Request: Custom Module Suggestions (long post)

Hi All,

I may not be very active on the forums but I often lurk around and absorb the wealth of knowledge that people share here. What makes me really fond of the subclub forums over reddit and other forums is that I see people here who not only understand and believe in the power of Subliminal suggestions and programs but also have an amazing understanding of subjects like the human psychology, philosophy, spirituality and alchemy.

At the age of 35 I have now come to terms with my destiny, my passion and my purpose. Since childhood I was more of a right brained individual, emotional, creative, full of love and compassion while being competitive. Dealt with severe anxiety for many years in my life, and took many years to actually delve into self exploration. A big contributor to my journey was psychedelics and my hindu upbringing that helped me make sense of a lot of “downloads” I received during my trips.

A bit more background of the problem I seem to be facing: After a lot of psychedelic trips, I went from being an introvert to someone who was not only an extrovert but I would make deep connections and come up with wonderful articulation of my artistic thoughts that helped me convince people in finding deep meanings in their lives. There was one small problem though, since my thinking surpassed all boundaries and was able to make very diverse connections, that lack of boundaries made my already creative ass even more anxious, to an extent where I couldn’t even follow road signs and diversions very well as I became bad at spotting structure and boundaries.

In my attempt to find a solution, my intuition suggested me to find if something can be done subliminally, and I came across this whole new world of subliminal programs and I decided to try out subclub. I started off with Emperor and tried different masculine and alpha subs, which solved my issue of confidence and understanding structure (driving got better and I could make sense of mundane tasks better) but somewhat killed my creativity, communication and articulation. I seemed to have fond a good balance after a lot of hit and trial with RM, RoM and QL (and other Limitless subs), and I feel ready to finally invest in a custom and make it personalized with my own name for a deeper impact.

Now I got the privilege to become a student again and study hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. I want to request the admins and other users here to suggest me a set of custom modules to help me with the below listed objectives (please feel free to suggest more related objectives). I have gone through the custom shop and got overwhelmed by the amount of modules available, so seeking some advice.


  • Better understanding of the self and human psyche in general
  • Being able to make profound and meaningful connections in the mundane reality
  • Becoming a better healer and more empathetic to people
  • Better internal core, embracing my divine masculine while worshipping the divine feminine and the mysticism that it brings with it ( I was raised in a culture that worships the feminine and that helped me with my Kundalini awakening as I was able to surrender to that energy)
  • Increasing my apetite for knowledge and its application in various discipline (like a Renaissance Man :wink: )
  • Better conflict management and persuasion
  • Better intuition
  • I am not very good at directions (psychologically and on roads), so something that can help with becoming better at self directedness more confidence in trusting my own decisions
  • To get better in different forms of expressions (writing, speaking, anything that is appropriate to express the idea that I may have)
  • Internal peace
  • Establishing better emotional connections with people
  • Better at storytelling
  • Better listener
  • { Open space for objectives that I may have missed out }

I also want to share a short story of what happened after my Kundalini meditation on a-cid. My intuition became so good that I was able to connect a lot of dots and feel the presence of a strong feminine energy around me, so strong that I told my wife we’re gonna have a daughter (we were trying to conceive). I went ahead and made a Christmas charm with Anahata chakra symbol on it and said to my wife, we will name her Anahata (she loved the name). Few months later we conceived and in our third trimester scan we found out it’s a girl. We named her Anahata and she just turned 1 :slight_smile: .

Thank you in advance for your valuable suggestions.


Am charmed by your life story especially about your little girl. Long life and prosperity to your family.

Regarding a custom idea, let me see what modules we can use based on your objectives…

Way of Understanding

Transcendental Connection

Mercy Protocol

Elemental Opus
Godlike Masculinity

Renaissance Man Core
Limitless Core

Ebon Maneuver
True Sell.

Intuition Enhancer
The Merger of Worlds

Journeys’ Guide

Ultimate Writer
Sacred Words
Dragon Tongue
True Sell

The Flow

Transcendental Connection

Story Teller


Some modules were repeated since they have overlapping objectives.

Since you had a very good experience with Emperor and you want to express yourself (RM), I think a combination of Emperor Core and Renaissance Man Cores would work for you.

Here’s a custom idea that you can play around with:

  1. Emperor Core
  2. Renaissance Man Core
  3. Sanctuary
  4. The Flow
  5. Journeys’ Guide
  6. Wayfinder
  7. Transcendental Connection
  8. Empath
  9. Way of Understanding
  10. Mercy Protocol
  11. Story Teller
  12. Ultimate Writer
  13. Sacred Words
  14. Dragon Tongue
  15. True Sell
  16. Ebon Maneuver
  17. Potentiator
  18. Elemental Opus
  19. Intuition Enhancer
  20. The Merger of Worlds

Again, this custom is just an prototype. Feel free to make changes to it based on your heart’s desires.

Emperor Core has parts of Godlike Masculinity and Limitless so you are good there.


Thank you so much for such a detailed reply. I will go through each of the modules that you suggested and keep them on my list while I wait for some other suggestions to pour in. Would you think it would be a good idea to run Emperor separate from the custom?

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Fucking great @Lion


What dou you want as your 1-2 main cores?


You’re welcome.

You also have the choice to do that.

Thank you :pray:


I am more inclined towards keeping RM and RoM as the main cores.


Thank you for doing this! I’ve done this for others on here and posted… I know it takes a bit of :clock1130: :+1:


Happy to help :pray:

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