Gods please no! I can’t handle this level of awesomeness anymore!!! :scream:

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@SaintSovereign @fire
What about those who cannot afford a custom and want some of the modules, like for the top priority is the virtue series: patience, since I am in a position to be patient and I need it and I don’t have the patience to wait until I could afford a custom haha.
My point is a major program containing achilles, victory call, patience and others. Stg like an Alpha program. I guess that would be hero.
And I am happy that some of these modules encompass a personal power aspect, like NOT just wealth or crypto. More of a take action in whatever field you desire.

What about those who want to drive Huracans but cannot afford them? Seems like that affects many more people.


A title WILL be released which contains most of these modules.

Why last stand is in wealth category? I get it that errors can be made, just curious if it can be used in the business realm

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This is a good point. Would you please enter a support ticket about this?

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Hey @Fire, or anyone who knows. What are the other wider or more abstract uses of Last Stands applications?
Could it be used to more effectively win difficult sales or negotiations? Can it create win-wins or is it inherently win at the cost of another because they have given no other choice?

Lastly how would it pair with steadfast?

The module seems like it essentially make one more effective when the pressure is on, and the chips are on the line. Have not read or seen much about it but seems like it may be under utilized. Like a natural winner + steadfast- with a self goal orientation over involving others


Search for the “last stand” in the support questiona thread.
It’s exactly amswered, I ppsted it.

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Seems to be this one.


I think that a module or a subliminal program is always one ingredient and it will modulate, harmonize, and blend with whatever other ingredients are in your mind. This is sort of the logic that animates custom building in general.

Table-salt is only salty. It is neither sweet nor bitter. But it can combnine with either of those flavors to make limitless combinations.

The Last Stand is primarily focused on the steely, calculated determination to win and to not lose. That is the ingredient: resourcefulness, quick-thinking, resoluteness, and so on. But you take that ingredient and you use it as you choose.

The modules are inherently flexible, and The Last Stand is no exception. Look at the final words of the module description:

an intuitive understanding of the best way to do so.

That indicates adaptability.

It also clearly mentions that this is a module that will help you to survive, win, and thrive in situations in which you are under threat.

Those points already give us enough clues to grasp the fundamental ‘flavor’ of this specific ingredient.

That seems like a variable that would be contingent on the situation in question and on your own personal development and resources, more so than on the subliminal itself.

People differ greatly in the exact circumstances that would lead them to conclude that “there is no other choice”. Where one person sees no choice, you may–based on your intelligence and experience–see numerous options.


thanks @Malkuth
thanks @Alphamale

@Malkuth love this take.
It’s almost an existential question to me, how much do I perceive threat or want to be at threat to utilize something like this effectively.

how do I define threat? Is the loss of a sale/deal a threat etc.
I’d want under threat to be ’ pressure is on’
as well as this response to legitimate threat.

I’m looking to design an extremely effective sales custom and this jumped out intuitively. Not sure yet if its better to have comfort and abundance with certain ‘losses’ or have ‘pressure/threat’ use this to ‘close’ potential losses. Maybe I could use both.

Anyway appreciate the in depth holistic analysis.
Would love to ‘borrow’ your genius to comment on my custom when I have the first version.

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I see it the same way.

Ultimately it’s about calibrating to your own mind and your own views of the world and experiences of the world.

It’s being objective about subjectivity.

You know, better than anyone else, how situations typically feel to you. And you know what perceptions and feelings you tend to go through as you move through the stages from unfamiliar, insecure hoping to determination to competence and to familiarity and mastery.

You know what those things feel like from the inside.

Based on that honest survey of your own experiencing, you can choose the influences that would be most compatible with you and most helpful to you.

There’s not one right answer for everyone. There is who you are and what you need.

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Does anyone have experience with the Righteous Ire module?

I realized recently, that I have been conditioned to hide and supress my anger when I was a child.

I know it’s a module for people who have anger issues and burst out at people.
But would it be possible to use this module to help me express my suppresed anger in a healthy way and transmute it into fire, as the copy says? :wink: