Raphael's Khan Journal

Day 2 Khan ST2 + Regeneration + Spartan

@mecharc - please check this incase you have the same issue

The title of this entry might be misleading since when I checked my mobile phone music app playing the stack, I saw that I was playing ST1 instead of ST2.

So I checked the filename in the File Explorer app and it shows Khan ST2.

Double checking it (removing and adding the ST2 mp3 file again) confirmed that even though the file name is ST2, I was possibly playing ST1.

So I deleted the file and downloaded ST2 again from SubliminalClub dot com. Now the file name and the name of it in the music player are matching.

Hmm. Does that explain why I was having an easy time with so called “Khan ST2” for the past 2 days? Will find out by tomorrow lol.

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Holy moly!!! Thank you so much for the heads up! If it had happened to me ( thanks to you, there’s no chance it will ), it would have gone unnoticed!!


You are welcome, @mecharc. Do let me know if it is the same issue for you too. Am curious about it. Possible that it was an earlier issue (since I purchased and downloaded it when it first released but used it after a couple of months). Maybe they had rectified it recently.

Also answered your query about my eyes above that post.

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@Lion Please take care brother! and don’t stress your eyes too much! Eyes are very trickty! In Sha Allah! Wiching you a speedy recovery brother! will be looking forward to your update! :slight_smile:

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@mecharc - thanks a lot, bro. I appreciate it. God bless.

Was fixed a few months ago.


@Michel - ah that’s the one. Kinda guessed it might have happened before. Thanks for clarifying it here.


Day 3 Khan ST2 + Regeneration + Spartan

Since it was resolved that am still playing Khan ST2 for the last 2 days (with the confusion that the Metadata in the music player showed I was playing ST1 but was infact playing ST2), no harm, no foul.

And today I bought and will be adding the stacking module Godlike Masculinity to my current stack even though Khan has it. I need more self-discipline and dominance in my life and GM will definitely spur me to be more Masculine. I have always been weak with regard to taking risks and postponing gratification so am sure this new add on will help me with that.

My updated stack will be:

Khan ST2 x 1
Godlike Masculinity x 1
Regeneration x 1
Godlike Masculinity x 1
Spartan x 1
Godlike Masculinity x 1

If using GM 3 times is too much, I will decrease it as and when I feel that it is so.


Day 4 Khan ST2 + Regeneration + Spartan + Godlike Masculinity

Adding Godlike Masculinity module to my stack was a good thing. I felt more masculine and even felt the urge to stop wasting my time. No action yet. But the feeling of self-responsibility is strong.

Also felt way hungry today and broke my OMAD fast. Don’t know if it is GM or just the occasional hunger pangs.

So far ST2 is smooth (just like Khan ST1). My intuition tells me that it isn’t Total Breakdown or Total Reprogramming (ST1 and ST2 respectively) that I need help with but the “taking action” part. I don’t need to wait for ST3 and ST4 to do the work but the last 2 stages of Khan will surely up my game.


Hmm, been thinking about skipping to ST3 also, then remembered that it could just be a form of reconciliation. For sure all this sexual energy is just waiting to be unleashed.


@Michel - I get that. I was wondering whether I should skip to ST3 too but thought I will stay the course. If there is even a tiny bit of reprogramming to do in ST2, am ready to wait rather than jump the gun.

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Reconciliation is one sneaky mofo. It makes it sound like its you that wants to switch sublimnals or start stacking but it’s possible it’s coming from the subconscious mind to prevent or prolong change


@Grimm1390 - hmm. That’s an interesting point.

It might be spartan that makes ST2 feels smooth :slight_smile:

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Day 5 Khan ST2 + Regeneration + Spartan + Godlike Masculinity

It pisses me off when I state a desire and someone else lectures me to not have that desire.

For example, when I want a subliminal to have Perfect Health, then someone else will tell me to go see the doctor. When we want a Physical Change sub, someone else tells us it’s impossible. When I want to know when a new subliminal is coming out, I get a lecture in not chasing shiny objects.

What’s the matter with people? Don’t they have their own desires? They choose subliminals to get what they want but don’t want others to have subliminals that is tailor-made to them?

If SubClub can’t make it due to various reasons, that’s fine. I don’t need unsolicited advice from other sub users on how I should do things without subs especially in a subliminal forum where even they are taking the aid of subs. Or advice on sticking to specific subs (in that case SubClub should stop making new subs if that was correct).

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind getting some advice on things but to be all “holier than thou” is highly irritating to listen to.

Ranting and venting over


Not sure about the other issues, but the last issue for sure is the “unmet expectation” syndrome speaking!


@mecharc - for me it felt like “last straw on the camel’s back” lol


I think it’s that reconciliation phenomenon i see here and there on this forum!


@mecharc - that’s possible since I was thinking the same thing. Also, imagine all of us listening to subs that instill alpha behaviour and we have a bunch of alphas getting angry at each other :grin:


Bunch of unstoppable forces against bunch of immovable objects. Holy fucking shit!!!