PLEASE READ: The Future of Subliminal Club

I’m confused about Emperor Black. You said it’s major focus is on being productive, driven, and just getting the important stuff done. But you also said it’s a “hard one” to listen to.

Does that mean it triggers resistance? Tires you out? If either of those, how does it increase productivity, since those are things that tend to make us less likely to get stuff done?

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Ride to meet your fate, Ragnarök awaits!!
Twilight of the thundergod
Ragnarök awaits!!


I cannot get rid of the impression that it’s going to be rather the dawn of gods, however. :blush:


Then later they will add Primal Seduction Black, then Mogul Black and who knows Khan Black :rofl:


Black Adder…


Every product will be prefixed with Black in the future :rofl:

Yes blame Black Adder he started this whole black thing :grin:


It’s not really likely to happen as it’s going to be an experimental line with titles for adepts of Mental Alchemy and not common titles like Mogul or PS.

Primal Seduction Black with Khan Black, you will become a Dark Lord of seduction :slight_smile:


I believe he was applying what we call “sarcasm.” :wink:


So he did :wink: I deemed the clarification as necessary so that he could understand exactly what the Black line is going to be about since he seems to be a bit confused on the topic… so some people may be as well. :blush:

Yes @AlexanderGraves @Sub.Zero i was being sarcastic. Unfortunately sarcasm sometimes does not translate well across message forums :wink:


Why? It gave me an opportunity to clarify the matter to you and to some other users, perhaps. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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Any updates on Masterclass course ? :eyes:


I suppose soon we will see the new Life chargers ? or will you integrate the experimental ZP to the new Life Chargers ? @Fire @SaintSovereign :eyes:

I hope the lifechargers have some form of comeback with the new tech.

I REALLY, REALLY miss the music and the guided visuals, but I can’t listen to them anymore because the underlying old tech fries me :smiley:

Beyond Limitless had the COOLEST soundtrack. Too bad Saint is too busy to ever upload them without the subliminal. I would use it in meditation :wink:


Did you ever listen to the So Below supercharger? That track was really powerful, gave me chills when I ran it. But I agree the music in these complement the focus of the superchargers really well.

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The Legacy was great also !

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Not sure, I don’t think so, but yeah, they were all great, also:

Absolutely. These tribal war drums got me going well enough to work out like a mad man :smiley:

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Now that you mention it, the OG Libertine was super lit and it felt nice to have a guided meditation of sorts. The beast unleashed however… that track could probably still get me hyped enough to become a one man army, if I had to attribute my interests in working out, I’d say it was a residual effect from running The beast unleashed, that as well as Emperor Fitness.

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Hey everyone, it’s been a while and I’m marking post 200 here. :slight_smile:

The experimental build has been interesting—with all the great results so far, what’s stopping it from being the official build?

@SaintSovereign would name embedded mains be coming with the new build?