Recomendations for restarting my dating life


How would I notice reconciliation?

One last thing on the above comment. When I recommend new people in my personal life to run subs, I get them to listen to 5 mins twice a week, at first, and that works really well for them, and then they don’t need to worry about washouts at all. Just another example.

No. RICH sounds awful. For a very very specific reason. It’s not NSE upgraded. Which is crazy but the NSE subs are THAT MUCH more powerful than the non-NSE upgraded subs.

I’ll give you an example.

There’s a wealth-healing subliminal called Ecstasy Of Gold Stage 1. It’s amazing, but not NSE upgraded. There’s an upgraded wealth NSE title called Nouveau RICH, and it’s specifically a wealth manifestation subliminal.

Here’s the thing: the NSE (new subliminal experience) is so powerful that there’s more healing in the upgraded manifestation sub than their is in the non-upgraded dedicated healing sub.

As for this, yes, absolutely, it would stack perfectly with EmpD.

You might even have your bases covered with EmpD, as it’s a very all-encompassing title. It has all the wealth scripting of Emperor, and it’s like a chilled out Emperor specifically made for 40+ men to be able to seduce.

Maybe run it solo for a while until you know what reconciliation feels like, what your biggest “wins” from EmpD are, and what you feel like it’s missing, and then add another title to balance it out as you see fit accordingly.

If you find that after a while of EmpD, you’re feeling confident, but still having trouble turning IOI’s and interactions sexual, then add S&Sx. If you feel like it’s a seduction powerhouse, and want to add more wealth scripting, add Mogul.

Some people are saying EmpD is smooth with low recon, but to each their own. Recon feels like you’re temporarily getting worse before you get better. It can be a same-day immediate feeling, like a headache, or being tired, or being anxious. It can be a lack of productivity all of a sudden. It can be your beliefs getting negative, for example all of a sudden feeling guilt about the past (beyond what’s normal), or feeling excessive doubt about the future.

These are all just the night being darkest before the dawn, so, don’t fear that you’re ACTUALLY getting negative results. It’s just healing, causing the pain to get a little worse so it can be healed.

still though, no reason to go through unecessary pain beyond what you’re comfortable with.

More importantly, you want to gauge what it’s like to feel results. Once you feel results, you know what “normal” is. And then from there, losing normal is “recon.”


Seductress would be a good option.

Thanks, @Jouissance. Thats a very detailed explanation.

I apreciate it.

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If you’re unusually irritable, moody, tired, mentally tired, jumpy/on edge, sad, frustrated, have an urge to switch subs, things like that.

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So, to be clear. Reconciliation is just uncomfortable, but it does not mean subs are not working or that they are not working properly, right? It could be considered a side effect more than a n indicator that something is wrong.

And the advice about reducing listening time is a measure you can take to reduce those side effects while still getting an effective dose of the sub…

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Actually it means they are working, but too much can be unpleasant and might affect your behavior, which is why microloops/shorter loops are recommended when first starting out, to keep reconciliation at a manageable level.


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Would you say is possible for a newbie like me to listen to the full 15 minutes without any recconciliation?

I listened to teh whole masked track last night and today I woke up quite rested and have had a very productive day… The most productive in months, I would say.

Any thoughts?

Yeah it’s possible, and two reasons I can think of. One is that your mind doesn’t disagree with any of the scripting. In other words, your beliefs line up with the scripting so there’s little to no subconscious reconciling needed. Another reason is that it’s delayed. Sometimes I don’t feel recon until I’m a few days or a couple weeks into the cycle. Also be wary of “stonewalling” and overexposure.

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Makes sense. Thanks.

Stonewalling would be the equivalent of “not doing anything”?

What would be the effects of overexposure?

Overexposure typically comes in the forum of really bad brain fog, or difficult negative emotions. Can become moody with other people, so I like to stick around 5 minute loops for the most part, seems to be a really good sweet spot for a lot of people where your still getting really good results, pushing/challenging yourself, but your not in such bad recon that it makes socializing or working difficult.


All here: How Can I Tell The Difference Between Stonewalling, Overload and Reconciliation? - Subliminal Club Support Hub

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Thanks, I´ll read it

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Did 7 minute loop yesterday. SOmehow, it did not feel as powerfull as the full loop.

Nothing today.

Should I increase a couple of minutes tomorrow? I need to do some trial and error I guess,

I did 9 minutes yesterday. Had god dreams at night, and woke up fully rested and feeling great.

I´ll do 11 minites tomorrow and see what happens…

OK so far.

Feeling a bit more confident maybe… nothing too fancy, just baby steps

I´ll do 13 tonight.