Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Maybe these challenges (sale page) are a result from you changing, thus, the different perception of others may result in some challenge.

Personally, I don’t even believe in manifestations. I believe in the path God sets you on.


Is that it? That’s not even a Khan challenge!

Just explain what you wrote above and hold firm, that’s it. Khan wouldn’t even sweat that.

Anyway I’d rather you talk about this girl you’re mentoring at your place in the evening :wink:


You’re right and that sounds like a challenge which is actually a module called the forge and I do belief all these frame building incidences while on khan are basically challenges to help you calibrate your frame and dominance

More often than not they’re uncomfortable and the knowledge that it’s just a manifestation to help me build my core as a man helps me push through, dominance like a strong body generally has a very scary ceiling and rising in it is as uncomfortable as lifting heavy weights


That is it @Michel

@Simon san

trying to ruin my no fap streak :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I see exactly this on Khan.
Khan is also making me take revenge on those men that try to attack me.

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‘making’ is a strong word lol- your still steering the ship even if your influenced strongly towards certain propensities.

I haven’t run Khan enough to know the move there, but I imagine the revenge taking is recon/ your not yet integrated dark side. I think full Khan doesn’t bother with that. Can you channel the energy of change and dominance you want to act out with revenge in a way that would enhance your life instead?

Of course putting people in there place fully and going out of your way to do it could be part of the Khan process but worth considering an alternative perhaps.

Take what I’m saying with a grain of salt because maybe that is really the right thing for you at this point. I genuinely don’t know


I only feel the need to get back at people when I feel they disrespect me or attack my status.

There are certain social situations that bring this out for me.
Basically if I ignore them or the situate then they continue to walk over me.


@pacman like @Yazooneh said, Khan calls you to hold frame. You really don’t need to “take revenge” on anybody, just let that anger rise and hold.

The time a female big boss tried to emasculate me at work I just refused point blank.

How dare you try to make me pick up after you?

It was scary to do, but HELL NO you screwed up, you solve it.
She went and sulked in the corner.


You right @Michel and @Yazooneh I keep loosing frame in these situations. I basically let anger control me.

I think stage 1 is bring up parts of my personality that needs to be worked on.

Like you said I don’t need to take revenge.
Anger is another trait of mine that is in my way…


anger is good bro i mean you have no motivation to even hold frame without the strong protective rage

khan without anger is futile, because anger is just there in men naturally, aint never going to meet a masculine high value man like “I ACCEPT AND UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING, but that one thing you did really tickled my pickle and I’d want you to stop soon okay? <3”

if anything, using the rage to hold frame better is a goal of khan more than reducing your anger to accommodate others

I’d just say, control the rage rather than let it control you, some people are beneath you no matter what happens and even holding frame and breaking theirs is not worth it cuz you end up losing for even considering holding frame to someone that insignificant to your furious ascent or your climb or your personal gratifications


What did I do lol?

The apartment above my apartment was vacant all this time. Today a single mother came to enquire about the apartment :japanese_goblin::sunglasses:.

Is Khan manifesting these situations?

By the way…in all these apartments I’m the only Khan…I mean male. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



we need another anime pic to match this dream the man just manifested

hes literally the only man in a building full of women

@pacman make very clear to the single mom youre her sexual satisfier unless you want a relationship which i dont advise, single moms can be a bit “born again virgin”


I’m not sure if it’s sexual or if she will even take the apartment lol I just saw it like a manifestation lol

And like fire said in a post always assume attraction until a definite no…:laughing:

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if she moves in there and after you guys bang and you don’t wanna move things forward, things could get awkward considering you’re living so close and having to cross each other all the time etc

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what does this mean?

a girl whos far from being a virgin any more who has decided that she’s going to start encompassing the traits of a “newly born virgin”

this isnt helpful to any men looking to explore romance and sexuality since theyre going down their own journey and your game effectiveness is futile

id always rather go for 20 year olds no matter my age.


Enjoy this one for now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Paging @Tobyone because he’s been running Khan for months and I don’t think he is angry often? :wink:

Your post is generally correct, that anger should be used as FUEL, ENERGY to do something productive.

Still, I don’t think Khan makes you particularly angry intentionally?