Random moments of joy

I’m curious if anyone else experiences these. They’ve only really started happening since listening to SubClub products but I often find myself just walking around and feeling random overwhelming moments of joy to the point i’m smiling like a madman with absolutely nothing seeming to trigger it.

I’m not complaining, i love feeling it, i’m just interested what may be the cause and if there would be anyway to experience it more. If i think about it, it seems to happen a lot more commonly when i’m not actually listening to the subs.


Curious to know what titles you are running to have such wonderful feelings.

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i would say RM :wink:

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Running ascension and I notice I am more happy… it is different because after a moment of sadness I bounce really quick back to happy!

I sometimes feel so much love for this community and the people. I don’t know if this is because of subs or because it is just awesome. Probably the later :rofl:

you know what’s so cool about RM the empathy…when watching movies i’m so much more into it just feeling everything is such a great ride…and hilarious watching kids cartoons (sorry , I just love the cartoons)


I’m running wanted and iron throne, i probs should’ve specified that in the original post my bad


i tottaly agree, i used to never empthaize with movies and tv shows , maybe movies yes

but tv shows not so much sometimes i dont get in the zone for it

but damn rm makes you senstive and emotional and ALIVEEEEEEEEEE

RM my typpa thing

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Happens to me all the time, especially with titles such as Dragon Reborn. It makes sense that the more you heal the inner space, and the less controlling you are of your environment, that freed energy has to go somewhere :slight_smile:


UA, Stark, RM and Wanted does that for me. Ascension turns me Ice Cube cold


I’ve found out it’s actually a bloom effect right after reconciliation, when you’ve reconciled your new scripting to your reality

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i can agree here :prayer_beads: :sunglasses:

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Yes I have, I truly enjoy it when it happens.

I remember I had these good memories suddenly popping up a week or two of my testing of Wanted; to some extent I also observed it on AM, QL and maybe PS.

On an even lesser extent on Stark and Khan.

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The opposite for me, it makes me positive and I enjoy the world around me.
At the moment I stack Ascension with Alchemist st4, great combo!

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Oh, yes, that is a great combo! I’ve been contemplating of adding Ascension to most customs/stacks. Now that I think about it, I might listen to it in the future, I’m not in the same place as before. Thanks :smiley:

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Joy barely comes close to it? No words can even explain the feelings — try this, Spotify

All of Life aspires to growth, it is a natural process and spikes all the hormones within our brain. Among other reasons such as specific emotional-related modules, and certain chakra’s being related to pleasure (sacral), happiness (solar plexus), love (heart chakra), and many thousand other reasons.

Being grateful for it sounds like a wonderful thing to do.

Often in meditation I literally hear the scripting, it is also very pronounced in the word choice when I’m writing or talking with others. Specific words coming forth more often.

Lol, I have people I know using the Ascension for Woman script and after a week they are literally saying “I am a person of action, I like to get things done”, things of that nature, it’s so natural they believe they have always been like this having almost no clue how much they have actually changed. And trust me, it happens to all of us, constantly, these scripts will completely shatter your beliefs and re-install more constructive ones for the betterment of your life.