Request for a new EVERYTHING title for men OR upgrade Khan For Men

Even if you were, I’m still kind of intrigued at the prospect. Though the last thing America specifically needs is subliminal powered super soldiers after the subs end up finally processing. Y’all are crazy enough with your military spending down there already :wink:

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this was a Stark thought lol

That is true

Emperor Fitness, Spartan, Survival Instinct- would probably aid military or law enforcement personal greatly

with some Video Game Mastery and Call of Duty on the side-you got a super solider in the works


Stop. Giving. Them. Ideas. :eyes:

Exactly. Something like Khan but with a more well rounded focus, to be the best version of ourselves. Not just socially, sexually or love life, but everything.

EQ is a bit too serious (I see it on me), Stark is a bit too open. I’ve been thinking, what would a combination of both be like? So my attention went into Khan. Could that be the answer I’ve been looking for?

This is what I’m trying to achieve with my stack right now. The best of both EQ and Stark.

DR for emotional healing, EQ for strength of character, focus and confidence, PS for being more social, comfortable in my own skin and to fulfill that more primal part of my being.

I wanted to include Stark for everything that it has to offer, and yet all of these together would be too heavy, not unless made into a cohesive multistage program. I’m on the fence now with my StarkU testing, but I have to read more to gain a better understanding.


When you say the best parts from each is that the inner world (self-esteem, discipline and focus) of Emperor and the outer world (charisma, social skills and seduction) of Stark?

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No, Q has been developed in a way that it doesn’t trigger this. Terminus and Terminus Squared can. Ultima can at higher loops – say six or more (I recently experienced this myself).

People are starting to spread a misconception that Stark is somehow “not alpha” or “less alpha” simply because it’s unisex, and that’s simply not true. When we make unisex titles, we aren’t “avoiding masculine concepts.” Stark isn’t “open,” it’s just not that “hard edge” alpha that some men want. Stark is about innovation and social dominance, so yes – it may make you seek social interaction. But, let’s make it clear, in those interactions, you’ll be the dominant individual.


This is exactly why my post count has skyrocketed in the past couple months because I’ve been seeking social interaction and I’m in a lockdown and don’t have any actual social media anymore haha.

I’m guessing if someone wanted this, like I do, Godlike Masculinity and or The Commander would be something to stack alongside it?

I feel like unintentionally I am one of those people, I apologise for this as I’ve been speaking about how I felt more alpha on Khan compared to Stark but again Khan and Stark have different ways of being an alpha. Your explanation is how I meant it to come across, but I’ve spread misconception it appears. My apologies.


Ohh, that explains too why I’m getting more involved in here. Not complaining, actually I like it.

Same idea came to my head, if someone seeks that edge, why not add some Ultimas?

On continued testing I would say Stark is Alpha AF!

It true it doesn’t have the hard edge that Khan or Emperor bring, or even AM

But its super confident, and socially dominant, aloof and indifferent to BS and chasing and focused on what matters. (Even more then Emperor-on Emperor the pull is to knock everything off my plan and to do list-so far on Stark today, I’ve been only looking to do what really matters)


I uses to think all I needed was confidence or to become an Alpha Male when in reality all I wanted was to be comfortable in my own skin and be able to live my life without all the baggage.


Could one add Primal or Ascension to a stack with Stark or would that be too much?

Still trying to figure out what to do after DR ST 2.

My apologies as well if my post contributed to the misconception. I actually really like Stark. I’ve gotten some good news and lucky breaks while on it. I meant open in a way that I express my thoughts more, when naturally I’d keep it to myself, or type something long and then delete it at the last minute. With Stark I feel much more carefree when expressing myself. It’s new to me because I grew up among intensely critical people.

Like brandon, I also found myself talking a lot more when using Stark. I like it, and I don’t want the hard intense alpha cause I’m already naturally introverted.

I guess that increased expressiveness is surprising me, for the lack of a better word, and yes my recon was pretty intense while on it.

I think it’s because it’s installing something very different to what I am used to. I felt this in the 2nd week, when I am guessing it’s starting to get in really deep.


I’m sure this has to do with the Law of Vibration, everyone has a Frequency that is also related to the energetic mass of an object. The higher your Energy, the faster time flies by as many of us have experienced, similarly the higher our Energy the more easily we are able to manifest and therefore resulting in more expeditious changes of internal/external reality.

The Firewall might be a block from our Subconscious which is a hard limit that when exceeded it has no energy left to keep the unconscious activities up and running. Just a thought but it makes a lot of sense in regards to alchemical observations I’ve had in the past.

So as our planet is shifting in Frequency from the Ascension process and the Schumann Resonance is raising its pulse as well, we’re able to manifest at a higher rate and therefore change more swiftly, allowing any manifestation tool; including subliminal or any other alchemical practice to be more powerful because overall energy of every being on the planet has been raised. Time will go by faster but we’ll also live longer so everything will stay in balance.


no one liked my poem, I will internalize this lack of external validation as confirmation that I shall officially end my career as an Ultimate Artist.



Yeah for sure,
Both Primal and Ascension would be great additions to Stark.
Especially as cores in a custom. If your running DR. Add Stark first then stabilize on that, then add primal or ascension.

I just had to go back and see whether my Like registered on that post. And my like is there! (Wagging my fingers at you) grrr



I want to be the very best,
Like no one has ever been.
To execute ONE Sub is my real test,
To have it all is my cause!
(I will request in this forum,
requesting far and wide.
ONE Subliminal to contain
All the subliminals that I want!)
ONE Sub!
Gotta contain em’ all!
It’s you and me,
I know it’s my destiny!
ONE Sub!


whaaat! lol l appreciate that, I totally missed it that before I wrote my other comment. Or it could have been a net lag.

but your ‘grrrr’ and finger wag has appropriately registered :slight_smile:

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that was great.
Subliminal ball-GO!


Haha! Nice one, @King. That was the whole point of the request. For my part, I think it was a bit early to ask for it now. Maybe next year we will see something close to ONE SUB after Renaissance Man and PRIMARCH are released. If not, will make a custom

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