Porn addiction help

Best title to cure porn addiction?now its a sex addiction.

I used to fap everyday, now that i have a gf i want to have sex multiple time a day even when my dick can even stand up, its flaccid from all the ejculation, in my mind i still want to have sex.

Also if i dont ejaculate after 3 days i think, i start to have porn dreams (even now that i have a gf).

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While running Emperor I never thought about porn.


From my experience a custom with Stop Porn and Masturbation, and Khan Black ST1. More so Khan Black ST1


@Viking : What stack are you running right now?

After a long talk with @Sub.Zero he reccomended stark + cfw for my goals.

Didnt talk with him about my porn addiction tho only about my money and social goals.

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How long did you run it?

I ran Emperor for 2 years but for reasons unrelated to porn. I happened to notice that on Emperor the idea of porn didn’t even cross my mind and the few times it did, it felt like like a time wasting activity. When you run Emperor, there are millions different things being processed in your subconscious. Your brain needs every ounce of energy it can find. There was simply no time, resources or energy left for porn.


I think limit destroyer could also help with this.
Here is the review by @Sub.Zero on Limit Destroyer sales page:

I’ve broken out of the nasty addiction of watching porn and masturbating after almost 30 years of doing so on a daily basis. I attribute it to Limit Destroyer although I did it consciously, it was not like it just happened. It was just another example on how important it is to set your goals and take action towards them when listening to your subliminal program.


The best subs I’ve tried to deal with it so far are LD, Primal and KBC st1. You need to mind the recon though as it may push you back into flogging the bishop.


Khan black st1 is helping me with this


KB ST1 has kind of helped with this

I abstained for like 4-5 days, then today I went H.A.M.
Combination of sadness, low dopamine, air quality problems so I couldn’t go outside, and a slow work-from-home day.
And probably recon too.

Like Voytek said in that testimonial tho, conscious guidance and taking action helps.
I could have read a book, played a game, or anything else for the dopamine/feel good hit that I was searching for from spanking the monkey.


A combo of Khan Black St 1 and LBFH should be able to heal even the deepest issues that are the true causes of anything related to porn consumption and obsession with fapping and sexual release.

I recommend to run these 2 for at least 2 to 6 months and/or until you see the results you want.


Hey guys, I’ve been guided on New Emperor to make a custom solely focusing on eradicating porn use long term. This is because I want to be far more consistent with my goals and life in general, therefore becoming a better human in general for everyone.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this so far!

Goal: Become the person that can quit porn for good.

New Romance Experience (Kind of unsure if this is the right context but probably is okay)
Stop porn and masturbation
Dopaminergic revival (To help with rebalancing my reward pathways)
Inner gasoline (To transmute my sexual energy positively)
Inner blaze (To improve my spirituality and form that stronger connection)
Stronger (To increase willpower)
Foundation (To help stay grounded during urges or emotional triggers when I’d reach for porn)
Eye of the storm (To help manoeuvre out of bad habits in general)
Aphrodite (To heal sexual beliefs)
Achilles (To turn negative emotion into action)
Ardent light (To help with eliminating the desires e.t.c)
Psyche Augmentation (Both to help heal my mind and increase mental health)
Psyche Restoration
Victory’s Call (To rid avoiding making right choices and doing important things)
Courage Reclaimed (To rid any victim mindset around quitting porn)
Depths of Love (To increase self-love and heal beliefs around love)
Unlimiter (To use as a limit destroyer type effect)
Safety Net (To help with the worries of life so far less likely to go to negative habits)
Stress displacement (To help with the stress of life and healing)


That custom should work for your goals, @Melody :+1:

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Great to hear my friend :slight_smile:

How is your journey going?

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All good here, bro! Am on a one month + one week washout. Didn’t run anything in November and the beginning of this month.

Will be picking a stack soon.


Very cool, what brought you to decide on a long washout?

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At first it was an intuitive decision on not wanting to run any subliminals after a particular cycle of a stack. Later it continued on since I wanted to clear my head and decide on a stack more suited to my purpose rather than just run a random title or custom because I just feel like it.

On a practical note, am also doing one meal a day and it is easier to fast when not running subliminals especially the physical healing/shifting ones.

So all those factors contributed to the Washout: Extended Edition lol. I still haven’t chosen my next stack and am not in a hurry to do so. Taking my time with it by evaluating different choices and will eventually come to a conclusion.


Don’t feel bad. I used to be addicted to clown porn

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Haha seriously? Must have been some real sexy clowns.