Listening Day
TB 10:20 AA 10:10
Felt like I need a harder push this time.
Also I felt like I could use a refresher of my other Custom Abundances Architect which has winner overdrive and a few more wealth modules I cja use right now.
Listening Day
TB 10:20 AA 10:10
Felt like I need a harder push this time.
Also I felt like I could use a refresher of my other Custom Abundances Architect which has winner overdrive and a few more wealth modules I cja use right now.
That was yesterday.
I almost doubled my longest listening Time on TB. Today I have a mild but constant headache.
Tried everything (except for sport) to reduce recon: Salty bananamilk, minerals, sweets.
Nothing helped so far.
Sport isn’t an option right now since the headache gets worse once I start moving.
Nevertheless, it’s a good sign that I see an effect of TB which I didn’t consciously for the last couple of listening days.
I started reading Learning to love yourself which @JAnon recommended to my fiancee.
I’m a third into the book now.
But even the introduction hit my like a hammer.
It sounds so simple and so easy.
Just accept yourself and love yourself and everything else will fall in place.
This hit me harder then the 10 minutes of TB.
Once before, when I confronted and acknowledged my sexual desires, I had terrible headache because my brain needed to reconcile the obvious truth with what I was living.
Yesterday it was the same.
Whereas recon headache was mild and in the back of my head, the headache from understanding this simple truth, was a piercing headache in the frontal lobe. @CurlyGirl massaged my forehead for over an hour to reduce the pain.
This morning I continued reading the book and it felt like knowledge I learned years ago dropped from my brain, down into my heart.
Today I’m extremely tired.
I’m still waiting for the new drops before I decide what to run today. I’m considering pausing TB for today. If the drop happens at 4pm EST it’s around 10pm over here, so still before I go to bed.
We’ll see.
I’m glad you’re finding some value in the book!
There’s a few exercises in the later chapters that help with the integration, and they’re very simple to do (though not always easy)
The last couple of days I refrained from listening to subs. Partly because I wanted to listen to the new EoG which dropped far later than I anticipated. Then I thought some more time for processing will be helpful after my TB overdose.
I wasn’t very productive (financially) these last couple of days. Struggling with everything.
Yesterday I’ve translated the Gay Hendricks book for my fiancee (using ChatGPT) and did the typesetting.
In the evening I was seriously depressed. Everything felt hallow and empty.
It lasted for 1-2 hours.
Afterwards I tried some techniques from Learning to Love Yourself.
I said “I love myself for hating myself for being unproductive”. The following emotions were intense. I still can’t put it in words. Only, that it was to much at that moment, so I withdrew from this experience.
I’ve listened to LB straight from the release for a couple of cycles and put it later in a custom with Ascension which I’m running since last November. Maybe thanks to that, reading this book feels like remembering something I already knew. Also the application of the first technique felt so natural. I’m excited to integrating it more into my life.
Listening Day 9
New EoG1 5:00 TB 1:33 ME 1:33
I was considering to go strait into washout. Just two days more and I could start the next cycle.
But then I discovered Worthiness Recalibration in EoG1s copy. I think this is what I’m missing. It’s spot on. So I decided to go for it.
5 minutes until my subconsciousness said stop.
Funnily for TB and ME it was both 1:33.
Work wise, it was the most productive day in quite a time. Still not much compared to the past, but a very good step in the right direction.
The book from Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse?
From Gay Hendricks
Listening Day 10
New EoG1 9:30 AL 3:50
EoG1 10:40 TB 2:45 ME 6:16
A lot is going on recently and I regret that I did not journal about it. This whole loving myself is extremely potent. I guess running LB with Venus unveiled for some time made it even more potent. It feels absolutely natural now.
Sometimes I realize how I feel about myself, then I love myself and then I feel like crying. From deep down.
Today another fight with the fiancee. Tried to sleep for a while. Watched some anime. Can’t sleep. Tired. Have to get up in 4h.
I know we need a change. But saying I need to get my life in order to enable her to do the same, and as long as I’m not able to do that it’s my fault that she feels shitty…
I know I need to man up. That’s what I’m trying my whole life. Or at least the last 5 years. That’s why I’m running Khan now.
We’re trying to find a safe space where we can discuss these topics openly, without hurting each other to much. Completely without hurting each other is probably impossible, since we both would need to swallow to much emotions if we would try not to hurt the other part.
But speaking openly about everything before something gets pent up is probably the best way to go.
First day of washout
I had two big realizations today.
First. I’m still afraid of confronting my uncle about his intrusive behaviour, entering our living room. The most likely cause is that I damn well know, that it will lead to him confronting me about my shortcomings and that I can’t defend against them because I know my shortcomings very well. And all my inner work I did and the internal results don’t count for him.
I need a stronger frame.
Looking forward to running Khan St2 starting Saturday.
Second. I had a couple of loops of EoG1 since it’s release. And a few moneyfestations already. Once my mom gave me 50€ to get some coffee while waiting for the doggroomer to finish her dog. Then a customer at the gas station tried to return a 100€ Google play card because the code didn’t work. I can’t take such a card back of course. I had to tell him that he has to call Google directly to sort it out. He got angry and told me to throw the card away then. What I did. Later I retrieved it from the trash. And it worked without a problem. Since he told he will not visit us again…
And finally, I started to send out messages on Instagram again for work. I didn’t get one single answer the first week. Yesterday night I had a 10 minute loop of EoG1 and got two answers today.
I need to add that I was unable to cold message people for almost two months. I’m more than thankful that I didn’t loose my position in that time.
I started again two weeks ago, but it still was a pain in the ass. It was hard to motivate myself. So I often found myself late at night, that I still need to work. So I often got to sleep like 3am.
Since I started running new EoG, I feel a stronger pull to work throughout the day.
I also realized that I don’t do it earlier because it’s boring. Then I remembered why I’m doing this whole Akquisition stuff. Not for the sake of Akquisition, but it’s the gateway to learn sales.
And I want to learn sales.
So I now have a reason and motivation to do the unpleasant part of cold calling. I believe I’m also able to drop the unpleasant feeling over time.
The answers I got changed a lot already.
It’s 2:22 am again.
But it was so worth it.
I had my first pitch today in months, my fifth in total.
Also I started to learn Japanese with Duolingo 6 days ago. Only to learn today that it’s absolute garbage. But it was fun.
So today I decided to go a harder (maybe) but more promising path.
Full immersion learning.
Even with Duolingo I noticed that I get a inner understanding of the mechanics of the Japanese language. If I look back at my French lessons in 7th class onward, it was a nightmare. And since then I feared learning new languages. Especially Greek for bible studies at university.
I think that the full immersion approach is much more in line with my way of learning.
I also decided to get a haircut. Right now I have around shoulder length hair. I grew it out originally because I wanted to go for a certain style. Then I realized its not me. Got a cut. Only to grow it out again.
Now my CEO has long hair. I saw this as an confirmation that I don’t need to cut my hair to have success.
Only yesterday it occured to me, that it’s an issue of self-worth. Having this wild, ungroomed hair.
I considered an Eddie Moran style last year after watching Limitless. I think I’ll go for this cut.
Full immersion as in you’re thinking of moving to Japan or does it mean something else?
Like in listening to Jpop, podcasts, watching anime, reading books etc.
First it’s leaning Hiragana and Katakana, then some basic grammar to understand the language enough to use a dictionary, finaly, it’s starting the immersion. Easiest with children’s books. Then harder material over time.
I still don’t understand the principal fully (only started the research yesterday evening) but it’s looking great.
I extended my washout to a full week. After 5 days I suddenly had a very vivid dream and could remember a lot of it right after waking up. That didn’t happen in a few weeks now. So I decided to add more days to my washout. Today, the same thing. Vivid dreams and I was able to remember them. Not for to long, but at least right after waking up. It seems, the prolonged washout did something good to my processing.
Today I realized two things.
I’m afraid of starting subs again. Life could turn great after all.
I’m drawn to procrastination. I feel like not tackling my tasks. That’s nothing new. But at the same time, I have this certainty, that it would not make anything better. Not even more enjoyable. And that is a fight in me.
The one side says “Use your coping mechanisms, they worked fine in the past”. The other side is like “You know, it will not give you the pleasure you once got, do something to change your reality”.
Then, in my mind, I went through all the means I used to cope with reality:
I’m even here, journaling to postpone listening to Total Reprogramming and EoG1.
I have nine minutes left until a call starts. So I’ll just do it and listen to Total Reprogramming.
Cycle 2
Listening Day 1
TR 9:13 EoG1 15:00
I don’t know what this is, but my subconscious didn’t tell me to stop earlier, so I didn’t.
It almost feels like my mind was thirsting for this input. But at the same time afraid of it.
Over nine minutes of Total Reprogramming is extrem for a first loop. I don’t understand why my mind said it needs that much. 9 minutes of TB was headache hell. But that time, I ignored my internal warning and overlistened by a few minutes.
EoG1 full loop is also interesting. I went with 10:40 the last time and it went great.
I already feel a pressure in my head building up, like a very slight headache. And I felt a light ache in my left kidney. The one I had a renal colic. I can’t remember the reasons of the colic, but the pain almost faded completely as of now.
The subs are really kickin’ my butt.
I don’t know if it’s TR or EoG1, but my rejection issue is pulled to the surface.
First something in here triggered it, but I couldn’t tell what exactly it was, then, when I came into our bedroom, my fiancee didn’t pause her anime. She said hello, we talked a bit while she continued watching Dororo.
And I was standing there. Helpless like a little child that got abandoned. A part of me wanted to act pissed, hurt, petulant, throwing a tantrum.
Instead I decided to just openly speak about my emotions, how I felt. I even asked her first how her recollection of the situation was. She confirmed my memory, which I didn’t trust.
Then we spoke about it.
I felt like I have two options.
For the first, I wasn’t brave enough. To face these emotions. It’s not about crying in front of my fiancee. I did that countless times.
But facing this hurt, this pain. I’m still afraid.
For the second, I didn’t feel like pushing the pain away, or rather deeper inside. I’m happy it finally came to the surface. Fleeing from my own emotions would be the opposite of helping me to heal.
So I said to myself that I love myself for these emotions and my inability to face them. It’s a start. The start of embracing my rejection wound. The start of crying. Of healing.
The insight that I felt like a abandoned child only hit me while writing this entry. I need to ponder more about the experience that left me with this emotional baggage.
Btw, I plan to make a appointment for a new haircut tomorrow morning. Time for a new section of my life.
Got the appointment for tomorrow, so around 36 hours after I made the post
I still ask myself which sub caused this?
Total Reprogramming?
Worthiness Recalibration?
I would have expected this with Total Breakdown, not after. Or is it bloom?