[Poll] For the Ladies. Which ZP title do you want most?


















@AlexanderGraves’s wife


Lol wow tough one. Knowing the descriptions of the first 2 titles I would definitely go for seductress. I do not want to be a dominating female (I have called pushy when I get anxiety over asking for a tenner back :rofl: and I am listening to seductress!!!)

What would be the description for Monarch??? If I knew that I might be able to help better so might the other ladies :blush: (just a thought (chosen working here))



(10 characters)


From this thread:


Fuck bro can you remove my vote, I accidentally clicked on monarch when I wanted to scroll down…


Unfortunately, I can’t edit the poll. Am sure 1 vote can be taken off safely when SaintSovereign and Fire see your comment.

Or the ladies will thank you later for bringing MONARCH sooner :grin:

Either way, no issues :pray:

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Yes! @GoldenTiger Thank you! thank you! thank you!


My pleasure :sweat_smile:


Wow, I’ve been looking forward to Seductress ZP, but after reading the description for Monarch, and remembering the feeling while I ran Emperor Back in the day before transitioning, I’m highly excited for Monarch too!

But I’d take an upgrade to Seductress any day also :smirk:

Love your work! ❤️‍🔥


Also quick side note: being included in this means the absolute world to me, seriously :pray:


Instead of MONARCH how about QUEEN? As us women would love to be treated as a QUEEN or EMPRESS as there is already EMPEROR? OR there going to be MONARCHY (his’n’her or unisex) - just a thought :thinking:


Any updates? Im very curious on what Monarch will be like trying to plan out my subs for 2022 my 21 day cycle of mogul zp will be coming to an end soon

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No updates yet unfortunately. Might have to wait a bit.

Have you tried StarkQ? If you read the sales page, you will realise that women can use it too.

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Stark was on my list but now I’m thinking about RM after reading all the post regarding on the UA ZP thread I never looked into it because it has the word man in the title it has the benefits I’m looking for. Looks like it’s a more detailed in depth version of UA.

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You can check the roadmap for status updates.

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An excellent title. I loved the Qv2 version of it too. Waiting for its ZP version.

More like being a multi-talented, multi-creative person with RM. With a good dose of empathy and hunger for learning. Would recommend.

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Very Ted on behalf of my wife. She wants Seductress as soon as she can get it.

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I want to see what @Sub.Zero chooses