REQUEST: Which similar sounding Q modules do you want differentiated more?

Thank you so much for this :). Made things a lot more clear to me.

Steadfast vs Iron Frame


Spartan vs Beast Within (for physical shifting)

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Stress Displacement Vs Harmonic Singularity


I’d like a clearer description about what Emperor’s Voice actually does. What does an Emperor’s Voice look like? Is it booming? Deeper? More resonant and authoritative? I don’t quite understand what it is that it actually changes in your voice or the way you speak, apart from being able to stare down the top of a tower and bellowing commands to thousands of followers without a microphone.

Here is what fire said:

That’s a very narrow description. I’m just saying I’d like it differentiated a little bit more. How does that apply in different situations, for example. How does it help socially vs professionally vs in sales. Will it make people have a better first impression of you or a neutral one.

We could talk about it here, but my main point is that a little bit of elaboration would be good within the Q store itself.

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I figure you’ve seen Voice Master

I think a good way to frame your question is “How do Emperor’s Voice and Voice Master differ, with some examples of when it is more optimal to use one than the other?”


Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Because apparently I tried and failed.

Nice succinct way to put it @Sage_Ninjistic :wink: thanks!

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What is the difference between Entranced and Direct Influencing Aura? Would they clash in the same custom?

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No clashing. Only compounding.

You get the results of both.

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Raph is right. These would go very well together.

I’ll just put the descriptions below for reference for whoever is going to respond to this later.

Direct Influencing Aura

Directly influences any person, guided by conscious intent and subconscious desires, in order to fulfill any goals ranging from wealth, love, art, simple persuasion etc.


There are some people who seem to entrance others. Every movement of their bodies hypnotizes, their eyes an enthralling gaze that must be met, their voice tantalizing and the words seem to hit something incredibly deep within. Entranced is a module designed to make you a truly hypnotic individual. Combine Entranced with the Temptation module for an incredible combination – while they are being irresistibly drawn to you, they do not even notice the hypnotizing effect your very existence has on them. Entranced can also be used if you desire to develop your hypnotic abilities to the levels of true masters, where hypnosis is a part of who you are.


The wealth modules need more differentiation.

Positive being attractor, sultan, financial success reality shifter, secret source, secrets of akasha, financial success reality shifter, debt annihilator,

Theyre all somewhat manifestors of money with not a lot of differences or use cases. I really like the way jupiter/dominion/tyrant/divine will/yggdrasil were all differentiated and wish the wealth subs had been given similar treatment.

Furthermore, how do the wealth-specific manifestation modules compare to simply including modules like yggdrasil?


Unrelenting Wealth Motivation & Energy versus Carpe Diem Ascended

Wealth motivation module appears to be more specialized in wealth than Carpe Diem Ascended.

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Wow. Really?!?!?!?

I didnt notice!

Thanks for clearing that up @hyperbeam

Don’t know what I would’ve done without that expert analysis

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From doing custom research & shopping around, I found that the two do have the waking up being motivated part.

Carpe Diem from description has the happiness & satisfaction parts.

@Fire what is the difference between “Avatar” and Metamorphosis?

Both mention stillness of mind, is that stillness in Avatar an indirect effect of the embodiment of the Yogic tradition?

Does Avatar essentially help us to embody the Spiritual Philosophies we find interest in? Or what does it do exactly?

As compared to Metamorphosis and Awakened Perception?

Does Awakened Perception develop all our Clair senses (6th, Spiritual senses), it mentions Astral Projection, Spiritual Contact, and Divinatory arts which are like the activities of those same senses similar to Physical Contact using hearing, and touch?

So, I suspect it does develop, grow and enhance clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc?

Divine Will and Single Point


Mastermind vs The Lines
Total Nonchalance vs Lion IV
True Sell vs Dragon Tongue
Secret Source vs Secrets of Akasha

How exactly do these modules express themselves differently in practice?


For us who wanna know Mastermind vs The Lines