R.I.C.H Empire Building Playlist Vol. 1

My favorite from the LSD album is “Modern Crusaders”…that one makes me dance around

I don’t know that it’s any better or worse than other music for hustling, but this song jumped near the top of my all-time favs from the first time I heard it and always gets me psyched:

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Last one lol. These songs get me hyped.

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I’m out huffing across town getting parts to the Silver Dragon (my BMW) so can’t grab links. But if you look up “Selina Transforms” stuff from the Batman Returns soundtrack, that song epitomizes murdering ones limitations and the subsequent Rebirth. Especially the part in the music when she clobbers the answering machine.

Def recommend the entire sequence from when she’s lying on the ground after Max Schreck pushes her out of the unfortunately placed window. But the music’s from that point on builds up to the answering machine abuse lol