Q Module Pack #10: Secrets of Alexandria

I can’t help thinking that for anyone looking for a job the following custom would be heaven-sent.
Ascended Mogul Core
True Sell Core
Job Seeker
Free Pass
Furious Ascent

Had Free Pass and Job Seeker been released a few months ago, I would have 100% build that custom.


What would be The Commander in your analogy?

The themes in the description sound pretty close to a meditative state.

“What would happen if your mind was truly empty, if you were completely clear?”

“Clarity pulls you into a journey of self-unloading, where all that which is extra is gently let go of, and you are allowed to tap into that purest sense of being without the buzz of thoughts, beliefs, ideas and even the ego […]”

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Well, there is initiation of the act and there is the effectiveness of the act. I assume the formless clarity would urge you to ask questions, mostly whys.
And a module such as immortal’s courage would urge you to take action TOWARDS the endeavor.
Imagine getting aroused by looking at some Instagram photos of models, you can ejaculate with them! But it’d be more efficient to explore different aspects of your sexual desires by visiting pornhub.
Photos are the initiation, but pornhub is the effectiveness.

For Sure.

Makes me wonder what source of inspiration, dedication and richness @Fire and @SaintSovereign are experiencing in their own reality to pull out these titles.


Can Job seeker be used while pursuing/creating one’s own business/entrepreneurial endevours?
I’m currently balancing optimizing my job, finding a new job, and starting my own business.

Also these looking amazing and thank you, especially love the module ‘art’ this time.


I would say yes! And I think that it should fit in the same custom as Free Pass. Sometimes, when you’re on the verge of getting a great job, what stops you is some administrative or paperwork stuff: background check, references, or "we were not able to contact your school to confirm that your degree is real’. I think a custom that combines True Sell, Job Seeker and Free Pass should open the door to a good job.


Love to see all of this!

Some really cool modules.

I like that as SC grows they’ve gone from slightly more “general” modules to hyper-specific ones, now that they’ve got their bases covered


@Fire is on fire


You are quite quotable, my friend.

I agree with asking questions, but clearing the mind and letting go goes much further than that.

Anyway, Formless Clarity will probably find its into the next custom.

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That became funny when you isolated it haha

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I’m glad I didn’t made that previous alpha spiritual custom there are plenty modules I would’ve wanted from this pack that I searched but weren’t there at the time :astonished:

Plus emperor black seems more or less like the major version of what I tried to emulate…

What a perfect world :sunglasses:

I’ll have everything ready for an amazing journey, thanks


Wow this module pack is absolute nutsss

Love it

@Fire How many of the modules are in Emperor Black?

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I can’t quite u understand what free pass does?

Does it like get you a free pass to the vip line?

Or is it only about getting paperwork done?

I’m guessing preferential treatment when you go places. Unless of course you’re British and enjoy queuing up


If you’ve ever wasted months or years waiting for a visa or a business permit. If you’ve been turned down from a fantastic job opportunity simply because one of your references didn’t fill a form or a school didn’t send proof of attendance, etc. you’d see the value in Free Pass.
free pass



Thank you @SaintSovereign @Fire :grin:

It could be the business mind witin me
But i get why releasing a module pack before
Upgrading everything to zpv2 is a smart move.

Why would people rebuild if they have so many new modules to try :grin:

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this is great thinking of made two customs from previous modules and these. Will wait till next year to see what i will do.

Thanks guys :pray: