Primal +PS and GLMC

New stack beginning today …I’m back in the single life after a 3 annd half year relationship ended !

I previously ran the original PS versions , libertine, khan , KB and WB,SMX and been using subs since 2019 so I think I can handle that stack .

Had some crazy results with those when I was single ( previous journals are on still on here ) , so getting back on that horse …single forever now from here on out !

Just finished a week long washout from WB+KB4.

I will detail results on a 4 week basis .


Where did you hide a body?
Just kidding, I need to stop watching criminal shows :slight_smile:

Btw good stack, you are probably the first one on the forum doing a combination of Primal + PS.
Looking forward to read it.


Haha…no bodies yet , thing is after coming out a relationship I’m rusty in the chasing game plus things have changed in nightlife scene plus with social media , should be an interesting journey to get back to where I was back in 2019/2020 .

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Well… sorry to hear you’re back in the single life and congratulations! Whichever applies to you, probably both :sunglasses:

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Yeah, acid is a good choice :upside_down_face:


You will not stay single for long on this stack, goodluck :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Can I ask why your relationship ended?

I gotta ask though, what’s GLC?

Godlike masculinity commander

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Ah thx. Sounds like a powerful stack :muscle:

Many reasons ,let’s just say it was better to leave as if we stayed together it wouldn’t be good for the little ones .

Mini update : Been going out regularly, attention from women in bars and clubs and at work , more dominance and assertiveness…filter is disappearing and speaking my mind unapologetically.


This is my last day running this stack , then a 4 day washout , so far I don’t think I have gained anything from GLMTC , so tempted to swap it out to only run 2 and add PN ( 3 times a week ) .

Maybe GLMC is over powered by P and PS , anyway seduction is my focus for now so might return to GLMC at a later date .

Started my new stack : PPSPN …will run this for a year and monitor results …heading out for the next 3 nights clubbing and bars so will see what happens!

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Last Night(1/ 3) : went to a bar for pre drinks , lots of looks from women , a few deep eye contacts . Went to nightclub, lots of attention but from chicks not my type( even my mate kept telling me ) , opened a few I actually wanted but got rejected …it happens so move on .

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Night 2/3 : Went to club , lots of women , had a few good fun conversations with 3 different groups of guys . I’d say again lots of attention from women via IOI’s etc

Danced for hours , approached like 3 women who blew me out but on the flip side I was approached in various ways by 5 different women …one even pinched my butt , another’s so called brother blocked me by saying she had a bf , another said I was a great dancer etc etc

Tried to get a 2 of them to come home with me but without any luck , I swear one even tried to dry hump me on the dance floor later after she declined my offer earlier…maybe her way to get some sexual release without actually having it ( women are funny ) . The other used gotta look after my friend excuse , but blew me out earlier then got clingy when I said I was going home loool

It was a good night , so tonight is gonna my last night (3/3) , let’s see what happens !


It sounds like you’re partially executing your stack, but rejecting some of it, which could lead to mixed signals confusing the girls/creeping them out to some extent?
I’ve had this idea that what makes a man creepy is the incongruence of the signals he’s sending out to the world, especially through his body language and glances. Whereas true confidence is a certain kind of purity of intent, which can only come from a clear mindset with no major contradictions contained in it. And that is magnetic to people.
Mind you, this is just my interpretation of your log so far.

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Yeah those are some good points made that I oversaw , I remember when I ran the OG PS a few years back I didn’t get consistent results until after the 3 month mark and always going out so it’s a waiting game restarting this journey plus repeatedly taking action .

I’ll adjust my approaches tonight to see what transpires, thanks for the input .

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Have you thought about adding Khan Black back to your stack to power up the seduction related subs? Or running a few loops of the New Khan. There are some synergies there that could make all the difference in the end.

Night 3/3 : definitely social with people of all walks of life , small talk is becoming like breathing especially when out solo .

Went to a new place , way too many young people plus I was overdressed in comparison, spoke to cute lady at the bar , normal small talk as she gave me the eye but made the mistake of keeping it basic .

Went to same venue as last night, as soon as i walked in a cute lady gave me the eye and smile from the dance floor , held eye contact and smiled back , went to bar and ordered a drink then went straight over , went sexual immediately and she was loving it , kissed her within 10mins , mistake I made was not staying with her and escalating it to where she would be receptive to coming home as I when I left to go smoke she was leaving with her friend , gave her my number and suggested if she’s in London give me a bell.

Another women gave me the eye at the bar , an older woman, so engaged then found her later , yeah she was a typical hyper older cat lady type trying to relive her youth , tried many times getting physical which she rebuffed …then she revealed she’d been single 10 years , I said makes sense, then I excused myself .

Lesson learned from the weekend, consistency and patience wins the race and i 100% faith my results with this stack will be immense in a few months time so for now just gonna wash rinse and repeat the system !

Will update in 1 months time

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Just got my first lay since running P PS PN ,
Met her in a bar , was a weird one … IOI in bar , didn’t approach for a while. As she was with a group, eventually isolated her alone , kissed etc…. Went back to her hotel who she was sharing with a friend, was given 25 mins to seal the deal, mission accomplished , however probably one of the worst sexual encounters ever a prude: level :500