Qv2 is now the standard

Hahahahah i love your sarcasm simon


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Yeah. I forgot to remove them, haha. It’s happening ASAP though, everyone.

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Please don’t. Some of us, love the choice. Anyways, that’s my opinion.

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shhhhhhhhhhh :hugs:



What version of the script is Libertine in the q store? Is it V2?

Download and store them on Google Drive, Dropbox, or some other storage system that you administer. As long as you aren’t illegally sharing the files, this is fair use and we have no problem with it.

Holding all the old versions is a huge burden on us, cost wise and for new customers. They get incredibly confused and we get hit with a ton of tickets and questions.


Everything on the Q store is updated. So yes, it’s V2.


Cries in Quantum Limitless… :cry:

Haha… but I understand, and it can be confusing, thank you for giving us ample time to backup our copies. I’m running all Qv2 now on my stack and I think I’m starting to settle down.

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Hey thanks for the response!

I haven’t used Q or the previous versions (only been using Qv2).
Qv2 works perfectly and I am beyond satisfied with how fast and effective it is.
I have no clue on how they plan to improve it with Q+, part of me thinks it’s unnecessary in a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” way but I trust Subliminal Club

Looking forward to the thread “Q+ is now the standard”


Q+, Solace, Voice Embedding :smiley:


:slightly_smiling_face: Sub Club is more like “if it’s great, make it even greater”.


I can’t find it but I remember Saint saying Q+ is going to be a upgrade and script rewrite


Thank you for the information. :thinking:

To be accurate: Q+ is another build upgrade. So it can even be argued in terms of sheer power that Q < Qv2 < Q+.

However, the nature of that build upgrade essentially calls upon SC to rescript everything. Therefore, Q+ provides us a double-whammy of updates that makes our subs even better!


The new Q PLUS will mean that users will only have to listen one loop a week.

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1 Loop Per Week!!!

Anyway, some users will order 5 cores + 30 modules on Q+ Squared Terminus custom, ran it 24 hour and 7 days a week and then say that “it doesn’t work” :laughing:

Disclaimer for those who didn’t understood my sarcasm: don’t do it.


5 cores is extremely dense I think there was one user who was using this but due to the energy fields used it might be too much to handle.

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