Replacing mp3 with FLAC?

Would be there any sense in replacing mp3 format with FLAC format if it comes to using SC subliminal programs?

I’m asking since recently I’ve switched from my old mp3 player to my smartphone and I see a difference in the results which are more pronounced now.

@SaintSovereign @Fire

Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Can you explained how pronounced and the difference you mean between the two different file formats?

Just interested to hear

FLAC offers a better quality of sound and, since the quality of sound is better on my smartphone and it gives me better results, I thought maybe it could also help if we used FLAC files instead of mp3.

I’m just getting better results now, just after switching to my smartphone two days ago.

The way I understand all that stuff, converting an MP3 to FLAC wouldn’t make it any better than the quality of the original MP3. I’m not sure I’m understanding the question correctly though.

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It’s not about converting but creating it in FLAC format.

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Iirc they’ve tested lossless vs compressed formats in the past and found no significant difference between the two in terms of results. However that would’ve been several build methods ago (like new dawn or prior)

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This is something we’re looking into once we’ve finished the full automation project.


After all the responses given by @SaintSovereign lately…surprised to see he didn’t give any FLAC for this one. :wink:


Wait, then did I remember incorrectly or are you revisiting the subject? :sweat_smile: Could’ve sworn I remember seeing something about this forever ago.

I’m pretty sure they’ve been working on it for a while and it’s part of the reason Saint is now working on this full time so he can put his focus on full automation and other things.

I believe currently there’s still a manual hand needed in the creation of Q Store products and eventually they’ll have it done automatically.

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Oh yeah, I know they’ve been working on full automation for awhile. But I definitely thought the subject of lossless vs mp3 encoding had been approached before. But again, that was long ago before developments in their technology. For instance, a lossless ultima vs the current ultima might have better results due to the nature of the format.

That said, lossless versions of the products would be massive size files as lossless is about 10x the file size of a 320mbps compression

My apologies I thought you meant about the automation, not the change in file. Completely misunderstood.

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Yeah, we probably did mention this before, but we pivot constantly. It’s one of the reasons we’re so successful. When we see an opportunity, we’ll go for it, regardless of what’s already been planned.


Fair enough lol

No worries I understood your misunderstanding haha

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Unfortunately, Apple does not support Flac, perhaps Wav is a better option?

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@Hermit didn’t consider that, this would not work for a lot of users! I myself have only apple devices…

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Same here, apple device.

The wav file that Q produces is about 3gb. Not sure if that’s a good option…

How about allowing users to choose from the different quality and file sizes appropriate to their personal storage capacity?

But that’s only making sense if there’s a difference in efficiency/potency with higher quality audio files, considering the power of our subconscious mind, I doubt that but it is worth experimenting with nonetheless.

Dang 3gb is quite an amount though!