PLEASE READ: Everything Comes to Light, Part 2

This title gives me that “OG going back to the roots and the good old days of SubliminalClub” vibes. When we had titles like Ascension, Mogul, Primal, Primal Seduction, Spartan, Daredevil, Emperor, Khan, Libertine, Power Can Corrupt, etc that dealt with the immediate needs of getting money, sex and power for the sake of living in physical abundance.

Get the basic needs met so that we aspire to advanced levels after a while. Or enjoy the fruits of our labour in the libertine realms.


In the office finally.

My currently owned store titles (Mostly in the order purchased)
  1. Emperor
  2. Rebirth
  3. Mogul
  4. The Ecstasy of Gold Multistage
  5. Ascended Mogul
  7. Primal Seduction
  8. Khan Multistage
  9. Limitless
  10. Aegis Initiative
  11. Stark ZP
  12. Power Can Corrupt
  13. Mind’s Eye
  15. Sanguine
  16. The Executive
  17. Libertine
  18. AURA
  19. Regeneration
  20. Diamond
  21. Limit Destroyer
  22. R.I.C.H.
  23. The Commander
  24. Dragon Reborn Multistage
  25. Limitless Executive
  26. Godlike Masculinity
  27. WANTED
  28. Ascension
  29. Love Bomb
  30. Heartsong
  31. DREAMS
  32. Alchemist Core
  33. Paragon Complete
  34. Sex Mastery X2 - Get Better at Sex Subliminal
  35. Inner Circle
  36. Remote Viewing X & Astral Projection X
  37. R.I.C.H. Crypto
  38. Spartan - Apex Warrior
  39. Sex & Seduction
  40. Daredevil
  41. True Social
  42. Renaissance Man
  43. Chosen
  44. Ascension Chamber [Experimental]
  45. Seductress
  46. True Sell
  47. Paragon Sleep
  48. A Love Bomb For Humanity
  49. Emperor Black
  50. The Revelation of Mind
  51. Lineage
  52. The Revelation of Spirit
  53. Chosen From Within
  54. Gaming Mastery X3
  55. Legacy of the Spartan

I would say that the biggest change is seeing for myself that this stuff works when we work it.
I’m not the world’s greatest at sticking to a plan.

The private ZP testing was the first time in a long time I “stuck to the plan” because I wanted to make sure my feedback was useful at the time.

I have 6 customs total. 3 of which were Q/QV2. I also have 3 ZP customs. One of which was a ZP upgrade/rebuild of one of the QV2 ones. That’s the one that’s all EoG cores and R.I.C.H.

The others are Master Moneyfestor and the Ecstatic Emperor.

There are days I think maybe I’ve given myself “too much” choice, but overall more choice is what leads to the kind of behavioral flexibility we need to really succeed in life.

Lately, I’ll say the biggest change I’m seeing is from PCC and reading 48LP. There’s a certain individual I’ve just stopped messing with now. Total ignore mode. That would’ve been harder before diving in on PCC/48LP.

I’m far better off now than before finding The 'Club. And any stuff I’m not better off in, my fault. lack of focus, etc.


daaaaamn, is that a record??

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I’m sure someone has me beat

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** What subliminal have you listened to the longest and how long was it?*

Wanted, around 2 weeks when it was first released until now.

Around a year or two on Emperor, Khan tad below that and then Stark. 6 months on DR and then some time between various titles.

** Since you started using our services, what meaningful, impactful, drastic, positive changes have occurred in your life where it has completely shifted for the absolute better?*

Came in at a bad time. I was able to survive a pretty bad situation.

Emperor helped me fix some debts, and PS at the time made life pretty fun.

That spark came in handy. Suddenly things aren’t so bleak, and in some ways, I felt the way I did when I was younger.

That memory was enough for me to embrace life, because it reminded me of the possibilities.

It triggered some feelings/memories I’ve had when life was good, and that was powerful. It’s like a ray of light.

I was reminded, and then I wanted more.

** How many subliminals have you purchased?*

Around 50 majors, and 20 customs more or less.

** What do you truly want out of life?*

I want to be in love with life.

My wants are fairly common. Freedom, happiness, good health, good looks, success.

I want to genuinely feel I lived or living a life that is worth it. Not just for myself but for those I care for.

I want to look my best, feel my best and do my best.

To find my true calling in life and excel at it and be able to enjoy it to the fullest.

Whatever lessons or traumas I learned or been through in the past, that’s where I want it to remain, the past. Life is too short.

I’m not enlightened enough to be thankful for it, I’d punch the lesson in the face if I could, but I can’t, so the next best thing is to change my reality to my liking.

I can’t change the past, but I will use what is in my power to be in control of my future.

** Do you feel stuck?*

I’m still searching for my meaning. My journey continues, and I’m glad I have these tools with me.

** Is your life very similar or close to what it was like when you joined Subliminal Club?*

No. I came in at a bad time, I had to save up before I could make my first purchase. Now I can afford much more than that. That said there is much work to be done and more to achieve.

I believe that SC is for good, and I’m happy I have stumbled upon this place when I did. I wish I did so sooner, perhaps things that have unfolded in my life might have unfolded differently.

In any case, every day is a new day. Life is amazing for some people, and I want it to be amazing for me too.

I don’t want to take away from anyone else or be unfair to get ahead. I want to create my own, be the man I wanted to be and enjoy life to fullest.


Dragon Reborn St 1. Off and on for close to two years

Mental and emotional maturity for sure. I was an anxious immature mess prior to Dragon Reborn St 1. There have been times in the last year or so that I have been accused of being too self aware. I’m still not entirely sure what that means

Financial Independence and security and the ability to live as minimalistic life as possible

Yes. My current living and working situation is very toxic. I’m working on getting out of both.

I wrote this back in January 2021. It still applies. Prior to Dragon Reborn I honestly have no idea how I was able to function on a day to day basis. It seems weird to think about now but I was probably the poster child for what a mentally and emotionally unstable person looks and acts like. The only major downside now is the occasional all consuming regret I have for the people I hurt or alienated and the opportunities I pissed away


Twenty six dollars and change


I can agree with that… After running SE + LD last cycle, I broke through a similar mindset, realising I didn’t want them to work as feeling powerless was a strong thing from childhood.

Imagine going from feeling completely powerless to then having the complete opposite. It’s like when someone wins the lottery and has been broke all their life. I guess society can program you to think you’re born the way you are and nothing about it can change.


I need to be transparent here. I do have my own mental health issues as I have been diagnosed with severe ADHD and Dysthymia or better known as Persistent Depressive Disorder or High Functioning Depression.That last one has always confused me as I don’t see anything functional about being a crying mess. I am on medication for both and I have done therapy but I didn’t connect well with my therapist so I am going to find a new one.

I know @SaintSovereign has posted about how the subs aren’t a substitute for professional help and I agree. That said I do feel they can be a part of the process

People can say what they want about metal music but it’s literally saved my life multiple times


There’s no mind control.

Last year I had so much recon I stopped playing subs for a couple of months. I just couldn’t handle it anymore, Recon was hard. I had no interest to play any sub or go on the forum anymore for a couple of months… so yea, no mind control.

1. What subliminal have you listened to the longest, and how long was it?

That was regeneration with Ql st1for the most part. After that, Paragon and LbfH.

2.Since you started using our services, what meaningful, impactful, drastic, positive changes have occurred in your life where it has completely shifted for the absolute better?

Used paragon, which helped me with getting healthier. I used to get some kind of mind flu regularly, which is now gone. I also stopped using anti histamines and asthma meds(Approved by my doc) for my dust allergies.

Socially I became much better, although I’m still working on that. In groups i’m way more relaxed instead of getting all nervous.

At work, I’m way more assertive than I was before. I speak my mind when necessary and am way more relaxed around people.

I also noticed after running LBfH begin this year that i actually like to be around people. Before that i could be a bit of a lone wolf and would rather spend time with myself.

And many more little improvements.

3. How many subliminals have you purchased?

17 and 2 free. More that I thought :open_mouth:

4. What do you truly want out of life?

Improved social life

improve how I talk and also write.

Excel in my job

Eventually marry and start a family.

5. Do you feel stuck?

No, only when in recon I do feel like I’m stuck.

6. Is your life very similar or close to what it was like when you joined Subliminal Club?

No, definitely changed, even though I’m still a work in progress.


My big “A-HA” moment with Subliminal Club was when I noticed how men reacted to me when I was listening to Sex and Seduction. I noticed time and again men who I didn’t know would treat me like I was their best friend.

The first time it happened I think the man was sitting at the bar next to me. I was eating and he was talking about his whiskey collection, as he was ignoring his wife and kid. I thought it was a bit odd.

The second time I was eating at the bar at another restaurant, and the man next to me was talking with me, as he was ignoring his co-workers. He was with a nationally known TV channel covering a local sporting event. He paid for my meal, and offered me his fry basket.

Then I started to realize that S&S wasn’t just making me attractive, it was encouraging a lot of respect in others. That’s when I realized that the creators of SC were not just designing a product that was short-sightedly focused on sex. It was actually focused on auxiliary things associated with sex like respect and social ability. That is more than smart, that is wisdom.


I feel extremely grateful for however I stumbled upon this company and its products.

I did happen to see that post that was referenced above, and I had saved the screenshot posted to review later. After checking it out, I was curious as to what the dude was referencing, and I was hoping that I would find out. I did not expect this post, but I am very grateful for it. It answered all the questions I had.

1. What subliminal have you listened to the longest, and how long was it?

I’ve been listening to SMX since I found SubClub, almost 3 months now.

2.Since you started using our services, what meaningful, impactful, drastic, positive changes have occurred in your life where it has completely shifted for the absolute better?

Well, where to start? Sex life has improved greatly! I have been moving from a place of porn addiction/PMO to whatever a healthy sex life looks like for me for the past 3 years now. Love Bomb for Humanity has drastically and noticeably improved my self talk, and my wife has noticed I approach and speak with our children far better than before. I have more positive interactions at work than before, many more expressed appreciations for my food product, which I relish. It has also sparked a change in how my wife treats me in a much more loving fashion than before I started LBfH.

3. How many subliminals have you purchased?

I have 16 store titles (2 free) and a few customs. Wife wanted one too after seeing how I had started changing.

4. What do you truly want out of life?

To be able to share what I have learned and see it spark interest in another.

5. Do you feel stuck?

Sometimes. It is in those times that I remind myself I am gathering energy for my next move.

6. Is your life very similar or close to what it was like when you joined Subliminal Club?

It’s been a couple months, but it has started shifted for the better already in terms of my interactions with people. I’m certain it only gets better!

  • What subliminal have you listened to the longest and how long was it?
    I’m new and switched subs after my first cycle to a multi-stager, so I’ve technically only listened to each sub for one cycle at this point. I’ve listened to two stages of the multi-stage sub so far.
  • Since you started using our services, what meaningful, impactful, drastic, positive changes have occurred in your life where it has completely shifted for the absolute better?
    I’m still in the early stages so I can say that something is cooking but it’s not nearly done yet. I’ve had definite results from the subliminals that I’ve run but I just haven’t been here long enough to say.
  • How many subliminals have you purchased?
  • What do you truly want out of life?
    I don’t know about truly, but I can speak about currently. Currently I want to find a sense of belonging physically and mentally, and thrive as myself in this world. I want my basic desires met (food, warmth, belonging, sex, money) and I don’t want to feel guilt or shame about my ideas, feelings, and thoughts anymore.
  • Do you feel stuck?
    I felt stuck and that’s why I came here. I feel like I’m slowly getting unstuck. As in, I believe in the products, I believe in this process, but I know it will take time for me. Like I said, still cooking.
  • Is your life very similar or close to what it was like when you joined Subliminal Club?
    My life situation is very similar but I don’t feel stuck and I don’t feel like a victim anymore. I will get out of this as long as I continue on the path. The support from this community has been invaluable to me.

4 years already with SubClub, time is flying ! Well I don’t believe in mind control, especially with subliminals. When the CIA had its program MKUltra, they tried mind control techniques, with hypnosis,subliminals, drugs and other techniques, it never worked ! Recon shows you can’t force the subconscious to accept anything.

The files I listened the most : Starck, Sanguine and LBFH. These 3 are automatically in my customs files.
It is a very difficult question to answer about the positive changes etc. because they are very progressive, very subtles most of the time. So I had to go back to my offline journaling and read about my original goals.I would say, it is mission accomplished, or nearly accomplished :

  • Control of stress, anxiety in most situations, particularly in group situation, mission accomplished ! I am now mostly asked to lead small groups. All shyness, unease, embarrassment, inferior complex etc are erased from my subconscious, replaced by confidence, self esteem, looking at things at a distance, being immune from daily stress, optimistic etc.
  • The journey to freedom is not yet finished as I have still problems with public speaking when with large audiences… If I speak to 20 people no problem but if it is an audience of 100 people or more, I still feel the stress/anxiety etc.
    If the sub were full of mind control techniques, I would say they would not be very efficient ! It is 4 years I use them and I still have my problems with public speaking with large audience :rofl: The thing there is that I took action very often with small groups of people and avoided if possible the larger crowd ! So the subliminals helped when I was taking action. Now my next goal is to take action more often also with the bigger groups of people. The sub are a strong tool for self development but you need to take action. No magic, no mind control :joy:

I own 58 major products and 2 customs.
I’ve been running SC subliminals for three years now, and before, I had been listening to another producer’s programs for four years.
The competitor’s programs were quite potent, yet, apart from some positive and natural changes, they also made me think and behave in a way that was not genuine to myself and the people around me. Even I could tell there was something off about my aura and behaviour.

SC subs feel really natural and more like unlocking and encouraging than forcing changes on you. For those three years, I’ve been experimenting with SC subs continuously looking for my perfect stack and making some progress on the way. There were only two subs that I used consistently, and they brought me great results.
DR for almost one year (two runs) cleared out a lot of my traumas and hindrances and helped me become way more grounded, mature, and solid. I suffered from derealization and deperonalization for almost my whole life due to being notoriously emotionally abused and bullied by my father since I was an infant. There was a lot of other issues stemming from that like social anxiety, low self-esteem, the lack of confidence and faith in my abilities, a lot of mistrust and negativity towards people, problems with managing my emotions etc. When I was around 8 y.o. I told my mom I wanted to live in a small hut in the woods…all alone. DR neutralized pretty much all of that and helped me connect with myself and the world around me. In my dreams (when on DR), I also coped with my little brother’s suicide that was a knife in my heart for years. Thanks to DR, I started building a “normal life.” I got married, and I took good care of my wife and myself. Finally, I feel, I love, I hope and I have faith in myself and “life”.

The other program was Mogul. I used to despise money for all my life since money was the main cause of fights my parents used to have. When I was around 6 y.o. I even told my mom that I wished there had been no money at all in the world for that reason. I never understood money, how it works, and what it serves for. Being a businessman was always something I would just smile at, thinking that it was totally not for me. I procrastinated and just lived day by day without thinking about my finances. Mogul resolved all of that and made me insanely motivated and productive. Thanks to this program, I built several online businesses (websites for making money), and now I’m waiting for the results, getting some but really tiny for the time being. I know it requires time, and I need to be patient. I ran Mogul for four months only, yet I’m really satisfied with the inner changes and the work I got done on it.

I feel a bit stuck when it comes to my finances, but when it comes to living my life, I’m definitely growing a lot and moving forward briskly.

Currently, I want to unlock my social genius totally and build strong soft skills (DD). I want to become more attractive and sexy (WANTED) and someone who is respected, admired, lovable, and followed (CFW). I’m also working on my cognitive capacities with QL.

Thank you. :blush:


Ecstacy of Gold. Specifcally Stage 1 for 8 months straight. Overall EOG I should sit at about 1 year.

How much time do you have? :smiley:

  • Making money online to get out of the wage slavery
  • Found my purpose in life and am following it
  • Absolute, deep-rooted self belief and confidence
  • Resolved about 500 pages worth of traumas, false beliefs, useless beliefs, spiritual beliefs (and I mean 500 pages, I still have all the journals)
  • Discovered MY version of spirituality
  • Profound changes in my marriage, including mutual respect, love, adoration, and of course, sex life
  • Advanced perception. I literally see things differently. With my eyes. The world looks different. Brighter, more colorful. I notice things I didnt before
  • Quit my porn addiction
  • Stopped alcohol, coffee, sweets almost entirely
  • Healthy on all levels. Best shape I ever was (not the most muscular, the most healthy)
  • Seeing through bullshit from people. Can read intentions very quickly
  • Bolstered defense mechanisms towards other people and people trying to take advantage of me
  • Manifested new, positive, successful friends and mentors

And SO MANY little details that sum up the entire being.
I am truly a new man.

Almost the entire shop. I think I miss about 5-10.
Plus, about 10-ish customs or smth.


And I recently realized this is why I was subliminal fruit punching by constantly switching subs.
I want freedom on all areas.
Money, sex, love, society, external programming, food, choice, dogma, etc.

And money, of course, is the fundamental for me right now.

While I can’t move into certain realms I would love to (like love and sex deeper), I know what I need to do which is building the business up first. But that’s fine.
If you have an end goal in mind.

I don’t recognize the guy I was a year ago. Hell, I don’t even know what the eff was wrong with me 6 months ago? :wink:

It changes THIS quickly and deeply.
I do have a good flow factor. Subs act FAST for me and I need to reduce listening times often.

Still, with SC I went through lessons that would’ve taken 5 years in just 1 and did a complete, entire shift of my being.
Other people noticed also and tell me, including my wife.

And I also notice of older friends that still think I am the videogame addict, and when I tell them I haven’t touched a game in years they’re like “who the fock is this guy?”

Sign of growth.
If you can’t relate to many old friends, but aquired positive, new ones :slight_smile:

Thanks Saint and Fire!


I am tired because of my physical shifting reconciliation.
I owe an apology to @Lion for sure. I am sorry.
I read everything and honestly I am very drained to answer. But my overall answers would as others obviously.
Just AMAZING, and I LOVE the no-energy approach. Energy comes from attention. So it means no-attention strategy.


@Alphamale - I understand. Hope you feel strong soon :pray:

  • What subliminal have you listened to the longest and how long was it?

Heartsong/Seductress/Diamond - a few months now

  • Since you started using our services, what meaningful, impactful, drastic, positive changes have occurred in your life where it has completely shifted for the absolute better?

I am completely changed. Better in every way. More confident, beautiful, attractive, a baddie, better discernment, better boundaries, I own the room, the crowd…I have partners when I desire it…on camera as a content creator and love it…

  • How many subliminals have you purchased?

14 + two free

  • What do you truly want out of life?

Prosperity - to do what I want, when I want, with whomever I want

  • Do you feel stuck?

Not in the least - I am optimistic, fantastic, having a blast in life

  • Is your life very similar or close to what it was like when you joined Subliminal Club?

Very different! I was very capable, but often lacked the will or energy to get up and do what I wanted to do with a good attitude. I was blah and inconsistent.

I was being silly with the subs before, listening to all of them every day (lol) , then stopped for a few months and picked back up doing a ZP stack of 3 for three cycles…I plan to go thru all of them that way. You are right, less is more, and I feel great about loving myself and knowing I’m loved.

Next I will get into my business and empire creation! I chose to do the love stuff first :slight_smile:


@Sage_Ninjistic – You aren’t the one we’re referring to, lol. We wouldn’t make such a grandiose post over what I’m perceiving as a mild miscommunication.

For the record, everyone, if your post gets flagged by enough members who have been here awhile, it’s hidden and placed in a moderation queue that only myself, Fire, @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher can see. It’s not gone forever. We clear the queue every few days. If we see no issue with your post, it’ll be restored and you get a message about it. Or, we can request that you edit the post. Or, we can delete it and it’ll send a warning. It’s nothing personal, and many times, the posts are restored.