Reflections of Apollo

Running ElixirU v2 for the first time

This is good info. I havenā€™t given emperor a chance since 2019 because of the aggression I had. Iā€™m sure the technologies upgraded over time so that itā€™s reduced. Might give it a run in April with RM.


I didnā€™t feel much aggression on EQ. I still get irritated at times, but I just brushed negative stuff off for the most part. Hope it works well for you when you do, itā€™s a gem of a sub for sure.

Iā€™m enjoying reading old threads, and itā€™s my rest day, but I noticed some cognitive decline. Electrolytes maybeā€¦

Back with my old stack.

Iā€™ll start numbering again when I start ST3.

I feel like cleaning house when it comes to my relations. I donā€™t talk much about romantic stuff in here, but Iā€™m feeling an urge to remove the ones that I donā€™t feel are worth the time and the effort.

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Iā€™ve noticed that too if it comes to me. On top of that, I need more water and more sleep on my new stack

Which is what? The Emperor?

Water and chicken bone broth would be best but gatorade would do in a pinch.

Thatā€™s right bud, back to good olā€™ EQ. Iā€™m already seeing stable growth with this stack, so no need to rock the boat too much, until I finish DR.

I rocked the boat and I didnā€™t like the recon. I felt so lazyā€¦ and I went overboard with the junk food. Really.


While itā€™s fresh in my mind for future reference.

StarkQ never cease to amaze me.

In the span of 3 weeks or so, small various random gifts or freebies, and a couple of random messages that I didnā€™t expect. Stark gets approached in my experience, and life feels fun in general. Iā€™m a lot more optimistic.

However I lost my motivation to workout and Iā€™ve become a lot less guarded with my thoughts. This is good, but right now Iā€™m still not on that level.

Iā€™ll revisit this gem, hopefully with the dominance of Khan and based from this experience, Spartan probably completes the stack along with DRU.


Itā€™s good to know youā€™re back on the track. Keep going, mate! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve conducted some experiments too and now Iā€™m a bit wiser if it comes to what stack I should run and how I should run it.

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Will do brother. Good luck with your reunion with Stark, itā€™s an amazing sub and fits your vibe very well. I wish it worked for me without a hitch, but I suppose my extra introverted head is having a harder time reconciling with this celebrity sub.

Cognitive decline, brain fog and yes lots of junk food! :yum:

Iā€™m going to take a different approach once I tackle this sub in the future. Hopefully graduating from DR is the key.


I think this is wise. Maybe rock the boat a bit after you listen to stage 4 of DR for 30 days.



As a further thought, I couldnā€™t listen to other subliminals much when running DR. Finally I just focused only on DR. It wasnā€™t until about 2 months of DR st4 that I could somewhat comfortably listen to other subs.

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Thatā€™s right, bud, no boat rocking till Iā€™m done with ST4.

Waitā€¦ wait just a minute. Please tell me you had an easier time with ST3 and ST4 than 2.

Right? ā€¦ rightā€¦? :crazy_face:

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Hmm EQv2ā€¦ so temptingā€¦

TBH I wish I could say that I did the cautious thing and did 1, 2, 3 in order.

Where is that hang my head in shame emoji when I need it?

Some time in st2 I jumped to st4. It was a mistake. I had 2 months of physical and emotional discomfort. Itā€™s easy for me now to say it was worth it because Iā€™m emerging from a big healing.

I had 2 months of unpleasant physical sensations, emotional unease, and the weirdest fucking dreams ever. As in 4 or 5 very vivid ones every night for about 2 months. I had so much weirdness in my head I stopped journaling because I didnā€™t know how to conceptualize it, and sometimes I didnā€™t know how to describe it.

Itā€™s only been over the past 2 weeks or so the negative physical sensations are less frequent, and my dreams are more mundane.

I wish I could give you some reassurance about st3 but I just donā€™t know what to say except I would say please consider staying the course.


A-ha!.. :astonished: Donā€™t worry I wonā€™t judgeā€¦ hahaha!

Thanks my friend. Youā€™re doing well now, its was well worth it. Stark is still strong so I still have my sense of humor intact even when facing certain doom :smile:

Iā€™ll stay the course. Iā€™m halfway there.

I think I might drop everything when I start Khan though, but instead of 2 months each, I might drop just to 1, until I reach Stage 4.

Perhaps the occasional loop of EQ or an Ultima to serve as anchor; Then I begin Stark once Iā€™m on Khan complete.

Nothing is concrete yet, but my recent experiences are giving me some sort of a roadmap to avoid the pitfalls I encountered.

I did all stages of Khan pre-Q then dropped it. I thought I had hit a ceiling.

As per @Hermit I made a custom with I AM and Khan st4. However I donā€™t know enough at this point to comment much except women are more likely to give me that deer in the headlights look.

Oh I see, and youā€™re also running Stark, right? So far, Iā€™ve read nothing but great feedback about this stack, so youā€™re probably set for a long time.

Iā€™m set on Khan/Stark too, not unless something much more compelling for my needs comes up. RM was a close candidate, I wanted to improve my musical talents.

To comment from another thread, EQ makes me more introverted for sure. I donā€™t know about Qv2, but Iā€™m also typing my thoughts here so I could observe my demeanor, a week or two from now.