Purified by Fire (Dragon Reborn/Paragon/R.I.C.H.)

I have all the good stuff you mention in a Seduction custom.
My main goal was to have an ultima to boost that, since I was using PSITU, Love Bomb and Diamond U as separare products, this custom ultima saves me a lot of time and its more aligned with the end goal.

Its good to see you agree with what I have

Magnetic Core :point_up:

Attraction :point_up:

Seduction Abbilities☝️

Headache!! :confounded: Dragon Reborn st2 is doing its thing… since its friday and Im experiencing recon, I will take the weekend off, starting now.

Hang in there mate! The headaches for me have only recently been reduced.

And your seduction subliminal should keep you quite busy in a good way. :grin:

Are you running Sanguine or Deep Sleep or Paragon Complete? I think those help me with reconciliation.

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Im running Paragon everyday… Love Bomb helps a lot with recon too.
This time I feel I just need rest, while the things being uncovered by the Dragon get full resolution.

I sympathize. I think for me the one big thing that has helped the most is getting 9 hours of sleep a night.

I dont have an unineterrupted profound sleep since I started DRst2, I dont wake up feeling tired, but I keep waking up every 2 hours.

My head hurts a loooot!

My confort is in the knowing that after a strong reconciliation headache, I always experience profound changes.

I sympathize with the headaches. I’ve also found that there does seem to be incredible results following a lot of reconciliation. Hang in there mate, and look forward to your new Ultima!

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I guess its gonna have to wait, I have the money jut I have some expenses I didnt considered and at the moment they are more important.
Anyway DR has my plate pretty full for a while.

Headache seems to be lightening up… at least the worst part seems to be over.

A lot of pent up frustration and anger arising today…

I feel like a fool for all the times Ive been played and manipulated, but it feel worst thinking about the times I went right into situations knowing I was being played, thinking I could outsmart the other part only to be manipulated for free.

I spent about a week on this. May it only last a day for you.:grin:

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I had this with a girl I talked to at the gym, and then I later saw her talking to another guy and laughing and it was like I was 14 years old again and seething with jealousy, remembrances of being dramatically ‘betrayed’ by the girl who I barely knew and owed me nothing lol

DR is a trip


The feeling is gone now, the headache on the other hand, not quite gone yet, but softer.

I had a pretty similar experience with my ex during the last days of DR st2… I felt like a jealous and insecure teenager, “betrayed” by her.
It took me days to recover, since dragon kept showing me more stuff as soon as I dealt with one.

It gets ugly before it gets awesome

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Last night I got my first night of uninterrupted sleep since I started DRst2 6 days ago… it felt soooo good. Even considering I have recon headache.

6 days with st2 and Im already experiencing 2 days of recon… dragon keeps digging deep.

headache is going down and Im feeling better, but I feel like I was beaten or like I was hungover.

I’ll say it again, personally I aim for 9 hours of sleep a night. It has done wonders for my headaches and reconciliation.

As for the lessening of your headaches and reconciliation, I’m happy for you!

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I was almost pain free today, but just for a little while. Now the headache is very strong.

I dont now if I should do 1 loop of Love Bomb to smooth things out or if I should keep sub free till tomorrow.