Product Comparison Chart

It occured to me that it was not that easy to figure out which product would suit a prospective first time buyer. Yesterday I actually made a Word document features chart for Emperor, Ascended Mogul, Ascension and Mogul. Emperor had the full list. Features like Ultimate Debt Management is not on Ascension so that feature had a cross icon on the Ascension column.

This product comparison chart is similar to those softwares that have ‘Basic’, ‘Standard’ and ‘Advanced’ tier pricing and the list of features of each tier.

Anyway, once I put the chart together, suddenly there’s so much clarity. I believe this will be helpful in the buying process and actually increase sales for you guys.


I’ll take a look at it. Send me a PM and we can discuss. Thanks!


I agree that this would be nice.

If not a straight comparison table, at least a sentence or two, or three, that would help people make a decision which one to buy depending on their goal. And maybe a sentence explaining the difference with a program that might be considered kinda similar.

Rebirth vs. Regeneration vs. Limit Destroyer
Asc. Mogul Vs. Emperor
Ascension Vs. Primal
Sex & Seduction Vs. Sex Mastery X vs. Primal

Thank you!