. A lot of modalities focus exactly on this, as it’s an easy way to get people to go “oh snap, it works”, but then they end up chasing it endlessly, stuck in the same state for years.
It’s important to pay attention to things that pop up and to allow yourself to do things that you normally wouldn’t. There’s a concept we call opening the pathways of manifestation - nothing to do with new age or anything similar. Simply put, being open to experimenting and experiencing new things. Being open to opportunities and creating opportunities yourself - when you do so, you “open up” the pathways where things can really start to flow in.
There have been individuals who follow the listening instructions to the T but stick to their routine religiously, to the point they never have any openness to anything and being completely closed off to trying new things, learning new skills and widening their horizons.
The pathways for such individuals are nearly nonexistent - it takes a massive amount of subconscious effort to cause change, as the subconscious mind has to work through all those barriers placed by the individual’s actions. Not even going into the fact that when you act in such a way, it reinforces the opposite of what you believe you want by running the title - a question then arises if one actually even wants the result and the change one claims they want.
Might be crazy to think so, because obviously if one says they want something then they want it, right? But actions matter when it comes to working with the subconscious mind. If one does absolutely nothing and even goes against of what they want to achieve, of course over a long enough period of time (and we are talking a long period of time) there’s going to be changes in the subconscious mind - but wouldn’t one want to just take some action and get the same result in a week or two, rather than years?
I know the answer for myself.
Also, with the opening the pathways concept, it’s also important to utilize it in your own inner work. Journaling is for digging into yourself and figuring out how and why you tick - simply journaling mundane events is very different from a deep reflection that will massively boost one’s results. @Jouissance is absolutely correct on this concept as he said here:
Another excellent well-throughout response. I will firstly like to thank you to take all of that time to respond to me, it does not go unnoticed friend. It is quite the effort you took to write that & to help me. May the good come to you multiplied.
By Bulletproof comment, it was more in relation to recon than the actual effects of the subs themselves. I have not really felt any recon if I just go by what others have outlined/experienced etc. (at least that I know of, may be its nuanced too, I don’t know)
I understand the gist of your message, “you belief is in the way - you playing out a script”. When it came to subs however, I did not have any preconceived notion that I’m a hardgainer, cause I had no record of any sort to fall back on(may be quite the opposite since i had success with binaurals at some point long go). My “hardgainer” belief is limited to certain things that I’ve actually experienced, so its based on factual evidence. May be subconsciously I have allowed it to seep through to this…but I have some doubts on that front. I am generally able to stay open-minded, so just based on my intuition going into subs, I did not feel like I am blocking manifestation of their work. However, I can also allow that possibility on the deeper level, it is quite plausible in theory. I can see how a certain aspect of my subconscious is resistant to subliminal influence, certainly. So point taken.
One thing that I did expect is more pronounced results, not tiny nuanced things that are barely comprehensible and require elaborate internal searching. I guess my expectations were set incorrectly reading other user experiences, which were numerous and a lot more definable. I’ve definitely expected more. But just to avoid repetition, I would think that It is quite possible for me to recognize an improvement stemming from these subs, a subtle but continuous mental improvement that is a part of the program…I have not seen it. Again, its possible, I’m just missing the mark, but it does not feel like that at all.
The concept of taking a small penny and multiplying it via concerted attention is not unfamiliar to me, I’m with you there. I’m just missing the penny…I don’t know what it looks like, and where to find it. If it was nuanced, I’ve missed the mark, and time wasted. Or there could be a learning moment there.
My logical assertion is that 4 cycles/4 months should be enough for suggestive programming to affect you, even if you miss the mark with best practices, even if you failed to maximize your time with it. Its a considerable amount of time, and there should be not nuanced, but tangible result. Just a basic analogy…If I go to the gym for 4 months, and just fuck around, I will still see some sort of progress, however small it might be and see it. And I do not see it here at all. There is a level of disappointment here.
BTW, I have Limitless Executive in my possession, that’s been done!!
Thank you very much for chiming in and giving me a few more tidbits of valuable information.
I appreciate everyone taking their time and bringing value to this conversation!
I think a good sub for experimenting is Primal Nights, it’s very easy to notice the higher libido, more frequent random boners, increased pleasure and stronger erections.
If you use a subliminal like that that cause immediate physical results that’s very convincing.
Hey, can you elaborate a bit on what that means? Maybe give some examples?
Do I understand you correctly by setting a goal to “become a happy, enthustiastic, powerful and productive individual who does X,Y,Z” instead of the external-based goal of “earning 100k$”, for example?
Unfortunately, none of the subs from subclub work for me, pretty dissapointing, but good experience. I’ve ran Limitless Executive after not getting anything out of Mogul, and its the same result. It is what it is. Simple subs seem to work much better for me.