Primal old version + Positive affirmation

Irritable can be reconciliation…
From my experience Q needs more rest days…

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This isn’t an experiment. We’ve said multiple times now, start with a single loop, give yourself rest days and add more loops once you can tolerate it.

Every person complaining that Q isn’t “working” refuses to follow those instructions. Headaches, irritation and a desire to quit a sub is reconciliation — always has been.

Let this be yet another example of what happens by trying to rush the process. One loop. Then add more later.


I am new to the programs here. I started Q with 5 loops. It was overwhelming. Next day I did 1 and felt better for the next day to run 3. Now I feel a bit overwhelmed and I will see how I am feeling tomorrow. If I feel is too much I will do 2 loops and check then.

I have been doing subliminal programs for the last 3 years. Not long but enough to learn that its about accepting it rather than hating it.

1 loop of primal Q equals 6 loops. So 5 loops would be about 30 loops really


I guess you mean Cory Skyy’s Mirror affirmations, Yes I have tried that too in earlier years and gave amazing results. Though it was time consuming and painful. But after getting into subliminals ,I guess it gave me an edgy presence and attraction was way more powerful then those affirmations and for Primal Q please do try 2 loops a day you might see some amazing success. Will follow this journal.


its been a long time now.

I am using now :

Iron Throne Q 1 loop a day since around 1 month and half
Libertine Ultima 1 loop every 2 days
+positive affirmation

It is been a fun journey with Iron throne. I am with an ukrainian woman, a 8/9, very sexy and sexual that is so into me. I told her that I want to have fun in my life and want nothing at all, she told she is ok with that and just wanted to use me as her sex toy. It is funny cause she is very direct and has no shame talking that way, but look like an angel.

I am with another polish woman too, an 8, I didnt succeed to make her accept the fact I want multiple GF, so we are just having sex 2 or 3 times a week for now until she find “her big love”

What Iron throne changed is the fact, that everyone is telling me how handsome I am ! That is crazy, I never had so many compliments, everywhere I am going. I was at a funeral last monday in the country side of poland, and after it my friend’s grandmothet was telling me how all the women found me so pretty.

I was like “hey comon, the body is still here next to us”.
I thought the effect of iron throne would be more about making me a better secductor. (Yes it did) but what I have the most is the handsomness vibe I have.

I am like a celebrity, I am not even talking sometime at parties, but people are telling me how cool I am, and how they like me, both men and women. This is just so funny.

Last saturday I was in a party with my ukrainian woman, and end up with 3 instagrams and 2 phones numbers (3 guys + 2 girls), they want to hang out with me in the future. I didnt even ask for it.

So far. Everything seems to works !


And I cannot make the difference if the attention and eyes contacts I have come from Libetine Ultima, cause I had it before too. But I feel more sexual with this subs.


What positive affirmations did you try with PSIT? If you don’t mind sharing.

Top stuff!
Any other subs prior to these?


I am using some of ho’oponopo but they are only :
-I love you
-I am sorry
-Please Forgive me
-Thank you
-It is ok
-I am great man
-I do whatever it take to have what I want
-I am sexy
-I am happy
-I am rich.

Just this 10 of them, I repeat them out loud in front of the mirror when I woke up and before bed. 15 minutes each time.


I have tried primal, it is working good too, but I prefer the feeling from Iron Throne !

Before that I tried subs from another compagny that everyone knows here, it was working yes, but my libido was cut by half and sometimes it gave me depression.


@GoforIT What exercises did you do in nature to fix your life?

Cory’s stuff is great, he was one of the of the people that had me become effective in this area in my life. He certainly still around though

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These are awesome, thanks

Yes cory skyy is great i bought his magnetic mindset back in the day, yeah he is still around he’s got his on youtube channel posts on there a lot

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and Skyy have made the biggest difference on my journey
with the right application and proper use of either any one could go all the way towards there goal
I have not attempted combing the two, but may give it a shot

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I am impressed there are other people who know Cory’s teaching. :grinning:

It is him who taught me about subs and law of attraction. But it is true that subs + Cory changed my life. Subliminal gives you this engine and the car to go where you want, but the driver(us) have to learn how to drive it.

So basically I am not doing any cold approach anymore since years. I am going out to have fun (it is raising your vibe), and I am meeting girls like that naturally.

This Ukrainian woman I am having sex with, just was eyeing me for 5 minutes when I was drinking at the river with my friends. I just smiled at her, and with our eyes we communicated more than most other mens after hours of conversation.

Difficult to explain this feeling, but it is just how it works. When I talked to her after that, it was like we already knew each other.

For me the subs are giving you the mindset and belief that make women attracted to you, and affirmation put you in a better mood (like a booster I guess), because we have all our up and down all day long it is normal to not feel great all the time even with subs, sometime shit happens in our day, this mood (energy) will be the extension of all your belief inside you that you build with subs and your lifestyle.

I know it sounds complicated, but for me it’s work like that.

So that is why I had to meditate and be in the wild for 4 days, because I couldn’t be present or be the moment before. I was inside my mind all the time.

Cory just gave me some exercise I had to do that had nothing to do with women, but at the end he was building me as a better man, with the help of subs.

@hndkmv I didn’t do anything special in the forest, just had to go camping with technology turned off for a long weekend, I had to focus on my surroundings, my breathings, and just be present.

I am not saying it is what you have to do, everyone of his students has different exercises to do depending on what they need to improve. Me because I was too much in my head and too much self conscious, I had to do this, I didn’t knew how to turn off my overthinking, and just enjoy the moment :wink:


Did you try his magnetic mindset program? Does it actually work?

Who exactly is this Cory guy you are talking about?

It is been so long now that I am listening PSIT. Time for a small update.

First things is that I became very, very, very handsome, and my body language is very sexy. I can see it myself in front of the mirror, but I have girls checking me out ALL THE TIME. Much more than before.

The best is during my days off when I am not listening to any subs for 2 days, the second day it is like everyone is looking at me, men and women. Gaze of attraction from women mostly or curiosity.

I started to get approached by women since the last 2 weeks, at least 1 every 2-3 days, when I am out by myself or with friends. Tonight I was in a bar with one of my date and a group a girl approached her just to tell my date to be careful with me or else they will kidnap me. They were a little bit drunk but we had a funny conversation after that.

Yesterday a girl in super sexy yoga pants asked me where I am coming from out of nowhere when I was taking out my dog, I felt intense curiosity from her and attraction. I didnt take her number neither try anything cause I am so overwhelmed and have no time to have new dates.

So it is very funny how this subs affect me, I thought it will make me take action a lot and be super talkative, but I became even more motivated to take care of myself and do everything to be a better man, including eating healthy, going to gym 5 times a week, taking care of my skin with new cream, meet more friends, bought at least 4000 euros of clothes the last 2 months, travelling a lot even during this COVID time in Europe, going to hairdresser every 10 days, working more and have a goal to earn more than ever.

I am feeling so horny too, and couldn’t last that long in bed due to this excitation so I started using sex mastery and have some small result the past 2 weeks.

Anyway I love this subs and will not switch this one until I am dry squeezed by women.

Oh and the quality of women are very good too, much more better than before, kind of girl that all men would dream to marry cause they are just perfect (at least for me). I guess it is the law of attraction, you get better in life cause you become better. So I became super picky but I am still dating multiple girls easily.

I started to use libertine ultima V2 too and it is perfect with PSIT. PSIT is giving me all the motivation to get better, and make me handsome and sexy externally, and libertine ultima make me feel super attractive and sexy inside me. BEST COMBO EVER.


I don’t want to sound narcissist, but I noticed something when I made a selling live webinar like I do once every 2 weeks.

I saw for the past 4 months since I started primal seduction : Iron Throne, an increase in sell per customer.

I am closing around 6% of the people now when I am live. Before it was 2 to 3%. Doesnt sound a lot of improvment but when you are selling High ticket program at 1470 euros. It is more than an annual salary for most people living in france of increase.

So I guess selling something and being attractive matter a lot. My business is going strongggg.

I want to switch to Khan when I am looking at all the review. But then I am like “I already have a lot of great results. Why take the risk”

I need to think about it.

Anyway it was just a tips for people in sales here or that is making a living with their social skill.