Hey everyone, been a while…
I honestly don’t know what I’ll be writing here, or saying, or even journaling here, but I do wanna let things out with time, especially since so many things have happened and/or changed in my life, that I think I can write a new story here daily about all the things happening to me (both the good and bad).
Well, I had a break up not too long ago, which I talked about in my previous journal, after which I kinda drifted away from journaling and being active here in general, while also reducing my subliminal usage by a bit, and the reason for that was mostly because of how shaken my inner world had gotten, but I had to give myself time, and with enough time, I did end up making some changes to myself and who I am now.
Firstly, I sold my car and bought a new one, I stopped making the gym the center of my world, I resigned from my job and recently signed with a new company, I started drinking after stopping it for years, I started dressing up more maturely, and overall I’ve just been busy reinventing myself, which Emperor Daddy played a big role in helping me mould this new version of myself, and while I’m not using it at the moment, it’s going to be used in the future again (just don’t know when I’ll be doing that).
As for the highlight sub for this journal, well, it’s an updated version of my infamous manifestation QTKS sub, one which I called “iCreate”, and with that said, here’s how the newly refined version’s module list looks like:
- Mind’s eye core
- Alchemist: Singularity core
- New Result Enhancing Experience core
- MDFY: Now
- MDFY: Conscious Guidance
- Inner Voice
- Synergy: Divine Dominion
- Void of Creation
- Pragya
- Gratitude Embodiment
- Joie de Vivre
- Fortune’s Favorite
Yeah it’s quite compact compared to my previous customs that I’ve been so famous for, however, one 5 minute loop of this sub did far more wish granting than I would have been able to imagine, and to give you all an idea of this sub’s power, I’ll tell you all what happened today:
I applied for a certain document on Thursday, and as Friday and Saturdays are the weekend here, there was no way for me to get the documents done, and then on Sunday, I get this sub ready in my email, so I use it for a quick listen, and while things just started happening around me, I didn’t know just how effective this sub could be on a bigger scale rather than just my surroundings, well, I got my answer today when the document I submitted was already sent to me without requiring any kind of additional documents from my work place, which is usually so rare, that my friends straight up thought there was a big system malfunction, but contacting the ministry confirmed that there was none, and that they didn’t feel the need to ask for more documents since the minister decided to give me the signature without any questions.
Might not sound like much, but over here, that’s considered a miracle haha
Now I did say that this sub of mine is the main highligh of this journal, but just understand that being the highlight doesn’t mean I’m gonna journal about it daily as this sub is a bit deeper than I thought and has been taking me on a journey to balance myself out, to create a unison of my new and old selves, to become the most ideal version of myself, and that is not something that can be written, but only witnessed and felt, so I’ll try my best to verbalize it when possible haha
So for now, this “journal” is as much of a self reflective diary, as it is a wide stage for any and all questions for the people of the forum to ask.