Paragon Sleep Custom?

Hey guys, im at a point in my life where I just want better sleep with some wealth (help grow my business) and romance (Better connection with my gf) enhancements with as little recon as possible. I’m thinking of building a paragon sleep custom with some wealth and romance modules. I’m avoiding actual wealth and romance titles to keep it as light as possible as I’m not looking for major results, just some enhancements in my daily life. Is this a good idea? OR is there something else just as light that i can use as core

Paragon Sleep Core
Deep Sleep
Aura of Craving
Chosen of Venus
Soul Connection
Immortal’s Blade
Immortal’s Courage

Recon in the past has been VERY disruptive in my life and relationships, i’m more sensitve to subs thats why. Thats the reasoning behind my selections. Thanks guys.

Im pretty sure paragon sleep contain deep sleep so you can remove that module

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I would encourage you to put Mosaic in there.

Remember, the more focused, then you are more likely to get faster results.


In a support ticket i asked if using deep sleep module is redundant if your using paragon sleep core

“Regarding Paragon Sleep: Yes, Paragon Sleep does contain scripting for deep, restful sleep, similar to the Deep Sleep module. Therefore, using the Deep Sleep module in addition to Paragon Sleep might be redundant.”


thanks man, I still haven’t ordered this custom but yeah when I do i’ll report back on the results

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