Question about Primal and DR

As I wrote in my journal here

I was using CFW along with DR (I’ll start second cycle of stage 2 tomorrow) but I was considering switching CFW with CWON or, in the last few days, with Primal (or PS).

I’m surely having deep issues with my sexuality, I think mainly from childhood (catholicism) and then by taking to the extrem some taoist idea about semen retention (I later discovered taoist where much more “down to earth” and not that extremists).

Also the last months of the my last relationship (12 years long) was very tough for my self esteem, mainly on the sexual side.

I always had difficulty expressing my sexuality, talking about sexual matters ecc…
not because I feel embarassed but more due to some kind of disinterest, that I come to think is repression (for some reasons unknown lol)
On the one hand I always had a very strong sexual energy, but this is expressed exclusively during sex.
This obviously leaves me always with a ambiguous attitude with womans in interact with, always looking uninterested/in my world…

So, if I understand correctly Primal is mainly a healing title specific to these matters?
Would it be good idea to run it along with DR?
Would it be a “surplus” cause DR will heal this things anyway?

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I’ve just read through both descriptions again and think PS goes more in the direction you want.

Here are objectives of PS:

  • Complete release of inner problems you might have around flirting, seduction and sex.

  • Comfort with being sexual.

  • Sexual and verbal disinhibition on others.

Since PS is more sex focused I would imagine it would be a good complement to DR. Whether DR alone can solve these problems is a good question. Maybe someone else will chime in who has done something similar before. PS+DR anybody?

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Hi @Sungaze

I have over 1 year of Dragon Reborn under my belt and the rule of thumb is this.

If you can handle Dragon Reborn (any stage) without big ups and downs, lefts and rights, when you experience that you still have room for other subs only then I would include other subs.

Imagine being horny all the time and simultaneously crying or feeling depressed. It’s a shitty state, if been there :joy:.

If you have room then try it.


Thanks for your reply

Well, as I said I’m handling DR + CFW

Obviously I’m having mood swings, but it’s definitely manageable at the moment


The only question is : Do you feel or see that you have room for a non healing titel?

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My question was actually “Is this a healing title”? :sweat_smile:

And if that’s the case (but from your words I guess its not) would it be “useless” cause DR heal those issues too?

Here buddy


Some people reported to get extremelt horny on Primal and indeed like @FireDragon says PS is more focused on Sexuality and healing. It also gives some tools when it comes to flirting what comes in handy

So be careful with that

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Yeah I waw wondering why said its non healing…

That can be a problem yes

@Sungaze So, I’m not the only one,lol.

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