Primal vs Ascension

I have been listening to Khan longer than a year. Listened to Emperor plenty too.

Tbh I disagree that personal growth comes after women and sex, and status.

I think khan is very very versatile and customizable to yourself. Personal growth undoubtedly comes first because of how ST1 and ST2 are structured. I’m sure conscious guidance also plays a big role but for me PG actually was teh biggest, Status also really stands out, women and sex come as a result. Dedication and discipline is stronger on Emperor as an instant thing but as you listen to Khan more I think you can guide it in this direction. + we all know ST3 lights a fire under one’s butt to go take action like there’s no tomorrow.

But again, in a custom it’s a different beast esp combined with I AM. It will take longer to get the things I want but suddenly I notice big shifts. Holy shit. I had another one yesterday. It was also wrapped in a whole lot of indecisiveness about what stack I should listen to lmao.

Khan is very raw masculinity. Emperor leans more on the side of stoicism for me. Khan kind of like a barbarian ruler, Emperor like a roman emperor. :smiley:


You are correct; Khan has Personal Growth and Development in the first place. I’d love to experiment with Khan someday, never tried it but I have tried Emperor and Stark, I detest Emperor – it is way too masculine and stoïc for me and takes the fun, bliss, and flow of life away for me, I did not care about anything besides Empire Building, lol.

Khan sounds like a lot of fun, I’d jump on it if it was not for the Wealth scripting being diminished so much for Personal Growth, Status, Power, Sex & Romance.

How long did you go through each Stage, I’m assuming you are now running a Custom? You must have grown tremendously after a year on Khan.


Man you are right about the fun thing and Emperor.

I went through each stage 1 month and stage 4 for a year I guess now.

Yes, grown tremendously indeed!

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Would you say that the longer you run khan the stronger the impact of it?
New results etc?

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Which Stage prospered you the most growth and which Stage resonated the most with you?

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Yes absolutely. Please read my last post In my journal also I called it Fish Theory. :smiley:

Stage 1 was amazing, but ST4 resonates the most with me and prospered me the most overall. ST1 was the most sudden growth though and very enjoyable. ST2 probably was like Chinese water torture in some ways but not just torture, I mean constructive torture :smiley: growth lmao transformation, slow, constant, tough. ST3 was enjoyable. ST4 is best of course it all comes together and you can keep listening and growing :smiley: But yeah I think that foundation is needed


Tbh i feel like that at times…i always wondered people say stage one is breakdown i expected a shit feeling. But the confidence i get from this stage is unreal. I also get very very confrontational with anyone and everyone.

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I have that more now

Also I recall leading my team to getting amazing results in a course

They even said in front of everyone my leadership was great. Then later when I tried to take credit for it in saying I did that they fighting against it. Very interesting stuff. :smiley: People challenging you. But I felt this genuine authentic realness, that ws awesome. I love it. I love myself ;D

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I keep wondering if there are any modules in the Q-store that can replicate such an effect with Ascended Mogul. Referring to the confidence, self-esteem and nonchalance, especially the I am such a special person that I make my own rules kind of vibration.

Hard to say IDk really because since I’ve got Khan in there I skipped over those literally but I’d say off the top of my head have a look at

  • the power modules
  • rogue
  • total nonchalance

Or just start khan lmao

Well fast forward and I’m now currently running a stack of Primal QV2, Ascension Qv2 and GLM Ultima V2.

Feel like this combo would help me develop, refine and master a fuller spectrum of masculinity. My primal and instinctual masculinity, my post-birth masculine behaviors and mindset, and finally taking it all to godlike levels.