Raphael's Journal | Emperor: Renaissance Artist + Khan: Primal Ascension + Emperor Fitness: Paragon Diamond

That’s the idea. Thanks, man!

Try submitting a ticket for this. Maybe they will say that using the Ultima Core version of GLM would be the same thing. And it won’t be like an extra Core. Who knows?

Haha you are reminding me of my childhood too when I used to trade stamps and wrestling cards :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Ohh, nice idea, worth a try, thank you :partying_face:

Ahhh, those were the days, not a care in the world except aquiring the right card :laughing:

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Day 9: Saturday

Emperor: Renaisance Artist × 1
Khan: Primal Ascension x 1
Emperor Fitness: Paragon Diamond × 1
The Executive x 1

  • Am getting used to the rhythm of it all. I guess it took 1 week for me to get used to my customs and overcome some major reconcilliation. Not that I will never face reconciliation from this stack ever but I feel very comfortable with my current playlist since the past few days

  • Keeping The Executive in my stack was a good choice. At least in terms of days when am using it as a booster along with my customs. Lets see if it will hold for tomorrow too when I run The Executive alone

  • Did 75 push-ups just like yesterday (again sets of 15 each). Less hesitant to do it these days. That’s a very good sign

  • No meditation today. Feels like am doing it every alternate day like a subliminal title lol. Target is to do it everyday though and am confident I will reach there

  • Wrote another poem today. Not as good as yesterday’s but producing something is way better than not writing at all. Can always improve it later with editing

  • Talking about improving, I will check out some books on writing poetry (had purchased a few before but not yet dug into them). Not because I view poetry as a science but I feel I can learn some lessons to master the craft and polish my work to be more artistic rather than amatuer-ish

  • Feeling very comfortable around my father and mother. The sense of power dynamics is shifting slowly but surely and I don’t feel like am at anyone else’s whims anymore. Have a long way to go though but am confident here too that things are working for the better. Many of my interactions with them are free of irritation and anger especially on topics that we disagree on. Humor is improving too. Khan custom is steering me in the right direction

  • EDIT: Regret for time wasted in the past is vanishing. Although I know that I have major work to do and that it will take some time to reach success, am ready to take any and all challenges head on and encouraged that the customs will support me to get me to where I want to be and the person I am meant to be much faster than if I didn’t use them :muscle:


I got three books
On writing haiku
Yet unopened



LOL! I have a thing for collecting books and reading them “later”

Do you write haiku, @Simon? I haven’t tried my hand at it but it does intrigue me

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Day 10: Sunday

Emperor: Renaisance Artist × 0
Khan: Primal Ascension x 0
Emperor Fitness: Paragon Diamond × 0
The Executive x 1

  • Woke up an hour earlier than the alarm clock so thought it would be the perfect time to play The Executive. Set up my earbuds, hit play and went back to sleep

  • An hour later am up and started the day with a regular dose of push-ups. Did 30 of them in 2 sets

  • Overall did 90 push-ups over the course of the day

  • My arms felt deliciously tired by evening. Feel a bit of a pump to them too

  • Did my 20 min breath-focused meditation after lunch and that made me sleepy. So took a nap that extended into the evening. Was feeling fresh throughout the day but was more tired than I realized I guess

  • Tried my hand at 2 different topics for poems. Both came out extremely uninspired so I dropped them both. Not a very muse-y day

  • Too much thoughts about wanting my eyes to heal. I should get back into the eye exercises I used to do before but to be frank, I hate doing it. Spend the day looking for new developments in retina healing but nothing other than the 2 months old news on optogenetics being in the trial phase. Come on already man lol. I really miss the past where I could walk anywhere I wanted to and see everything so clearly

  • No health, no wealth but one day am sure that will all change


Are you doing a guided meditation?

This last week I did a couple Joe Dispenza meditations. I’m not that big into the whole LoA side of things but I still enjoyed the meditations, they were incredibly relaxing.

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No not guided

Are you doing Blessing of the Energy Centers or something else?

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I did Blessing of the Energy Centers, which made me feel like I was high. It was such a great feeling once I was done. I also did Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind, which left me with a similar feeling to the energy center one, but not as strong. I’m considering buying his new course, looks like all the meditations are short and sweet and he gives an overview of everything taught in his books.

I’m kind of a stress monster, so it’s nice to relax as I did on the meditations. Are you still doing any of Dr. Joe’s meditations?


Yeah I have done these 2 but usually end up feeling sleepy lol

Which course is that?

I do it once in a while. Not too consistently though. Am either put off by the sex-negative way things are described in the Becoming Supernatural book (as in too much sex leads to the first chakra being deprived) or the very beta way everyone seems to be in the joe dispenza testimonials (in the joedispenza youtube channel).

Am frankly not able to reconcile Joe Dispenza concepts to the Alpha male way of living. Any thoughts on the matter?


It’s called The Formula.

I’m not sure what you mean here. I read Becoming Supernatural and don’t remember seeing anything specifically that was sex-negative. Although, I can see where he is coming from like if he says too much focus on sex is a bad thing, in which case, I do agree. We need balance, there are other things in life besides sex that are great.

I haven’t seen much in regards to alpha male kind of stuff with Joe Dispenza, his teachings seem to be focused on using meditation for healing (physical and emotional) and the law of attraction type of stuff.

I watched a couple of testimonials on YT to see what you are talking about. Most of the people seem like they are just people looking for an answer to their problems. Which is common among all self-help communities even this one. I don’t think seeking answers or seeing his teachings as ‘the way’ makes those people beta. They are people that found something that works for them and I think that’s great.

What are your thoughts?


Very interesting. Not seen this one. Will check it out. Wonder if it is expensive.

Well, there are always other things in life. But the thing is that this is phrase is always used only with regard to sex. As in, I have never heard the phrase “there are other things in life besides money” or “there are other things in life besides love”. You get the gist? It’s only when it comes to sex and to a person who enjoys and wants sex in abundance that we need “balance”.

I agree. And that’s what attracted me to his books and meditations.

Hmm. This is not what am talking about though. I am always in awe of the physical healings and wealth manifestation testimonials and would love to replicate them.

With regards to the “beta way”, I find it hard to explain it at the moment. But lets just say that there aren’t any testimonials about men having sex with loads of women after using Joe Dispenza meditations (or are there only that they aren’t in the testimonial channel?). There are testimonials of finding a “soul mate” and marriage etc though, which according to isn’t my ideal type of life. I really wish I could explain this part clearly.


You haven’t been seeing my posts then :wink:

I was hunting money for the longest time until I noticed I don’t care about it. Same with sex.

AND I think we need balance in all things, even love. A detachment from love is an important thing.

Yet, I get where you come from and I agree, it’s mostly focused around sex. But that makes sense, because sex is EVERYWHERE in our society. Our deepest drive has been hijacked to gain power. So this is why THAT is usually the best place to START finding balance. Other things come later.

I think that’s simple. You feel like his meditations will make you a “beta” guy because you will focus on monogamy because of it. This is something you consider beta. In your mind an Alpha man (or your definition of Alpha) spreads his seed far and wide. The Khan idea.

And since nobody in the testimonials said he is now railing tons of hotties, it doesn’t apply to you.

I think that’s fine. But I highly doubt there are meditation techniques that give you that haha. Better off with sex focused subliminals then.


More like a man is shamed for wanting more sex.

Something like that.

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Day 11: Monday

Emperor: Renaisance Artist × 1
Khan: Primal Ascension x 1
Emperor Fitness: Paragon Diamond × 1
The Executive x 1

  • 90 push-ups done

  • No meditation today

  • Had heavy reconciliation first half of the day. Afternoon nap reduced it by a lot

  • In the evening I was musing over several things which made things more confusing for me when out of the noise of thoughts came a single voice:

Alpha me: Do the Joe Dispenza meditations. Not only that, do whatever is necessary to reach your goals

Me: But I don’t feel that it will help me in reaching that state of alpha-ness

Alpha me: Look at you. Do you think you are Alpha now?

Me: Umm…

Alpha me: Exactly!

Me: So whatever it takes eh?

Alpha me: Yes. Whatever it takes. Who cares if you become beta after all that? The point is getting the physical healing yes? JD meditations, eye exercises, more writing, less youtube,…there are still many things within your control even though there are many things you can’t control right now. And frankly, you are scared of failing. Fuck that. Do things. Without doing there is no winning. Without doing there is no failing and learning

Me: You are right

Alpha me: The road will be long and it will take some time for you to externalize me. Don’t think too much about it. Get out of your head and do more stuff that makes you feel accomplished. Let being alpha come naturally out of your actions and accomplishments rather than the worry of “doing things right” which isn’t alpha at all

Me: Hmm. That’s true

Alpha me: Until then, I will still be here with you

Me: Thanks, man

Alpha me: Anytime. Now lets go!

Me: Lets do this!

  • Dusted off Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke from my bookshelf and started reading it

raphi, have you run emperor before? before creating a custom with it?

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Yes I have

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Alpha is your capacity to take care of yourself, your mission/desires/path/ guided intentions/ and will in the world, and others.

Everything we instinctively recognize or respect as Alpha stems from that.

Have you ever met someone completely able to provide for themselves, living out their intentions, whether successful or not, but fully in the game, and also looks out for others and brings out the best in others around them who is not Alpha?

Anything that supports those things, whether it’s healing, learning to fight, opening your heart, making money, finding better ways to communicate, finding ways to set boundaries etc… make you more Alpha

my 2 cents at least :dark_sunglasses:


@Azriel - Very well said! And absolutely agree. My problem isn’t the knowing “what is alpha”. My problem is doing and being alpha


for how long did u run it ?

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