Programming the Heart of Khan ♔

Workouts this week are gonna change as I get my pullup bar.


Well pullup bar arrived. Won’t fit on my doorframe…
Well it will but just keeps falling off when I apply weight

Will try workout and use a different doorframe

So for the time being I did a light 5 set shoulder workout.

Will try the back later tonight potentially

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Finally felt a ZP shift during yesterdays loop of Khan and felt really good all day and night after wards
Hasn’t happened in quite a while so will have to do an investigation on something I did while doing my loop…

Worked out the legs/glutes today as well as some light bicep sets

I’ve decided a workaround for my pullup bar and to use it to do inverted rows instead.
They’ve been said to be a great back building exercise

Finally solved my coding issue with Python

Strangely after a little break and not any ZP running in my I was still stumped with my code but after 1 loop, the issue has been resolved and I have now successfully got it uploaded as an executable

Gonna add it to my portfolio today

Loving this sub in all honesty

In my learning how to code I never wanted to touch Python
Soon as I run Index gate, I made a game in it all by myself (not a good game but still)


Starting to look pretty aesthetic now, my shoulder/trap line is looking pretty good.

Still got a ways to go losing body fat but I’m making great progress.

Can feel my reality shifting as well, will update you guys more when I have something juicy…


Don’t know if this is ZP related (on a big washout) but last night I had a dream which fixed an issue I was having in real life lol

So the dream had someone show me how to vocalize and enunciate better (always been a quiet talker, even a mumbler at times) so my voice becomes loud and booming. Then I started doing it in the dream and all of a sudden I became a commanding presence. Everyone listened to me instantly and one chick called me “daddy”

All in all quite a useful little dream. I started implementing this today and I already feel 100% more confident. Nice


Chest and shoulders today. Might need to up my workouts as they are becoming too easy and I’m not really feeling too worn out after them (even after like 6 sets)

Still nothing on the job front but redid my cv to incorporate a more attractive resume and sent it out en mass. Things will pick up soon.

Hot weather here this week so been upping my water intake (3-4 liters)

Some ZP realizations here and there but a quiet week last week.

More to come