PLEASE READ: Regarding Refunds and the Blocklist

We’ve got a lot of new people posting and purchasing titles, so I just want to reiterate – the blocklist is not a threat. We use it, and we use it often for those who are abusing the refund policy. The refund policy is designed to give everyone a chance to see what subliminals can do for them risk free.

That being said, I’m seeing a lot of first time purchasers buying 10 titles, downloading them all and then attempting to refund five. That’ll get you placed on the blocklist instantly. I’m seeing a lot of people buying titles, downloading them and asking for a refund the next day. That’ll land you on the blocklist, as there’s no way you were able to accurately gauge the title.

We’re not going to give you all the things we look for in determining whether a person gets banned or not, but please be aware that we’re cracking down a bit more than we have in the past. This is not to discourage you from refunding, but to stop those who are clearly trying to get over on us from doing so.

We appreciate everyone’s support on this matter.


LMAOOOOO ppl r funny

to be honest anyone who is refunding need to get blocked period
someone used for 30 days and didnt get results? my ass
how is this possible the subs r too strong
refund its more to give people comfort of spending their money but
ppl who legit refunded
thats sketchy :thinking: lmao


Do you refund them?
I woud not!!!
I woud make a refund-Protokoll, where you hold the final decision

I think keeping a free sub is best to stop that refund issue…
They can download the free one and use it…if they not happy then dont purchase.


Ya please stop this refund policy. Or make a rule, to use the product for atleast 30 days before asking for refund. Ask them to maintain a journal from Day 1 to Day 30. Show it as a proof that you have used the product and it didn’t worked.

Or add any pre condition you find fit.

Also, asking for immediate refund, shows their poor mind frame. Which won’t help them in any which way. Those Subliminals won’t help them, no matter how strong those Subliminals are.

Blocking them won’t work. Blacklist is not as effective. There should be pre condition before refund or remove this policy all together.


With all due respect. BS.

What’s BS bro?

What Saint says in first post.

You don’t know enough about the internals of this business, nor running a business to call “BS” on anything I post like this. I put this warning out to let people know that we’re going to protect our business at all costs. Everyone here knows that I am exceptionally fair and very giving to my customers, but I lock down and become quite the hard ass when it comes to people trying to steal, defraud, or otherwise hurt this company. This isn’t an argument, this isn’t a discussion – this is what’s going to happen in the future, point blank.


I want reply to you again. When you want to improve yourself another situation will occur.

I’d like to add a financial perspective to those who may misunderstand this rule.

Saint is doing exactly what successful people and businesses do. The first rule in business is to earn your money, your foundation. Going for 3 years and steadily growing, SubClub has been very persistent and consistent in their endeavors.

The next rule of business is what they’re doing, and what I deem more important. They’re making it where they don’t lose their foundation unnecessarily.

I learned this in my own job. I work for a multi-national company with billions of dollars in assets. In the last 5 years, rules have majorly changed, making our job security much more fragile. Veteran workers say it used to be the wild, wild West, with workers breaking rules constantly with few consequences. But now, “stupid” rules exist left and right. Losing one’s job for breaking these rules is our reality now.

And they’re making these rules for one very simple reason. They lost money in court due to an accident or even deaths (a transport business). They lost some of their financial strength with each lawsuit. Thus, they created “stupid” rules. Like the company I work for, SubClub wants to survive and grow, and with people doing illegitimate things, these rules will definitely emerge.

It’s how businesses stay in business.


I’m not even sure what that post means.

My open response to this topic in general:

SubClub is one of the most generous companies I’ve ever seen, the products are amazing and they give so much away it’s mind-boggling. It’s one of the reasons us loyal users are so loyal, and why people stealing from them is met with ire.

Blacklisting someone who tries to rip them off is 100% NOT BS, it’s what businesses must do to protect against thieves (yes, I keep saying it, because that’s the best word for people who do crap like that) who are emboldened by idiotic consumer protection laws that are disgustingly easy for people to abuse to get “free” products.

With my company, people occasionally try to do this too. We not only block them from ordering again, we also report them for what it is… fraud.

You’re welcome to post whatever opinion you want on the policies of SubClub, at the discretion of @SaintSovereign et al of course, but be aware that anti-SC positions are very much in the minority, and siding with thieves is unlikely to win you any friends here.


You think his rules are “BS” damn you’ve never worked at a security company.

You should work there and see for yourself, you do something like this you’re going straight to jail no questions asked.
(all they need is the logs and data that you did what it says you did which is very easy to get)


Some people don’t realize how generous Subliminal Club actually is compared to companies like your’s or companies like mine who will report you for fraud or send you to jail for something like this.

The only BS in here is the existence of the refund policy in the first place. Digital products typically don’t have such a policy in place because, in contrast with physical products, the customer can’t return the item after asking for a refund. It remains with them no matter what. With this policy SC is essentially giving away all their products for free. This needs to be regulated, otherwise some people will take advantage of SC’s goodwill and ruin it for everyone else.

Saint is trying to explain himself here, trying to educate his customers without having to change the policy or adding limitations, but thieves will be thieves. Good intentions will only take you so far with that kind of people.

I don’t own a business so I can’t speak from my own experience, but I do advice businesses for a living and this return policy opens the door for a lot of trouble. Saint would know better than anyone if it’s worth it, but my guess is that SC would be better off without it. Having a sample title for free so that prospective customers can try it out risk free is a better alternative in my opinion.

Just my two cents. In any case, I’m really appreciative and very much respect the customer orientation and willingness to go above and beyond that Saint and his team show every day in the way they operate this business.