Results with Ecstasy of Gold (EoG) Stage 2 (ST2)

Checking my understanding here before submitting a ticket, because I love the community’s answers for things like this.

Per my understanding, EoG ST2 is the EoG equivalent of Khan’s “Total Repgoramming”.
Teaching you the different ways of making huge amounts of money.
Stocks, markets, internet marketing, and so on.

When I first got EoG, with it being an hour long, I just figured maybe ST2 had like a “Crash course” in that stuff.

But now, with 15 minutes, even ZP I doubt they’d be able to fit in enough info for all that.

So I guess my question for this is: Does ST2, rather than filling you with all this stuff, is it more of a thing where it digs in to find where you’d most excel and then use something similar to Informaticon to guide you to find the information you need to realize that vision?


I think it would be similar to what Khan st2 would do :thinking:, like take the best parts of you, which already make you more congruent with the sub itself, and builds on top of them.

Like 2 of my friends from the forum are running khan st2 right now, and it’s incredible to notice their changes whenever I talk to them, because even though they’re using the same stage, one is becoming more of a social Khan, while the other is more of an edgy/asshole Khan.

Tagging @AlexanderGraves and @Simon


After I posted this, I started thinking about ST2 and ST3 in terms of the “Actions” to take for each one.

with Khan, ST3 is “Total Action”

With EoG, I am now playing with the idea that ST2 is “Total Learning”…the actions for ST2? Learn as much as you can.

ST3 is “DO as much as you can based on what ST2 brings to the table”

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I don’t know if I’m slow right now because I just woke up a few mins ago, or if you made a typo.

Are you saying both st2 and 3 for EOG are about learning :thinking:

No. ST2 is learning, ST3 is DOing. It’s almost 1am where I am. I’m getting tired a bit. Which is when my thinking starts to jump off the rails :smiley:
Basically ST2, I’m thinking is similar to the part of Mogul which helps you find your “purpose” or whatever the word is…and then helps you learn as much as you can about it.

ST3 is more the “You’ve learned enough for right now, go build something RIGHT NOW”


Stage 2: you buy a book

Stage 3: you read the book

Stage 4: you become the book


Here’s my analogy on Khan from yesterday :rofl:


ST2 would be buying and reading.
ST3 would be building a business

I think.
Not even getting in ST1 or ST4.
ST4 is the ultimate goal

I posted this thread because EoG is all I’m running right now. Running in a Senate-ly way though. Which I’ll share once it’s over in about 3 weeks.

I will be so rich that my name will be one everyone knows in the news and whatever else…even people here…but most won’t realize I’m the same person.


You should check out a book called It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be. by Paul Arden.

I think you’d enjoy the book a lot :wink:


Looking it up. I’m reading “How Not to Be Wrong” by Jordan Ellenberg at the moment.
I ran my EoG custom before starting this current sub rotation. The one that has all 4 stages.
ran it a LOT the past week or two.

Suddenly felt compelled to read this. So I am.


This might be an AsC manifestation, but I was wondering about adding ME back into my stack because of the “statistical predictions” I make on it (which are accurate 9/10 times), but I wanted a sign, and you sir, just did that :rofl:


wishlisted the Arden book. wish they had it on Kindle though haha. thanks for the rec!

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haha I missed this post earlier. Just came back and saw it. ST4 sounds fun

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Wrong tag? I am not running Khan :smiley:


Oh no, it was for EOG, like to give your opinion on St2 (if you ran it, or what you know)

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Im on Stage 1 still so can’t help with this yet.

“Rep-go-ramming” :rofl:

I think only the WeaponX titles have tactical knowledge content. Maybe PCC also.
Rest all are Mindset tools. How-Tos have to be learned the old fashioned way.


K2 and G2 drive you to articulate your personal ideal vision, and then…


Expert knowledge and skilled professionals are readily available. No need to cram them. They keep changing every few years anyway.

If your vision requires Mastery of certain specific skills, it’s best to stack the sub that will empower the learning & expression of those. Hence why HOM is in the Billionaire stack, for Dealmaking and Investing skills.



Wow. I can’t blame autocorrect for THAT. Rep-go-ramming…sounds like a violent game salesman


So for me stacking stark once I reach State 2 of EoG is a good play for my online business and generating traffic ?

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