Primal Seduction + Libertine Ultima for Cold Approach. ( Primarily DAYGAME)

Excellent point @SargeMaximus just becareful as alot of day gamers fall into the trap of “my calibration is improving” “she is showing attraction” “she was into me”. “as she shook hands she kept hold of my hand”. So my daygame is improving… none of this matter unless she is taking time to meet you for a date or wanting to sleep with you.

Day game is not a game about approaching loads of women its about either getting laid or finding a romantic partner.

If your not getting laid or getting dates after the first 100 approaches have a serious think about what could be wrong.

Fashion sense ? Coming onto strong ? Not coming on sexual ? Not enough rapport/connection ? Perhaps you are hitting on No girls girls who are simply have no interest in you ?

I know you are following the writings of Nick K i know this guy personally as I have gamed with him years ago. He has some really good teachings on day game his day game results improved when he was in certain countries in other countries his day game never really worked or was very poor. Might be something to keep in mind ?


I appreciate your advice.

But don’t try to impose your Frame on me in my Journal.

I know exactly what I want from DG .
I know where I was , where I am now and What I want in future.

I am just sharing my experiences i am not trying to out frame you or game you.

I will refrain from adding any further replies. I wish you the best.


"Thank you for talking to me."
" Kind of you.
I would date you but I have a BF.
You are brave. Keep doing this.

Heard enough of these. I want a Yes and Available girl or a girl who is open-minded :smiling_imp:.
PS Manifestation . Come on !!!

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Today a hot 16 yr old (HB 7 ) closed me for an instant date - “Steak date”.
The set was not highly sexual . I didn’t touch her but proximity / eye cintact / banter were present.

I counter offered a coffee date . But she declined + she was not from this city .

So , I didn’t accept her invitation + like a moron didn’t also take a number

Could have been a mistake. Who knows. This is Calibration.
Next time have to be careful.

Decided to get more serious. Having a boner while typing this .

Have created Google sheets with ( will update it DGing)
Dates , no. of sets , stops , hook points , number close.

I recently took a survey. I asked 3 women I knew about their women friends. “Are your women friends happy with their boyfriends?” The answer… “Almost all of them are not.”

What were the complaints about the boyfriends?
They don’t listen. They don’t care. They don’t understand. They are more interested in porn or video games than actually having sex. The sex is okay at best.

If she says she has a boyfriend, I’d say at least consider gentle persistence. It also might be a test (as in there is no boyfriend) to see if an imaginary boyfriend will deter you.

Are you running Libertine or Diamond?

Studying game?

How about studying methods of better sex?

As for now, if you are starting, just focus on progress, as you already are.


Thanks for your reply and survey .
Normally if the set goes good like proxomity / physicality I persist . But the gals are not giving up . Even the 18 yr olds are not giving up .
But the Kiss close I had during the 1st month , she had a BF , I remember. Ultimately as men we can only offer .
But if the gal mentions BF within 1 min of interaction , then I take it as a No gal.
Hopefully I succeed .
I had 3 seperate occassions where when I was persisting , BFs appeared . lol .


Yes .

I will consider this after getting gals consistently . At the moment I am lacking that.

This is my focus.

As an act of optimism, I would encourage you to study now so when the gals are there, you will be (I hope) over-prepared to WOW them in the bedroom… or the restroom if she just has to have it right then and there.


You seem very sexually aggressive . I like it .

Had any experiences in restrooms etc ?

No. However if you want to, I encourage you to be prepared. Study sexual techniques. Carry condoms. Have an open mind.

If you want study materials, I can list some titles if you want.

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Sure , thank you

I remember Saint mentioning that after one sees Acute results , it may appear as if results are gone .

Seems like that’s what is happening to me. I approach almost daily .
The reaction are now to me like ‘meh’ .

Today I approached a HB8 Airhostess in her uniform . She had never been approached probably . I did all my usual gambits , which are now 2nd nature to me . But since she is someone who is recognized for beauty , she gave quizzical looks " Who is this guy?" .

I recognized that I now leave pauses in the interaction . I don’t hurry to say next things .

I should have probably let her eat , take the number and meet her again later that day to try for SDL .

This didn’t occur to me while interacting .

Have to be careful next time

This book was mind blowing:

There are several versions. And yes, sometimes a woman’s orgasms can last for 5 to 45 minutes using these methods.

Lloyd Lester has some good materials.

I’d recommend just getting this:

He’s got another that sounds like a different program, but it’s the same thing.

Now as for some other books:

You may find differing opinions in some of the books.

That should keep you busy for a few weeks.


Today I hustled an escort :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .Didn’t know she was one ,before approaching. Her hustle vs my hustle.

I got a boner while doing the set in the middle of street.

This interaction showed me what an Yes girl will look like when DGing her .

I feel like , I am in a stage where I can’t do much in my street stop . I think i have reached a ceiling.
All I have to do is flip the stones for now.
At this stage am at the mercy of LADY LUCK / Daygame Gods to gimme a available gal .Let’s see.

Am adding Limitless to the stack since I need it for my other goals ( learning mainly new language / mugging up facts etc)

So the stack will be Q - PS + Limitless
U - Libertine

I hope this doesn’t clash or something @RVconsultant

This should be fine. How many loops of each program, and which days are you listening to each?

I am planning -

Day 1 - 1* PS 1* Limitless 1* LU
Day 2 -Rest or if I am in the field 1*PSITU


This looks good.

If on day 2 you listen to PSITU, please make day 3 rest, as in NO subliminals or Ultimas.