Reflections of Apollo

I can tell u for sure thats how khan feels.


I didnā€™t run them long enough to notice anything. I then ran Stark and had great results in my opinion in my old journal.

Like you said, it would have been perfect. I need to find a way to add more Emperor stuff to make stack without it actually being Emperor. I think someone had a custom with Emperor and Stark in it, I donā€™t want to tag anyone just in case Iā€™m wrong but Iā€™ll check.

I donā€™t think it would be heavy, I just donā€™t feel it fits your goals.

Voytek does great with subs it seems. Itā€™s about the Medici family and how they ruled whilst being able to be financially great through trading and business deals/stock. Maybe it isnā€™t what you need.

Iā€™m unsure about what you mean with Limitless/BLU.

I can understand this, itā€™s relatable to me. I think once youā€™ve got a good stack that will start to work better for you naturally as the subs normalise you, then once youā€™ve got your goals for this stack and want other things like seduction you can work on that.

This is exactly what Khan is, at least for me. Iā€™ve not got the most out of Khan as my goals changed but Iā€™m still using it to maintain. I had it in my stack last night and Iā€™ll be using it once or twice a week on Stage 4 to maintain the results.

This is great, like @Azriel says. If they fit your goals then go for them!
Iā€™d really love to find a way to use EQ, I want that drive to work so bad.


Oh, what I meant with BLU and Limitless is if itā€™s good for those who suffering ADHD. Lack of motivation, scattered thoughts etc. I was very exhausted yesterday and recon was hitting me hard. What a trip. :rofl:

Thank you my friend. Iā€™ll go back to these posts from time to time, it will help with my research to find my grail stack.

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Iā€™m taking a step back today. Streamlining my stack and taking things more slowly. I think the combination of new subliminals introduced to my routine plus my personal circumastances did a number on me. It was really something. I couldnā€™t explain what was going on inside me, and yet I know itā€™s not something I liked. There is discomfort there, and I could not find anything to address the issue.

I have forgotten that there is a trojan horse I have unleashed in my mindā€™s fortress and that is DR. Could it be digging through stuff that I have unconsciously burried? and the feeling of them all jumping at me at once overwhelmed my already exhausted constitution? Iā€™m finding it hard to put into words what I am feeling, but I hope my future self which would read back to these journals could deduce what I am trying to convey, some of them subconciously without a doubt.

My goal right now is equilibrium, steadiness, steadfastness and ambition with direction. I could say I wish this and I wish that but I know thatā€™s pointless. We are our own genies, and our wishes are our own commands to carry out; If we do not, then either we give up, or we suffer nonstop reconcilliation until we shrivel up and become a shell of what we once was. With or without subliminals.

When I decided to write my journal, I didnā€™t wish to write too much of whatā€™s going on in my world, but my journey in my own mind. I need clarity to find those clues. Like Dante going deep in the inferno, finding demons, beasts, pitfalls, restrictions, but hopefully a direction to go forward and in the end find redemption.


"A place there is below, from Beelzebub

As far receding as the tomb extends,

Which not by sight is known, but by the sound

Of a small rivulet, that there descendeth

Through chasm within the stone, which it has gnawed

With course that winds about and slightly falls.

The Guide and I into that hidden road

Now entered, to return to the bright world;

And without care of having any rest

We mounted up, he first and I the second,

Till I beheld through a round aperture

Some of the beauteous things that Heaven doth bear;

Thence we came forth to rebehold the stars."

Happy Ascending -pick your ā€˜Beatriceā€™ 'mine is financial freedom doing purposeful work I love-all subs are in service of that first and for most.

I know your going through your process of refinement, and however long it takes, it takes, but youā€™ll get there :slight_smile:


You are on the right path my friend. I can see it, just by reading your journals. Itā€™s all where we want to be, the right path towards our best self. Once you are there, let nothing stray you away from it.

Thatā€™s the difference between a Caesar and his cup bearer. No one remembers the latter. Most of all, we all deserve to be happy, regardless of our circumstance or our background. Thereā€™s no such thing as elite or blue blood. We are all human beings, and that should be elite enough.

Anything else is a construct to convince others they will never be good enough.

My mind is in search for this path to my best self right now, as if Iā€™m in a garden maze, eventually Iā€™ll recognize the patterns, and solve it. Thank you all for extending a hand, not just to me but for everyone here that needs it.


Whatever youā€™re smoking can I have some?


@Azriel Never mind. I now see you and @Apollo are getting all philosophical


Hahaā€¦ Iā€™m getting all existential. The heck is happening to me. Iā€™m not deep, Iā€™m one of the shallowest person I know.

I think DR is digging up some stuff now. I felt some healing with my previous stack of regen,elix but man DR is no joke. Itā€™s making me look deep inside without blinking. Some previous memories of despair and triumph showing up at the door.

To top it off, I had the genius idea to use Stark along with it so now Iā€™m now translating into words every emotional pangs DR is probably manifesting.

Double whammy right there.

and why should it be 42? what the sh** is that all aboutā€¦


This is the passage in Dantes Inferno when he transitions out of hell and into the south hemisphere.
Since it Medieval times Hell was in the center of the earth, and you got to the other side by going through it lol

It was in reference to @Apollo saying


This poem is unrelated to what I am smoking but yes you can always have some


Okay fellas, hear me out. I had some moment of clarity while staring at @Jamesā€™s essence of feminine allure.

What do you think of?

3xDR 2xEQ 2xPS


1x Limitless Executive. (or BLU)

Thatā€™s it. Nothing else. Streamlined, and from what I understand is within the initial guidelines.

I was going to use SanguineU as my Ultima but changed my mind because PS has Sanguine which is one of the reasons I took it up.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m ready for PCC yet, I need some healing on that front, too many hangups on my part. I recognize itā€™s importance though, specially when youā€™re ready to be a mover and shaker, you need some strong defence.


It was meant to traumatize @Sub.Zero


It didnā€™t, it made me worried about you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Ehā€¦ donā€™t know with you guys @Sage_Ninjistic and I enjoyed the sensous femme fatale display. It got my creative juices flowing, now Iā€™m coming up with new stacks.

And earlier I was pondering the meaning of life and 42.


Thatā€™s why I created two customs. Transgressive Will to Power is oriented to the social game and I would use it if I couldnā€™t start my own business supported by The Empress.

By the way, I described to Brandon how I build my customs if you were interested.

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No need just bored and being silly


See this right here is your talent my friend. Youā€™re able to meticulously construct these modules, with careful planning and attention to detail, and I on the other hand struggle with a one sentence reply.

I am truly inclined to add an intelligence program within my daily stack to get this chaotic mind in order. I appreciate the link, bud, this would come very handy, I am daunted to make a custom to be honest.

Thing is I know I should already be toying with customs because I have several other subs right now that I am not sure I would still be using long term, and Iā€™m adding to it.

Iā€™ll have so much subs I wonā€™t know how to use, and Iā€™m not a refund kind of guy. I donā€™t do that, even though SC is generous in that regard.

I really should come up with a custom, cause there are pieces I want from this sub, pieces I donā€™t want from that sub etc.


Yes, I guess, a custom would be your best bet. Try to sit down over your notebook and mimic that ā€œinstructionā€ of mine, even if it was tough and you couldnā€™t do that at once. Just be persistent and go back to your notebook until youā€™re done and then type it in on the forum, the folks will help. Please, do it for yourself and try.

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I have several tabs of the sales pages of the stack I am running opened, to remind myself why I purchased them in the first place. Battling with ADHD, I need to do this from time to time. Thereā€™s no louder voice than the doubters in my mind than my own.


Bro, that passage from Dante reminded me how much I enjoyed to read. Love even; However I find myself getting distracted or my mind floating elsewhere the older I get.

Has QL Lite in EQ helped you out in terms of adding to your intelligence or desire to read/learn? Iā€™m contemplating purchasing BLU or the new Limitless Executive, so that my mind would have more focus or is that part of EQ strong enough to have noticeable effects?