Regeneration ZP - Weird drawback effect during the break

I have listened to the Regeneration ZP( along with Spartan and Paragon) for 21 days.
Then as advised I took a break for 6 days.
And during the break, I really began to feel obnoxious.
Like all of my fears and self-doubts burst out all at once.
I felt ( and partly still feel) really obnoxious and twitched at every word that even remotely has some connection to cancers ( I am having this fear of illnesses ) .
For a few days, it really felt like I am in constant fight or flight mode.
To be more precise I felt like a deer in front of headlights.
I can’t really remember that I ever felt this way, especially since there were no other outside stimuli that would cause it ( in the past if i did feel similarly I could connect the feelings to an event).

So now I am at the point where I should resume listening but I am having some serious dilemmas about it.

Is this Regeneration at work ?
Should I continue?
Or should I postpone Regen and listen only to Spartan and other, less intense stuff before I “harden” enough?

Would be really helpful if anyone could shed some light on this cause at the moment it feels like a dark alley.


We all have hard times
But believe me if you wait, light is on the way
All of these are signs of the integration of the subs
Change creates friction
And this is friction
Stay strong :muscle:

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It is pretty normal that your problems arise at the surface.
Before they where hidden.

Now, see if you can consciously dissolve them.
Test if you can dominate your fears and evict them.

Test if you are strong enough to face them and handle them in a way that they dissolve.

If not- do another round of Regeneration zp + the Elixir Ultima until you are the master over your internal bullshit and then kill them once and for all



You’ve clearly got a deep seeded fear that Regen brought to the surface.
You now have two choices. You can let it sink back down and remain below the surface while you go after other things. No judgment here, if you aren’t ready you aren’t.
Or, you can hit it with more regen until it stops being a problem.
If you go the second route it would probably be helpful to try to consciously figure out why you have that fear. If you look at the reasons in broad daylight you will probably see that they’re based on flawed thinking. It helps when you realize that.


I will try to consciously deal with them before the next round of Regen.
While I was suspecting this it really helps when someone tells you its part of the process rather than you going mental :).

Thanks for your reply and the insights you helped a lot.

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thank for the support and kind words.
Much appreciated.

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Yes it all makes sense.
Honestly I dont know how ready or not I am, but I am certain I will continue to work on this until it has any grip on me.
Its a scary shit, but at least knowing that its “normal” and part of the process gives me some comfort in the proceeding.
Thank you for your reply, it helped a lot.

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I think mine is related to this . Since the breadkWent back to watching porn, Masturbated but did not feel bad though

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