Reflections of Apollo

Yeah? We do have MCT oil around. Now I did not know that. Thanks mate.

About the subs, I don’t know. I like Stark. The spark of Stark. but I’m missing EQ’s inner strength, self assurance, alpha aura and lower voice. Don’t know how that happened but I noticed my voice with Stark was higher.

I went back to EQ, and here I am I feel like I’m starting to be more introverted and being too intense once again. Could be all in my mind, but isn’t everything that matters starts in our mind?

Ok that does sound like recon.


Combine stark with ascension.
@Hermit once spoke about that before.
Dont change stacks thats reconcilliation.


Yeah he recommends that power stack. Though I’m thinking what if I take it up a notch and pair it with AM? Thing is I’m also using PS and DR.

I’m wondering if anyone used more than 3 majors in a stack and succeeded. :thinking:

You still on Khan, bro? How’s it going? Don’t go slamming groceries… :rofl:

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Sigh. Not sure if this is reconcilliation but I’m having hard time making up my mind with my stack. I thought I was so sure, and then I am starting to feel that intensity again, that gnawing introversion. DR is fine, it’s going to be there till january, but I’m torn between Stark and EQ. I understand it depends on my goals, but these are both my goals… gaahh… headache.

I wish PS gave me EQ’s strenght, it would have been easy with Stark. Love the social aspect of Stark, felt lucky-ish on it too, but I love the inner strength and projection of EQ. There’s a respect aura there, I’ve seen it first hand.

Make a custom my mind says, but at this rate, if I couldn’t decide between these two, what more with customs… I played around with it and ended with my cart having more than 30 modules :crazy_face:

Try not to stack too many…
If i was you…do your healing alone. More subs more energy more reconcilliation slower results.
Use DR solo then when u done go to ascension then stark and ascension. More than that is bad.

Yes never changed from Khan. And yes when u stick to one programme for long the results are profound.


You’re right. Stick to the plan brother. Don’t mind me, I’m fickle minded as heck. I’ll find that ideal sub stack, but I guess I’m rushing myself cause I want to start the new year right.

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Dont ever rush i did that before…

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Still haven’t started on anything but I could probably clean up my stack even further. DR ST1 would completely replace rebirth, so that’s 1 hour free time. PS would still be there, and Elixir.

I think we all feel like this at some point. We all feel like late bloomers.

I’ve been dancing since I was 22 which will be 6 years in January and I feel there’s so many better dancers than me because they started at 3. It sucks but it is what it is. We have to make the best of our situations.

A choreographer I know and am friends with started at 26, is now 40-50 years old and danced for Prince. He’s a late bloomer and doing so well.

Everything is possible.

This cracked me up haha. The stabby thing.

I like this man, the name is sweet. When you’re ready, go for it.


Wow, Prince. That’s awesome man, heck yeah he should be proud. That’s what I’m talking about. If we get this right, we could even transcend age, be whatever we want whoever we want no matter where we started, from where we started.

I like Caesar, the guy was pretty much a dandy in his youth. Where do these guys find their indomitable spirit and winner mindset? That’s what I’m looking for.

SubClub, Caesar and Alexander the Great mindset please. This would be fantastic.

Yeah, I had the titles all lined up… haha… there’s a Caesar, there’s a Basileus, there’s Optimus Princeps…

That’s right all titles, no content :crazy_face:


Sorry I’m taking my time to read through the journal.

I get this all the time, it’s very very annoying. I think it’s part of our ADHD. We want it to be perfect but we also get bored quickly and want to get results faster so we change things and we get recon. Very annoying.

I said to you yesterday that I feel like this too, I want both.

But I just had a thought, since HoM is part of the Emperor line like Saint said wouldn’t it have the qualities of Emperor you want but more wealth orientated too? Wouldn’t you be able to mix it with Stark anyhow considering it overlaps with being more social compared to the original Emperor? (I think I read that somewhere anyway).

Don’t build a custom yet. Get used to the majors.

We’re crazy, we want it all and more.

For real, that’s gonna happen for me with someone I want to choreograph/dance for. It’s gonna happen. I know it is.

Hell yeah brother, we have an advantage here for real. You said it all right here.

Some people are just born that way and automatically have that subliminal mindset we want. The way they’re brought up in this world can determine that too. But sometimes they don’t have what we have and they want that too.

It’s a yes from me.

Just titles for now, but eventually subliminals that will make you focused and a winner.

This journal…? zomg bro… seriously there’s more wisdom in random bathroom grafitti stalls than this trainwreck of a journal… hahaha

I’m just writing whatever is on my mind however asinine and embarassing they are so I could gauge and compare my state of mind between subliminals I am using.

Also it’s a way for future Apollo to make fun of past Apollo.

I thought so too. I combined Stark and HoM, maybe I did not give it enough time. I’d like to be good with finances that’s why I bought HoM. Not even sure if I’d ever get the chance to run PCC because I have so much on the backburner.

Oh no not going there yet. I’d like to be more mentally stable before I even think of ordering a custom.

and we sure as heck deserve it buddy. :fist_right:

I feel like that with my journalling all the time. I ramble and it makes sense to me and hopefully it makes sense or will help someone else in the future. My thoughts are so disorganized they go on a jumble rant of their own. Making no sense.

Maybe do DR and continue with Stark first, then add in HoM. HoM is dense but it’s also in my stack along with EoG as part of a custom…

Again, not sure if what I’m saying about HoM having what Emperor has (obviously there will be differences, but what they are I’m unsure) but maybe that will give you what you want?

Why have you chosen the subs you’ve chosen besides DR?

So why Stark, why E: HoM, why PCC and why PS? Why Khan?

Which would you want the most and why?

You’ll make a great custom when it comes to it in time. You’re great dude.

Oh hell yeah we do man.


I will go back and read something I posted and I’m either blown away by how articulate it was or wonder what the fuck I was smoking

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Ah yes… Sometimes I feel like I’m channeling Yoda, and then… boom. Chewbacca.

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@Apollo @Brandon I have no idea if and when I will run another program. With what Dragon Reborn has done for me in only thirty days and I’m still running Stage one it’s quite possible I could see myself running Dragon Reborn for the foreseeable future. This has done more for my mental and emotional health and maturity than any book , tape. program, course , therapy, counseling in the thirty plus years I have done anything self improvement related


That’s good, man. Sounds like you found “the one” That’s what I’m looking for. I’m staying with DR too for a long time, I’m just not yet settled on the other programs but DR is here to stay.

When are you going to ST2? I’m raising my loops back to 3x and the others to 2x. Let it be on the center stage.

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Yep been reading up on Stark… I’m going with Stark till the new year. Let’s see what awaits…


Probably in the middle of February as planned. Fighting the urge to run EOG Stage One as well now after reading what @Hoppa posted to @subliminalguy . Maybe it’s Ultimas I need to stay away from.