Purified by Fire (Dragon Reborn/Paragon/R.I.C.H.)

I’ve always gotten freaked out by the facial expressions in Tarot cards (and in much of medieval art, for that matter). They seem incongruous with the situations being portrayed. I’d assumed that they were relics of a pre-Realist artistic period. But I don’t actually know.

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I think they are intentionally designed to have a certain shocking effect in the viewer. It always add to the mysticism of the Tarot reader I guess.

I always remember the first time I saw tarot cards and feeling mesmerized by them, even though at the time I believed it was all BS.

After a really inspired Tarot reading last night, I found out I have 2 clearly distinct paths to follow.

One in which I will face many self created conflict and one in which I have to deal with a really painful feeling of failure, doing that will lead me to further integration and self love.

The choice is pretty clear, I chose to deal with the pain of once again failing in having a relationship and experiencing a tough break up. Of course is a percieved failure, but nonetheless it felt painful and demoralizing.

Being able to accept that I felt that way was a breath of fresh air… releasing and resolving the feeling was liberating.

Now Ive just listened 1 loop of Love Bomb to seal the process, while listening to Love Bomb I felt waves and waves of love going from my heart center through my whole body and was able to percieved myself in a new light.

Heres my cover art for Love Bomb, it just feel perfect for it.


Now listening to Van Halen’s 5150… because its fucking great!!

I feel an incredible sense of wellbeing and happiness. I cant stop smiling and having happy thoughts.
I have this certainty that everything is going perfectly and much better things are on their way.

Life is full of awesome surprises!


I couldnt remember where I posted this, so Im leaving a back up here for easy acces.

Custom Ultima:

Sex Mastery
Love Bomb
Chosen of Venus

Its gonna be a killer!!

Is it in the Q store?

Not yet, hopefully that will change soon enough!


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Custom Ultima:

Sex Mastery
Love Bomb*
Chosen of Venus

Decided to remove Libertine, since its aura is included in PSITU. Love Bomb is not yet on the Q Store.

lol,sex mastery ultima isnt on the q store either or are your planning on using the normal core to have the healing included?Other than that great ultima,i wanna build it too.Just might leave out psitu in mine cause it makes me want to chase girls.Not good for a ltr.

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You are right, I forgot about that. Since Im waiting for the core B to be released, Sex Mastery could appear then as an Ultima.
Better check it with Fire.

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At the end of the day, you choose the outcome, you can direct it to seduce your partner only, but I get it it could be a unnecessary temptation.

Haha,yeah.I get that.It never tempted enough to want to cheat or anything.Just took up a lot of unnecessary brain processing thinking about possibilities,lol.Finding khan better at the moment(>_<)

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Yeah I know… that happened to me a while ago, even if its fun at the beginning… it gets tiring and distracting. All those women… all the posibilities :joy::joy:

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Running R.I.C.H. Lets see what this week brings me.

This week

Dragon st1
Agni Q

Im currently listening to Agni, wondering why It makes me so sexual, it doesnt have any sex related modules.
The only thing I can think of is that both Alchemist and Stark bring out my essence and my essence is being a very sexual person. Which makes sense looking at my history.

Agni Q

Dragon Reborn st1 day 28
Paragon day 42
RICH day 17

Tomorrow I will start DR st2

I forgot I was supposed to start DR st2 today and listened to st1 once… anyway after lunch Im doing st2, here it comes baby!!

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Dragon Blood!!!

Dragon Blood will help you heal and recover from everything that ever wounded you. Your innermost scars and wounds will tighten up and heal. This is comprehensive, full scope healing of the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
All the traumas, negative beliefs, blockages – you will be healed from all of them by the blood of the dragon, helping you rise to your true stature.

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