Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Do you feel that Khan Core is going to be helpful during lockdown? Or is it that you want to be ready for Stage 4 when the time arises?

Funny enough I had a similar concern about not doing Khan ST1 due to Khan Core (because my social custom will have Khan ST4); my current listening plan doesn’t use Khan ST1. I think doing the wide-scoping healing which can be done in near-isolation will make up for that.

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This is why Khan Core.
Its not easy in lockdown but its managable.
I tried one loop of stage 2 and that is really insane i doubt i can do that in lockdown.

Interestingly @Azriel mentioned that one can still run Khan but work on other goals during lockdown…such as personal development & business. It can work but you get that horny kick now and again lol

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Definitely looking to avoid this haha. If anything I’d stack healing with Man For Himself

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Or Manifestation scripting.

We can theorize, or … we can enjoy whatever is happening. :innocent:

Add it to your list of limiting beliefs. :smile:

Remember that you are The Chosen One. :hugs:


…and by God, @Simon means simon :slight_smile: :money_mouth_face::joy:

(because that’s how I came to understand this message)


"Azriel, how did you become a God amongst men?"

– An actual line in the AzrielQ Custom.



answer: by asking my subconscious THAT question thousands of times for 6 months

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A few days ago something is pushing me to break up with my partner. Im starting to see all her faults and faulty ways of thinking. Its like when ever i look at her and her every move she makes there is something wrong.
I have no idea whats causing this thinking in me.


Are you still in stage 1 of Khan?

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Yes and alternating with DR 1

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@pacman - one idea I have is to wait for the ST1 of both Khan and DR to be over before you decide anything

But it is also possible that you are outgrowing your circumstances including some people in it


Im assuming its this…because lots of other people fustrate me as well but with her its like alot.

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That coworker that needed a plumber is now asking for advice…
Shes talking about other guys and if she must wait or message him etc lol
WTF is going on here lmao


I like your new profile pic @pacman

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Thank you @friday

my guess-she’s creating scarcity for you to press the issue yourself,
pretending to friendzone you, or friendzoning you since you didn’t
act on her overt interest—its called auto-rejection to justify what she may
perceive as your lack of interest in her by not escalating


Shes so weired in the way she behaves…completely forgot the geyser story lol
Women are very different creatures lol


Yup. What @Azriel said. A sort of “I will tell you I am attractive in a convoluted way to see if you like me”


Its not the first time she did something like this. She did it way too many times before…


Yeah I remember you mentioning it. All i can say is : “HULK SMASH”