Renaissance man vs stark to compliment Wanted

Looking for a sub to compliment the incredible effects of Wanted. after reading wanted description " a WANTED man always contains paradox in his being. He is not afraid to be truly human – he embraces his human nature, his imperfections, the mysteries and flaws of human existence while striving towards excellence every step of the way… his way."

That part seems like it could be fit right into renaissance man description… probably a perfect compliment to amplify effects of wanted?

Note : currently running wanted and Khan st3. while I enjoy a lot the effects of Khan and will probably finish it . it doesn’t compare to Wanted specially in terms of mood, feel much more sexual and uplifted on wanted. what I’m looking to add its creativity, charisma a desire to be more social to have that “million dollar mouth” to have my brain fire out things on time instead of coming up with the perfect thing after the fact .so I’m stuck between Stark and Renaissance man for my next run.

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Renaissance Man

All my favorite titles so I can understand your dilemma.

WANTED + Renaissance Man has a certain synergy especially for creativity. I have run them both together and they work very well in a stack if you want to emulate the Lord Byron archetype. One who is mysterious, good looking and creative.

Having said that, Stark has its own advantages in place of Renaissance Man. Stark is more productive (with creativity too) and gives you direction. So if you find yourself without a purpose, it would be a good idea to run WANTED and Stark for now instead of Renaissance Man in the place of Stark.

And last but not the least, Khan is an awesome title for dominating and being more successful in life. But what I have learnt about Khan is that it works great when you have some part of your life alraady in order especially your money.

So my advice is to run a couple of cycles of WANTED + Stark right now.

After you have achieved many of your initial goals thanks to Stark, you can do WANTED + Stark + Renaissance Man (or just WANTED + Renaissance Man).

And finally graduate to a stack where you can replace Stark with Khan and hence run a stack of WANTED + Renaissance Man + Khan. This you can do when you feel you have achieved a sort of independence both financial and residential (like having your own place to live) where you can enjoy the abundance of women that will naturally come with Khan.


Take a look at Daredevil and True Social since they may offer exactly what you need. That missing link between WANTED man who is in the shadow and the one who basks in the spotlight. Stark is a good solution as well but mind that it contains a lot of scripting you may not need right now or ever. DD and TS would give you that social push and make you a thunderous social batterfly.


thanks @Lion and @Sub.Zero a lot for your helpful responses Will sleep on it and decide. Another question feels to me that the day a loop is played of any title that’s where effects are the strongest and then it fades the next day not fully but a very noticeable decrease. Is this the case for you guys too? I also find that alternating two subs in this case khan day, rest day, wanted day actually helps contrast one another and makes noticing their differences easier . I also do this because I feel the effects might not be as strong if I just run one title (ex. if I get inspired by something it can help greatly for a few days but very soon after it runs out of power and I have to find something else )… is this the case with subs or does it keep getting stronger and stronger? thanks!

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