PLEASE READ: Exciting Development

what is solace?

New kind of audio tech, coinciding with a new mask. It hasn’t yet been revealed what’s improved with it but the flood of results indicate something definitely is different :sunglasses:


I can almost assure you, they’ve already got really effective subs in their arsenal for training and other purposes. They’re probably better we can imagine with the virtually unlimited budget and all.

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Can you please direct me towards the journaling exercise by Simon, I lost it and now cant find it.

where we write our dreams and fantasies and why they wont come true.

thank you

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Here you go


thanks man… found it too! lol

I’ve created a post about it… please check out and comment if you can!

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How many Floppy Disks will it take to store just one Q subliminal?


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Fewer than this: :nerd_face:



My, now dead, uncle who was a coder through his life, started his career with cards like these.

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The likelihood of the government forcing the disappearance of SC is about as far fetched as 5G helping to spread covid-19. :slight_smile:


Guys, now finally we’ll know the real names behind Saint and Fire!

Great News, haha.


That’s great news! So happy for you! (and for all the rest of us here in the SubClub, since we can get more of your awesome stuff! :rofl:)

Welcome back! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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